Finally someone has created a simple, inexpensive and practical gauntlet blade mechanism. Hat's off to you. Any chance you could post up a schematic with material call outs on how to build one of these?
The main tube and blades are made from 1/8" ABS. The blades are two pieces laminated together to eliminate the hair cell from showing.
Most of this wasn't really measured, it was cut to fit.
The blade assembly is 1-5/8"W x 2"H
The I.D. of the launch tube is 1-7/8"W and 2-1/8"H
The tubes length is now 11.5"
The blade length is just shy of 15"
So the overall length when retracted it 15"
Extended it's 23.25"
-So it has a 8.25" stroke-
The top cover was rounded over for looks and the blade block was rounded to match it. The U shape cutout was so that it could go another 1/4" further out and I add a second catch on the front because of this.
Because of the way I folded the plastic it radiased a little more than I inteded and therefore I had to have more space either on top or on the sides. I left it on the sides. This allows for free unbound movement. I added small things I'm calling guide spacers that take up the wobble when fully extended. They aren't need when retracted because of the rubber band tension.
The two issues I've been trying to minimize are the binding on the rubberband and the rubberband herniating forward. With loose tolerances the binding is gone and I have the rubberband tethered to the middle near the screw to minimize the herniation.
Does that awnser your questions on this, or where you looking for screw sizes and stuff?