Sr Member
Holy WOW! All of you look amazing!
I have been following this thread for a while and thank everyone for posting hints and tidbits, which helped me make my Mystique flight suit
I did use a basic body suit pattern and alter it. Its a one-piece suit. I had to sorta "make" the yellow mesh by putting the yellow mesh fabric on top of a navy blue so you couldn't see through it since at the time I couldn't find any yellow mesh that wasn't transparent. I definitely couldn't sit in it and it was rather warm, but I tried my best to match the fabrics to the best of my ability (including painting the ribbed fabric black since I could only find it in green). A great deal was also hand sewn because of the types of fabrics I found and the multiple layers. What was down right impossible to find were the buckles for the straps - I ended up finding some black ones that were originally on construction knee pads and taking those off to use. I left them black because to paint them might have looked tacky, IMO.
Was quite the project, but I am happy with the results.
I noticed that the valve knobs on the abdomen should be about half the size as the center buckle. But otherwise the details are sweet.
Thanks again, Nick the Pic.
I am starting to think Beast was the coolest young member of the team. The older two don't count.![]()
Roger that. Good luck at the con scoring some awesome swag.
Lookin foward to seeing progress on it though.![]()
Is that anything like a flash mob? :lol
Hey all, some great looking stuff on this thread! I already posted these on a separate one, but figured I'd share here too for consolidation's sakeThese are few glamor shots of my Magneto getup from the 31st.
I ended up making a few compromises on the jacket and pants for time and budget reasons, but I'm happy with the general impression of the costume. I'm not a fan of how my jacket protrudes beneath the belt...that's one of the things I think I'll have to fix if I wear it to a con. That and the addition of arm and knee pads! I'm really liking some of the jackets other folks have been coming up with, so might have to try something more authentic in the future.
Helmet is a fiberglass casting of my original sculpt, harness is hand-made with buckles and (nonfunctional) ladder locks cast from original sculpts, jacket is a modified neoprene tunic recolored using fabric paint, pants are army surplus with a few modifications and zippers added. Boots are my hiking boots from North Face which happened to be perfect once the yellow trim was blacked out! Hope you enjoy!