Re: X-Wing Madness. Not here, just boring old fun!
OK here goes on my first step by step. 1st I find this really hard as it seems to add a little pressure, I'll get used to it though. These will only be done showing the basic weathering as it will be touched up & tweaked quite a lot when its assembled.
I started with the wing in its basic color with the blue already added to the engines (with some pastel already added)
I masked off a few of the straight lines then with a big brush rubbed in some black pastel with some rusty brown pastel over the top of it
next I added some very light brown area's with the airbrush (masking was removed for this)
The masking is put back, then I added more weathering with black & grey pastel & flat black with the air brush. The darker area on the engine block will be lightened later. Also the blast marks are added with a quick burst of the airbrush directly over the spots that there needed, a ltlle brown was added to the flat black for the blast marks.
Over all the black area's I used a large soft brush to rub in a light grey pastel, this is to take the edge off the black & to blend it into the base color a little. I also added some rusty stains under the engine using an enamel thinners and pastel mix (quite sludgy).
Blobs of enamel thinners & grey pastel are splattered on the engine block then almost straight away sanded back using 800 grit wet & dry.
More brown pastel is added to the engine block & wing, some masking tape was used to get the straight edge.
The blast streaks were added next using masking tape & a small brush dipped in enamel thinners wiped with a tissue then mixed into the black & rust pastel. Also I have added the pink pastel overspray around the gun mount at the end of the wing. More brown & grey pasel's are randomly brushed into the wing also.
Everything is given a rubdown with a 220 grit between coats pad & a mist of the base color over the top of the darker area's. you do loose a lot of detail here but it adds to the aged look and really soften the weathering down. With the 220 grit I tend to cut it into small 1 inch squares and dab & twist instead of side to side strokes.
The engine thrusters have been sprayed flat black for this wing but have yet to be weathered.
Sorry if its a bit rushed.