What IF they used this one, and shortened the center? Don't have any measurement, but first load, looks like screen used one. SG7900 62.2" Dual Band Mobile Antenna VHF UHF Car Antenna For Mobile Radio tps
SG-m507 brings the smaller one alone, which I think will a better option to save some money IF the part is around the measurement what we are looking for. They are selling them locally, so I will try to take a look personally next week.
What IF they used this one, and shortened the center? Don't have any measurement, but first load, looks like screen used one. SG7900 62.2" Dual Band Mobile Antenna VHF UHF Car Antenna For Mobile Radio tps
In the interest of giving ourselves more options outside of fully assembled antenna springs, I thought it would be useful to figure out what the cone piece itself is called.
I've seen them referred to as "whip adaptor" and "ferrule", which should give us a decent place to start to find one with the right proportions and setscrew location.
Also, an off-the-wall idea based on a google lens search: what about a couple of pen tips?
Took my first swing at cutting down a SG-m507, and it certainly looks close enough for me.
(The telescoping antenna I'm using sticks out from the body a little too much because I wanted to attach it to the original circuit board, but I'm rethinking that plan of I can't find one that's exactly 4" collapsed rather than 4.25")