What does your Darth Vader Costume consist of?

Ok For me it's

Helmet:D/P Classic action,painted with automotive basecoat/clearcoat with flex agents.
Armor : GT
Chest box: GT
belt: 2" leather belt with Sitharmor buckle and hand made boxes.
Gloves: Costume Junkie
Cod : Custom job by me
Shins: TK 510
Body suit:Custom made by me
Cape and Robe:Ebay <<<mschipley>>> best set of capes I have ever seen,very lghtweight but look heavy with nice flow.
Boots: Wolverine engineer boots
Sabre: hand made static to hang on belt and MR force FX when I need a blade.
ESB Vader

Helmet:Modified Rubies' Supreme
Chest box:Modified ROTS GT
Belt:Buckle by russrep, boxes made by me
Gloves:GT with shortened gauntlet (I HATE the looong elbow length gauntlets)
Cod:This guy in Argentina "Claudio Oliver", looks great (the codpiece)
Body suit:Sith World
Cape and Robe:Cape by Maia Vader on the STT (shipped today :D ), robe by local costume maker
Boots:Eastern Coast costume
Sabre:Modified MR FX (removable blade)
Hi Jacob here,
Mine is Episode IV:
John Boero helmet
Ghost Host armor
Ghost Host chestbox
Galaxy Trading belt, with self made IV type boxes
Galaxy Trading vinyl suit
Galaxy Trading robe
Galaxy Trading cape wool
Dark Shadow cod
Galaxy Trading shins self modified
Master Replicas FX saber
Master Replicas IV saber
Joe Keretzmann gloves

No photographs yet as I am still working on the belt boxes. I am doing a little something different with mine, what I quaintly call "Battle Hardened". I was inspired by some pre-production shots of someone else in the outfit besides David Prowse and the outfit had paint chips and a worn look to it. Similiar to Boba Fett, but not so extreme. I liked it much better, it invoked a look of a field commander I envisioned Vader being. Not a spit shined and polished outfit like you see in The Empire Strikes Back.
Time to resurrect this very old thread. :thumbsup

ANH version
Helmet: Darth Stone (new dome)
Armor: SPFX
Chestbox: self made from original measurements with RussRep and original parts
Leather belt: 99¢Taco
Belt boxes: RussRep with original parts
Belt buckle: RussRep
Leather suit: LA
Cod piece: self made
Shin armor: GT/SA
Boots: XElement Engineer Leather Motorcycle Boots
Cape/surcoat: my awesome and talented wife
Gloves: Superhero Gloves
Lightsaber: EFX & Hasbro hilt for belt

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I'll go. But I am still upgrading so this sounds really bad but it looks great,


Helmet: alln1 from eBay
Body suit: Customprops (Still waiting)
Cape and inner robe: Rubies
Armor: repainted Rubies
Chest box: GT from triomiret on eBay
Belt: Leather belt with modifed Rubies boxes
Buckle: Aluminum scuffed from eBay, not sure who made it
Cod: Rubies
Shins: Modified Rubies
Boots: $35.00 eBay boots
Gloves: I want to say Evolution props.
Lightsaber: Hallowed out Master Replicas ESB Froce FX and an Undamaged ESB Master Replicas Force FX

I think that's about it.
Necro Vader! I love it. :)

Mine is just the Rubies costume with a CKing helmet. Not the most SA but it does the trick well enough.
I bought one of the X T R E M E Vaders on EBAY.

I think Bruce Hansing did the hard stuff, and the soft stuff was David P.
He obviously no longer makes em....and we all know what he does now!
Great Stuff!

Doesnt look as shiny in person as it does in this photo.

Here's mine...


Helmet - DS
Armor: DS
Cape & Inner Robe: KevVader
Chestbox: Ace Replicas
Gloves: Indy Magnoli
1 Piece Leather Suit: GT
Belt: AP
Belt Boxes and Buckle: Ace Replicas
Cod: AP
Shins: GT
Boots: WWII German Officer
Saber: MR



Thats a nice Vader.
It really matters who or what fills the suit.
It can make or break the look.
Not sure which company sponsored that display but for crying out loud the cardback has a ROTJ logo at the top with a photo of Vader from ANH. :behave :facepalm

Based off the original art no? They just used an old shot of Vader back then so why change the packet. ;)
Love this pic Mike! Looks awesome.

Not sure which company sponsored that display but for crying out loud the cardback has a ROTJ logo at the top with a photo of Vader from ANH. :behave :facepalm


it can happen.....

Here's mine...


Helmet - DS
Armor: DS
Cape & Inner Robe: KevVader
Chestbox: Ace Replicas
Gloves: Indy Magnoli
1 Piece Leather Suit: GT
Belt: AP
Belt Boxes and Buckle: Ace Replicas
Cod: AP
Shins: GT
Boots: WWII German Officer
Saber: MR




Wow, besides a wonderful suit, you've got the ideal build to fill it out. That's something I don't see and say often.:eek
Facemask: fiberglass Don Post
Dome: angrywookiees from Italy
Armor: Larger 2008 GT version
Chestbox: Homemade from wood and leather, Russ parts, resin rockers, real buttons
Belt: homemade from Tandy blank, Russ boxes and buckle
Cod: Artisanprops
Shins: Vac-formed from ebay, sitharmor IIRC
Boots: Leather boots from Sportsman Guide
Leather body suit: Custom Props
Capes: Custom Props
Saber: Mostly an MR with a Larbel clamp





Lots of pics here: http://www.therpf.com/f67/james-kenobi-1138-darth-vader-anh-151604/