What was your first homemade prop?

After buying a few sonics and then bumping into this great place I got the courage to make a Second Doctors Sonic (in spirit not screen accurate).

Nothing fancy but alot of fun modifying - finding - sanding - painting :)

My first was a Mad-Eye eye, from HP 4, for a skit in my university. It was made from an ankle bandage, a ping-pong ball, a Gatorade cap, colored with markers and paint. It worked great for the part! I kept it around, but I'm not sure where it's at now. Hopefully I can update it at some point and make a more realistic version.
Like many, my "first" props were cardboard batarangs and the like as a kid. A few months back I made a Duct tape Batman cowl that I spraybombed with Krylon Satin black to play superheros with my kid. It is nowhere near accurate but not terrible for an hours work, reminds me of one of the Batman imposters masks from TDK.

My first real attempt at a prop was the Arc Reactor that I made from parts I got at Home Depot and some LEDs.

