What SCALE is the Master replica's Falcon?

I see that there's a big piece in front of the shield missing too.
The big "Y" shaped piece that connects to the shield should have a piece filling in the empty \/ of the "Y". The telltale grey color of a missing piece is visible in current pics (is that grey glue or primer?).
Another of the missing parts.
Pardon the scan from Chronicles but it was what I had handy. The piece pointed out is in fact missing from the MR.
Another of the missing parts.
Pardon the scan from Chronicles but it was what I had handy. The piece pointed out is in fact missing from the MR.
At least that one should be known by someone since it's repeated on the rear (port side right next to the engine light bar).
I have a few replacement parts from donor kits and they are exactly the same size as their MR Falcon counterparts.

Hey Steve, Nice to see ya.
I know the Body was CNC after being Scanned. Did they take Shrinkage into account once the scan was digitized? You would know.
Barry had mentioned there was shrinkage if for no other reason
the Polystone.

They have corrected for Shrinkage in the XWING (now with another co). However, seeing as they molded the original parts we sent them. There is obviously no way to fight the shrinkage monster for those, especially when cast in the fore mentioned POLYSTONE.

Now, for MOST people (everyone besides Steve, Barry, Moe and I), set the parts side by side. They Look the same.

And they are everyone needs to note that what is OFF by Our Standards, people who actually BUILD Models as opposed to those of you who just BUY them, are VERY different.

Moe pictures show you how OFF we mean.
Folks we are talking MILLIMETERS.

Really not sure why everyone is freaking out that it has somehow shrunk like a willie in a snow storm.

Who cares? Will you be displaying it next to a set of Calipers and the original?

No. So RELAAAAaaaaax.

We agree with Steve, the Falcon is AMAZING, and definately the best Reproduction that anyone has ever done of ANYTHING and it was an incredible team effort.

As far as missing parts.
All I can say, is we had SNAP SHOTS. And TWO Prop books for reference (SW to INDY and CHRONICLES). We did the best we could with what we had at the time.

Not to mention, we had a DEADLINE for MR's production. Have we found parts since then? Sure we have. Can we get all those parts to everyone who BOUGHT a falcon?


Can we ANNOUNCE everything we found?

And DENY you a taste of the FUN of RESEARCH so you appreciate the YEARS we put into this project?

How could we be so cruel?

Besides, you all have HI RES pics now....it should be easy.

Frank Cerney
I have a few replacement parts from donor kits and they are exactly the same size as their MR Falcon counterparts.


Some parts were CNCed by MR and injection molded. Some are direct castings from actual parts.

See previous post.