Hi everyone, I've dedicated myself to an older project. In the past there have been discussions in various forums about the padding of the ANH Hero X-Wing helmets. Most people are of the opinion that APH-6 earcups were used here. I always had big doubts about this because the contours of these pads didn't fit at all in many pictures. At some point I found a nice b/w picture of Gold Leader and I think that you can see that it's not an APH-6 earpads. I thought about it and thought, well, the film was made in the UK and military equipment from all sorts of countries was used. Back then there were military shops on every corner where you could buy old equipment at reasonable prices. And now look at what I came across... I'm 100% sure that RAF Type F/G doughnuts were used for the ANH Hero X-Wing helmets. They were available in various shades of color and were used until the 80s. For the ESB and ROTJ where used in some Helmets custom made paddings.