What's this rating thing?

Generally, one gets a license before they're allowed behind the wheel, Matt.

You folks should take a look at the responses to this as an indicator of the faith people hold in the current leadership.

Just saying. That's all.
Originally posted by WinstonWolf359@Jul 25 2005, 03:06 AM
No need for cloaks and daggers, guys.  :)

Rob and I were looking at some of the forum controls and that was something I toggled "on."

There is a warning system built in to the Invision software and it's something we've never used and I was taking a look at how it worked.

As I understand it no one can see individual panels, just your own, correct?

No policy change is planned, and the controls accessed via that warn panel are exactly the same as the ones we use now, except they are visible to the invidual member with that one box checked.

Sorry, I really didn't mean to turn on the spin machine in the rumor mill...just looking at some of the features.



So does that mean that this feature you just toggled on is going to remain on? I think if this is going to remain a "feature" then you should address it and amy policies associated with it and let the population know the plan. That will reduce the "rumor mill". Your statement implies it was almost an accident and it won't be remaining. So which is it?
Actually, I like the idea.

It's easier than actually moderating the board. ;)

Boo. :lol

For some odd reason, I can't see my threat level, but I would be interested in knowing if this experiment is over and whether we can expect a downgrade in the color coded alert system?

It would also be interesting to know what other tests we, in the petri dish, should expect.



Originally posted by moogybaby@Jul 24 2005, 09:19 PM
You folks should take a look at the responses to this as an indicator of the faith people hold in the current leadership.

Just saying. That's all.

I would say that's quite an overstatement when you look at how many active members there are on this board and how many people actually got all worked up enough to post about this issue.

You seem to have quite a flair for the melodramatic. I hope you are looking into being paid for those talents. Quite frankly they are being wasted on those of us on the board who get to witness it for free.
Originally posted by WinstonWolf359@Jul 25 2005, 03:06 AM

There is a warning system built in to the Invision software and it's something we've never used and I was taking a look at how it worked.

Yeah, probably because Invision is charging you an arm and a leg to not provide pages of material explaining exactly how the features work. :confused


Ahhhh, I love the smell of "pants on fire". :lol

(Hey, guys... wanna bet my ((now invisible but still on)) warning meter gets bumped to '1' after this post?? :lol :lol )

i havent noticed any new labels under my nick. maybe its a glitch in the system or something.

Originally posted by El Cucuy@Jul 25 2005, 01:04 AM
I would say that's quite an overstatement when you look at how many active members there are on this board and how many people actually got all worked up enough to post about this issue.

You seem to have quite a flair for the melodramatic. I hope you are looking into being paid for those talents. Quite frankly they are being wasted on those of us on the board who get to witness it for free.

El CooKoo (sp?),

If by "flair for the melodramatic", you mean common sense and intelligence, you would be correct.

Now please go back to the living room and let the grown-ups talk.

Newbies... :confused

Hugs and kisses,

Originally posted by slave1pilot@Jul 25 2005, 05:43 AM
I still can't see it

You can no longer see it, the warning level that was visible earlier was,

1. Turned "off" as a whole


2. Still "on" but hidden from the normal 'members' view
Originally posted by Magic Man@Jul 24 2005, 06:27 PM
We had a similar option on another board a while back where everyone rates eachother and it did nothing but cause problems.


I forsee the possibility of users rating other users ONLY turning out to be bad.
You mean the mods of an internet forum, who could already warn and ban users anyway (just like any other internet forum), can warn and ban users?? FEAR THEM... :lol

Getting a little jumpy these days, eh?

Guys, the control that allowed all staff to suspend a member was in place long before I left (and further, there was a similar temp-ban feature on the old board for as far back as I can remember). It was there for one reason: Emergency temp-ban of a spammer/porn-spammer newb. That way if no one else was on, but one member of the staff spots a spammer, something can be done to settle the situation until the admins/others can look at it.

In the staff forum there was a thread which stated (almost word for word IIRC): "This is for EMERGENCY USE ONLY. If someone joins and spams the main forum with Viagra ads, or joins and throws porn ads all over, hit the account with 24 hours until the rest of us can take a look. If an established member gets a little snotty? DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT" That was the extent of it. We never made use of the "warn level" part of it.

Dunno what's so scary about that, but hey, rumor-mongering and trying to drum up fear over non-issue after non-issue is more fun than posting about props, right?


Cue the "what's scary about that is that they might someday maybe possibly abuse that feature which they've had and haven't abused (and is pretty much a redundant feature so all this is moot anyway.) See??? SCARY..." :lol

In the staff forum there was a thread which stated (almost word for word IIRC): "This is for EMERGENCY USE ONLY.

Before too much suggestion is made thet we're all idiots, spot the one slight flaw as far as us ordinary members are concerned.....
"well, we thought we had something, they've shown us that it was nothing, but if we keep saying they're corrupt, maybe people will buy it."

Who the hell does having (for literally years now) an emergency temp ban available to staffers for porn/spammers favor? Those who don't want porn spammers on the RPF?


On a related note, Chad and I always used to joke... If you're on the internet, and you have to go the RPF to get porn... YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG.. :lol

Originally posted by Wampa@Jul 25 2005, 08:48 PM
"well, we thought we had something, they've shown us that it was nothing, but if we keep saying they're corrupt, maybe people will buy it." 

Who the hell does having (for literally years now) an emergency temp ban available to staffers for porn/spammers favor?  Those who don't want porn spammers on the RPF?


On a related note, Chad and I always used to joke...  If you're on the internet, and you have to go the RPF to get porn...  YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG.. :lol


Tom it's interesting that the current staff puts the spin that it was "accidently" turned on "oooopps" while you put a "it's to ban spammers" spin on it...

The truth and fact without any spin is that the built in warning system of this forum was turned on, for what reason who knows... Did it grant the admins/mods power to ban nope it's clear that they had/have that power... But, by the same tolken why was a system that has NO other use except to ban or restrict all the sudden turned on? Why if the staff just "accidently" turned it "on" were several of the default settings of this feature changed as well? The fact is the system was configured and then "accidently" turned on for an undisclosed reason...

Here is a screen shot of the admin/mod panel that it unlocks, notice all the good features this system turns on...

I honestly believe that the system is still in place, with only the small overlooked "hide from pee-ons" option turned on now... Is it a big deal, probably not, but for the staff and ex-staff to play it off with conflicting "Nothing to see here, move along..." attitudes, is worse in my eyes then being upfront and honest about why it was even being looked at in the first place and/or tested at all...
Rob thank you, again as in many other recent threads why couldn't a straight forward, upfront and honest answer like yours be given from the start to avoid the conflict?

Why all the hush, hush nothing to see here, move along games and spins by the current RPF staff in regards to concerns and questions from the members?
Rob Matt did give a reply, and I did read it, but his reply and yours are different, he left a lot of unanswered questions almost avoiding the issue...

Also Matt stated clearly that no policy change was planned, in conflict with your response that things *are* being looked at... I understand that being looked at and planned are different but not far apart...
Also Matt stated clearly that no policy change was planned, in conflict with your response that things *are* being looked at... I understand that being looked at and planned are different but not far apart...

Well, I don't see a policy change so much as the way they might implement policy as being looked at. Two different things.