Wood Harry Potter Wand Replicas_update 10-31-11...

I don't believe they are. I keep in contact with Danny so I will check with him and let him know people are asking about his wands here.
great job! do you have your own thread and sell these?

I hope everybody on here is enjoying the remainder of the holiday season and that you're all gearing up for an exciting New Year! That being said, I wanted to share something with all of you that I'm pretty excited about as well - my latest version of Wormtail's wand (forgive the poor quality of some of the pictures - I need to invest in a better camera!). This particular wand has been a long time in the making, and I definitely have to give credit to HeirofOlivander for sharing some really great reference pictures!

As has been pointed out in earlier posts on this site, Wormtail's wand is actually based on a snake whose head curls back onto a wavy, zig-zagged body. I originally wasn't particularly fond of this wand's design just because it's a little unimaginative; it's like there was no effort to take snakelike elements and somehow create a wand from them, instead the wand is just a plain (though somewhat stylized) snake and nothing more. However, there's just something about the warped shape of the wand that grew on me throughout the process of carving it.

This wand represents my first attempt at carving ebony, and compared to the usual domestic woods I'm used to, this was like carving stone. In fact, my normal carving knives were essentially useless for everything but the fine details just because they kept getting dull against the hard ebony. So I had to use a combination of power tools for forming the majority of this wand. In the end, though, I think all the hard work and blisters were well worth it because the ebony gives this wand a great weight and I love the fact that I didn't have to use any stain on it at all. In addition, once I sanded everything and got it as smooth as I could, I was actually able to polish it to a pretty high sheen using a buffing wheel, which I thought was pretty crazy considering wood can be polished as if it were metal! I'll definitely be using ebony again in the future, but in the meantime, I'm really excited to know what you think about this attempt at Wormtail's wand!

As a final note, I wanted to share something interesting about this wand that I found a few days ago. From what I remember in the books, this wand was specifically made for Wormtail by Mr. Ollivander during his emprisonment at Malfoy Manor. So in essence, this would be Wormtail's second wand, or at least a different one than the wand he would have used as a student at Hogwarts. However, I came across a picture from the filming of The Goblet of Fire (I got this picture from the Harry Potter Page To Screen book) where Wormtail appears to be pointing his own wand at Harry instead of Voldemort's. So the design of this wand has apparently been around for a lot longer than any of us ever would have guessed!

So since The Goblet of Fire movie was made before Book 7 was released, it makes sense that J.K. Rowling must not have shared this wand's history with the film crew ...or she might have just made it up as she went along. Or, it could be that Mr. Ollivander simply carved Wormtail's second wand to resemble his first one. In any case, I just thought it was a strange little detail that fellow wandmakers and collectors might enjoy! :)
Hello everybody!

I'm not sure if anyone has taken a look at this thread in a while since it seems to have gone into an extended hibernation, but just in case there are any members still on here, I wanted to share a few of the wands I've been working on.

I've really been trying to get away from using paints and stains to make my wands, instead using various exotic woods to achieve the right colors and shades. To that end, I give you the following wands:

Viktor Krum - This wand is made from a piece of canarywood. Canarywood is great because it has a great rich yellow color and it's fairly easy to work with. I might still go in and try to "age" this wand a little more with a few more cut-ins, and little details, but I'm pretty satisfied with the results so far.

Remus Lupin - I made this draft of Lupin's wand using brown ebony (which is quickly becoming one of my favorite woods to work with because of the beautiful grain, good weight, and excellent strength). The piece I chose was (color-wise) one of the lightest samples of brown ebony I've seen so far, and in person, it's more of a slightly darker shade of honey. The indentations in the handle and the bulb at the end make this a really comfortable wand to hold.

Minerva McGonagall - This is without a doubt one of the wands that I'm the most proud of because it's one of the most realistic. The handle is made from brown ebony, while the shaft is made from a piece of flawlessly black Gaboon ebony. Both pieces are connected by a very strong joint and they are perfectly centered so that when you spin the wand, the shaft doesn't come out of the handle at a different angle. Additionally, I purchased a piece of real Baltic amber to use for the tip of the handle. This wand has a really great weight in your hand, and it looks like a real artifact, which is the goal I'm always shooting for in creating my wands.

Scabior - This wand has a pretty simple design, so in making it, I purposely chose a particular piece of ebony that was not completely black all the way through. Instead, the wood has sort of a marbled appearance with lighter shades of brown streaking through it. Additionally, I purposely did not sand the shaft of this wand at all, instead leaving the rough knife marks clearly visible. However, I did buff this wand to a high polish to make the fine details really stand out. All of this really contributed to giving this wand its distinctive rough-hewn/battle-worn appearance.

I hope you guys enjoy, and let me know what you think!

Absolutely incredible craftmanship on the wands in this thread. Well done to both HeirofOlivander and dcn5002!
Of the latest dcn5002 batch, I'm most taken with the McGonagall and Scabior wands. Just lovely. How did you connect the pieces on the McGonagall version?

Here's my own wand project I made before the premiere of the Deathly Hallows films. It's not a replica of the film wands, but one just for me. It's sort of a blend of Sirius and Snape's wands, with some viking knotwork thrown in.

I didn't have access to a lathe, so this was carved and reduced using only various hand tools and sandpaper. The wood is hickory, and was stained dark and then sealed with polycrylic. The source wood was a drumstick. This was my first woodcarving project, so I didn't know beforehand how hard hickory was to carve. :lol But I loved it and the process anyway. I even designed the mass to taper in a way similar to an 18th century smallsword for better point control during dueling, and spent about a month and a half working on it in my down time and fine-tuning it until I had the pivot points where I wanted. I don't remember the overall length, but it fit into a Noble-Collection box, so the dimensions are similar to the film wands.

I recently lost this wand in a cross-country move and have been a bit heartbroken ever since. I could make another wand, I'm sure, but it wouldn't be the same. I still have my hopes up that I'll stumble across it somewhere and be reunited.










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Wow, Lunaman...that's an incredible wand with beautiful crafsmanship...and, carved from a drumstick, to boot! :thumbsup Who would have thought?

I sure hope it re-appears for you...it would indeed be a shame, if it were never recovered (by yourself, anyway).

Wow, Lunaman...that's an incredible wand with beautiful crafsmanship...and, carved from a drumstick, to boot! :thumbsup Who would have thought?

I sure hope it re-appears for you...it would indeed be a shame, if it were never recovered (by yourself, anyway).

Thank you kindly, Rob, that's very nice of you to say. I'll keep my fingers crossed and continue to search.
I recently took some of the sting out of the loss by working on this Advanced Potions book. Like the wand, not quite screen-accurate, but very authentic feeling.
http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m7/Lunaman1/Advanced Potions Book/DSCF2369.jpg
Advanced Potions Book Photos by Lunaman1 | Photobucket
Word of warning to anyone considering purchasing wands from Jeff Hoffman, aka HeirofOlivander - he owes several people wands and has stopped communicating entirely on his Etsy store. His communication has always been poor but now he's off the radar entirely and owes people either their wands he promised or their money back, myself included.
Just thought I'd add my newest creation to this great thread. Elder Wand made of Lignum Vitae. I chose Lignum Vitae because of it's density/weight. I first tried a number of other more traditional hard woods and the finished product was light as a feather. Not what I was going for. This has a little bit of weight to it which gives it a more realistic feel, IMHO. The stand was just something I threw together quickly, definitely not finished with the stand.

That's a fantastic replica, Logan! Really well done! Did you use any stain on it? Whenever I work with Lignum Vitae, it always seems to be more greenish in color, but yours looks like the perfect shade of brown.

I also had a question that I wanted to ask on this thread. A couple of my friends have recently gotten married, and I was thinking of carving them a couple wands. I was thinking of making a version of James's wand for the guy, but I wanted to see if anybody on here might have any ideas for a design for Lily Potter's wand for my friend's wife. In the books, Lily's wand is made from willow, and it's described as being "swishy." I personally don't really care for willow because it's kind of a softer wood, so I was thinking of using something else instead - maybe ebony to be more of a contrast to James's more lightly colored wand. Additionally, I want it to look good next to James's wand, but at the same time, I don't want it to be as simple as his is. Though in order for it to be "swishy," I'm thinking it should maybe be a little longer than James's and also maybe a little thinner. Any thoughts? :)
If you were to sell Parvati Patil's wand, what would you price it at? it is so unique. It's beautiful and so well made.
If you were to sell Parvati Patil's wand, what would you price it at? it is so unique. It's beautiful and so well made.


If you're looking to get an answer from HeirofOlivander, I don't think you'll get one as they haven't been on the forum in almost a year and a half.

However, you could make a post in the Junkyard under the "New Member 'Want to Buy' Thread" thread and you might have some luck there from someone else!
Hello everybody! It's been so long since I shared any wands, but here are a couple that I just finished for a couple friends of mine. I've been playing around different textures with the wands I've been making lately, and these wands show off a couple unique ones.

The first one, I started out attempting to design a wand for Lily Potter. I wanted something with an organic, elegant shape that just looked like a really interesting wand, as a whole. So then to dress the wand up, I added a spiraling stripe that changes angles and widths as it wraps around the wand. Then to give it an extra dimension, I gave the stripe this really cool texture that's made up of thousands of tiny little divots in the wood. They almost look like little fish scales when you look at the wand up close (which at the time, I thought would be perfect for Lily Potter because one of the only specific mentions of her magical abilities is when she transformed a flower petal into a fish for Professor Slughorn). From far away though, it's still an interesting effect because the stripe appears to be a slightly lighter color than the rest of the wand. So it almost looks like a wand that's gray and black, depending on the light. I'm not sure if this wand fits Lily Potter, but for one reason or another, it just didn't look all that great next to James Potter's wand. So to that end, I made the second wand!

This wand isn't entirely my own design, so I can't take all the credit - I did borrow the shape of the handle from a wand I found in an online search. In any case, I wanted these two wands to go together and look good next to each other, so I decided to give this second one a texture of its own. Rather than making the same divots, I chose something which I guess is called chattering. I just fitted my dremel with a fine engraving bit, and then started making a lot of random squiggly patterns into the wood. It has a really different feeling in your hand, and it really gives you a firm grim on the handle. But I think it just looks awesome in person. In fact, the wood looks almost more like stone when it's been chattered like that.

I chose ebony for both of these wands because I think it makes them both look really classy in a way, and ebony has a great weight and feel to it on its own. They kind of have a weird, Tim Burton kind of look to them, but I think that's part of the reason why I like them. I hope you guys do too!


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