[WIP]Shae Vizla, Mark II started! As she now actually appears in SWTOR

Re: WIP: Shae Vizla, Bounty Hunter TOR

Wow, great work so far. I can't wait to see how this turns out. :)

Thanks :) It's been stalled a bit due to health (sanding is not good for me in any way- my wrists are munted to use the kiwi vernacular). I'm far from even getting the helmet finished ;) It's using a set of skills I need to work on- mechanical precision- I am better at sculpting things with an organic flow. Definitely know this is my Achilles heel ;) Have been called out on it on a few occasions ;)

Changing tack on a few parts to see what will work best.
Re: WIP: Shae Vizla, Bounty Hunter TOR

I loved the SW:TOR trailers and most of the characters that are portrayed in them, looking forward to seeing how this turns out. The masked and robed Sith acolytes are my favourites though.

I adore Hellgate London and one day will make the female Templar....lol

Cant wait to see the Bounty Hunter made flesh!
I just realised, but you must be the same Sakara as on the flagship forums, I've heard you say that before. :)
Re: WIP: Shae Vizla, Bounty Hunter TOR

oh hell...you're from new zealand! ME TOO!! this is exciting, seeing all these kiwis doing this stuff :D looking forward to seeing how this turns out!
Re: WIP: Shae Vizla, Bounty Hunter TOR

Thanks :) Yeah kiwis get around a bit ;)

Progress has halted for a bit, health dramahs... but I'm hoping the miracle injections I've been approved for really are miraculous ;) I'd like to get working on amour bits during summer. Curing in winter in Auckland is hair pullingly frustrating.
Re: WIP: Shae Vizla, Bounty Hunter TOR

Well I hope your health gets better, and even though its been said before I cant wait to see the finished product of this project, awesome work so far.
Re: WIP: Shae Vizla, Bounty Hunter TOR

Ugh, I know a bit about health issues. I had a traumatic car crash and was unable to use my right hand for months. I hope you get your Christmas miracle.
Re: WIP: Shae Vizla, Bounty Hunter TOR

I hate replying without an update but I wanted to say thanks to both of you :) As an aside this is what I am currently trying hard to work around:

Both wrists are in the same state, and while the miracle won't stop this it will hopefully prevent this happening in my other joints. I'm already feeling a bit of grinding in my thumbs which is why I'm holding off doing more damage!

So any advice on how to sand on a budget and without twisting and wrenching wrists will be appreciated ;)

I'm looking at a few options for the body armour. it may wind up that I sculpt it all and make a mold from that to ease up on the potential sanding involved with either piecing from styrene or cardboard/fibreglass.

I've also been putting off the bodysuit as it is as complex as my Samara suit and has zero room for refitting. Several months of high dose corticosteroids has left its mark ;)

Oh there is a bit of community share back for this thread:
Art of Marek Okon
Nice new illustration :) Love this version of her the most :)
Re: WIP: Shae Vizla, Bounty Hunter TOR

*double post* Some weird blip because I certainly didn't cut and paste or type that all out twice ;)
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Re: WIP: Shae Vizla, Bounty Hunter TOR

Sorry to hear about your wrist issue, as you've made some great progress!
I can't say I know of any real cheap alternatives other then just using the bare minimum. As for making it easier and within tolerance to your wrists, I'd say either move onto using a powered sander, like a mouse sander, when you can for the parts. As for hand sanding, just take it slow and try to maintain sanding in one direction at a time. I imagine much of the pain comes from vigerously sanding back and forth. I've gottnen pain myself after awhile. Also, when pain is setting in, take a break!

Hope the best for you!
Re: WIP: Shae Vizla, Bounty Hunter TOR

Thank you :) Yes I've been checking out mouse sanders and I think there is one I might be able to use, it's light and also a bit more ergonomically designed ;)

Next up is to go back through my old Physics notes- electric curcuit diagrams and all that jazz :)
Re: WIP: Shae Vizla, Bounty Hunter TOR

So repetitive of me, but it looks amazing. I'm sorry to hear that your wrist is holding up the progress!
Re: WIP: Shae Vizla, Bounty Hunter TOR

Wow this is looking good if you need any help with reference photos from the decieved trailer I have her from all angles, I'm really hoping you can finish this and that you might be attending D*C 2011 with it, especially since I'm working on Malgus, now all we need is a few Sith Acolytes, and whoever the Twilek was in the CG and we can invade a convention.
Re: WIP: Shae Vizla, Bounty Hunter TOR

Once I get my acolyte costume that'll make two (I'll post a link to the other guys tomorrow) would look awesome to see everyone's done in a group photo of some event. I should make a thread for mine tomorrow. I agree with you, someone should definitely do Eleena Daru aka the twi'lek girl aka Malgus' gf
Re: WIP: Shae Vizla, Bounty Hunter TOR

Once I get my acolyte costume that'll make two (I'll post a link to the other guys tomorrow) would look awesome to see everyone's done in a group photo of some event. I should make a thread for mine tomorrow. I agree with you, someone should definitely do Eleena Daru aka the twi'lek girl aka Malgus' gf

Dragon Con 2011

8 months away, should be plenty of time to finish. :D

As soon as I am finished with Tarfful, I plan on making Darth Malgus. ..maybe... so far. lol

Also.. Ouch, those radiographs. Wow.
Re: WIP: Shae Vizla, Bounty Hunter TOR

dtep: Thank you :) Yeah, it's been a bit hard, but i also lost faith in myself- which happens when you can't do something.

Vagabond: That would be amazing thanks :) my various media players just are not helping ;) I id manage to hunt out a new power cable so I can access the HDD of my old computor with the nifty program that allows for going frame by frame :) But I still don't think I have a very high res copy of the trailor ;)

Zaxmon: I have a sneaky suspicion y thumb is going the same way.. sigh. First injection down though :)

I'd love to get to D*C but it's just not going to happen :( Not unless I find a sugar daddy and well that's terribly unlikely ;) About as likely as winning lotto which I don't play ;)

Today I managed to scratch some detail into the helmet : Score lines for getting the dremel and mini files into :)
Re: WIP: Shae Vizla, Bounty Hunter TOR

really great work! my wife has pestered me a little to work out how to build this suit, sans the helmet.
seems your technique involving a mannequin and cardstock is really working out! i've tried it before, but never gone to the extent you have, the shapes are really coming together, well done!!
Re: WIP: Shae Vizla, Bounty Hunter TOR

Thanks :) I found the armour rather harder to pattern than the Templar as it stands out from the body so much and the paper and card kept collapsing ;)

So a little progress.. ok about 20 hours of bogging and cutting and sanding..

Marking the details on the helmet as I had left it. Decided it was way to asymetrical after all and I bogged out the front some more:

Using paper tape and paper to mask off and match sides:

Getting the detailing in:

Where I left it tonight. Mini files and dremel did most of the shaping but I have a lot more to do I know :) Will be looking at priming and cutting back that soon for smoothness though

There is about half an inch extra at the back which tapers down to a few mm at the front. I've tested the shell on my head to make sure that it fits and it does. The shape is a little different to the model mainly because my noodle is not the same shape ;) Pretty sure my nose fits in there with little trouble.
Re: WIP: Shae Vizla, Bounty Hunter TOR

while the helmet is cool, why aren't you going helmetless? the character looks better (imo) with her hair down, as it were, and it adds to the recognizability of the character, as well as the fact you seem to have the face and hair to pull it off.

it seems like it would be alot less work for something that may be uncomfortable to wear for long periods.

that said, making the helmet is quite a prestigious feat, i've never managed a one piece helmet yet, and it's certainly looking great thus far.
Re: WIP: Shae Vizla, Bounty Hunter TOR

Some people like helmets, others don't. I am a fan of helmets. :)

That being said, it always surprises people when you take the hat off and still look the part.
Or when I surprise people with my Chewbacca by having a fully articulate mouth and roar.

Helmet looks good. What material is it?