What new project needs doing?

A replica dewey drone arm would suit me fine.. I have a drone kit. Even got the actual carello headlight but need an arm...badly... We need to talk offline if possible.
Originally posted by Noeland@Feb 28 2006, 11:34 PM
How about a VK machine?  :D

Noeland: that project is well in hand by the best and the brightest... I'll try and find time for a call today - PM me if you have a preferred hour. :)

- Gabe
I actually have two of the original tiles from the set. They are thick gray styrene, vacu-formed sheets, painted to look like stone. It would not be hard at all to make a mold of this and get some duplicates if there is interest. They would make excellent gun backdrop plaques.

Originally posted by Jedirick@Feb 20 2006, 05:17 PM
GWTulsa did some great BR gun plaques based on the Ennis Brown House tiles.

Love to see some accurate sized Ennis tiles. Make a great addition as a display piece. Like enough to cover the inside of my house :D