Y-Wing Building

These two entries in the list:

DML 1/9 Kleines Kettenkraftrad Sdkfz 2
re-issue of ESCI/ERTL halftrack motorcycle
Price: $80
Parts used (& their application):
strut detail on engine dome, the front part the struts go into.
Notes: See Tamiya King Tiger and Panzer III M/N entries for alternative viewpoints on the dome strut detail.

ESCI/ERTL (DML?) 1/8(?) German KettenKrad
"Rabbit" motorcycle with track rear end
Parts used (& their application):
treads/track links (6 per ship), application unknown
Half of the engine block sits underneath the wing near the back of the ship, as seen in The Star Wars Technical Journal.
Two hook looking things that go on the front of the bike
canister thing that comes in two halves, it goes on the side somewhere
Notes: also released by DML?
Also used for 32” ESB Millennium Falcon and 5’ Falcon

Are they the same kit? Should I merge them?
1/48 is the WRONG scale for the "jack" next to the R2. The 1/48 elephant isn't a total loss for the Y however. It does yeild another part.....
Good find, folks!
Grabbed one at my hobby store this weekend:


I agree it'll take some work to make it exact:


Hole spacing on the Y looks a little different to me, and there seems to be a wider flat area. Perhaps there's another, similar kit out there?
Actually, it was KAIBURR who fronted the tip... I just went out and bought the kit to see if it was the right one. However, I think you are right about the surface area of the piece. Either it is from a different kit or it is fabricated, the latter being the most likely because it's just a flat, thin piece of plastic with some holes in it.
yabbut it's soooo close, there's gotta be a match out there! (as you can see I'm developing OCD about this stuff... :)

New topic: T-rod.
Earlier in this thread there was a link to a source for brass t-rod but the place has closed up shop.

Plastruct has ABS t-rod in its catalog, and I would think that would be sturdy enough to prevent the warpage styrene would inevitably bring.

After some Photoshop tinkering I came up with some rough measurements for the t-rods:
height: 3/16" or 4.8mm
width: 7/16" or 11.5mm
length: 13"

From looking at different pictures, that width measurement might be a bit high. I based mine on a photo that looked like the width of the rod was roughtly equal to the distance between the "rivets" on the back of the "dome strut" boxes. But in other photos it looks like the rod is a bit thinner than that. YMMV.

I didn't bother with the width of the "T" itself.

The closest Plastruct I could find has the right height but the width falls short at 4/16". I'm getting some anyhow to see how it looks.

Stock T-6, comes in 2-ft lengths. Which means you'll have to buy eight of them since the Y rods are longer than a foot, dammit.

If anyone has different measurements please share.
1/4" brass. Enough for the Y cost me about $70.00+. "Special shapes" was the name of the company. I ordered it through a train hobby shop in St.Louis MO though.
Hey everyone..and all those who are working on the studio Y-wing,I think I may have found a part(s).Dont hold yur breath...there is a possibility that I have'nt,or it has already been discovered and I just did'nt know about it.Anyways...here it goes.At the back end of the engines on the T-rods...the steering vane detail inside the Leggs part.....the horizontal fitting triangular parts with the holes in them.....thats the best discription of the location I can give.I looks like the 1/8 Entex part(s) section "F" part(s) #25&27.....they look an awful like the parts on the ILM model.The only thing Im not sure of is the scale..it may not be the incorrect size?I just got a box full of the Entex JPS parts today and it is a F!@#$%#%^?*&&^!ing! disaster.....parts every where&glued together by what looks like an 8yr. old did it.....many broken/snapped off pieces.....and only but a few left on the sprus...these were some of them.Anyways....let me know if i am wrong or not...or if those parts have been found already.If Im wrong I'll keep looking,but hope this sparks someones interest-John
John, a picture would be worth a thousand words.

Any way you can post a picture of the part in question? It would help us if we could all pitch in if we see this part.


I don't want to get this discussion off-topic, but does anyone know if Entex boxed the 1/8 JPS kit in 1975? I have it in my Grip catalog for that year but not Entex.
Bloody hell....I dont really have a way of sending pictures...plus Im technologically challenged to a point when it comes to computers.Im not sure how Entex packaged their kits in 1975......was a bit before my time...especially as a model builder..think I was nuts about Godzilla back then-hahahaha!All I can say is,the part(s) I spotted on what was left of the sprue were roughly an inch long,had that odd triangle shape with a series of different diameter holes evenly spaced down the center of it.I think two fit horizontilly at the end of each engine on the Y..but its tough to get pictures of that.Thing is,this is a part that can be easily scratch built,and if this turns out to be a kit part that is/was used on the minature built by ILM.......yur gonna spend at least a minimum of $200.00 for the kit Entex kit,its always tough to say what yur gonna get from a half assembled kit if you wanna save money,but you can find those on ebay sometimes.I'll keep look'in,but the pick'ins are slim from the mess of parts i got-John
As far as I know, the Entex/Eidai/Grip/Revell Lotus 72D JPS was NOT out in 1975. I have the kit, and as far as I have been able to determine, no parts from it were used on models made for the filming of A New Hope. It was issued by Entex in 1976 or 77 I believe, too late to have been used in Star Wars. The Revell issue came out later, in the early 80's I believe. Don't know about the Grip version; it could have been out in 75...

Let's review the parts from this kit as mentioned in the list:

</SPAN><TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD CLASS=$row_color>Quote:<HR></TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS=$row_color>strut detail on engine dome, the front part the struts go into.
treads/track links (6 per ship), application unknown
Half of the engine block sits underneath the wing near the back of the ship, as seen in The Star Wars Technical Journal.
Two hook looking things that go on the front of the bike
canister thing that comes in two halves, it goes on the side somewhere</TD></TR><TR><TD><HR></TD></TR></TABLE><SPAN CLASS=$row_color>

First, the "strut details", which are redundantly referred to above as "hook looking things":

dat's dem!

"treads/track links (6 per ship)":

A contributor volunteered that the part was from the Tamiya 1/20 sf3d (ma.k zbv 3000) JERRY heavy armored fighting suit, which I added to the list sight unseen, but it couldn't be a better match than this kettenkrad part. Another kit to scratch off!

I believe only five are needed for the Y, as the "hole" on the side of the neck protrusion is on the port side only. Also, note that some Y-wings have Tiger I air cleaner halves on the wings instead of this part.

"Half of the engine block sits underneath the wing"

I haven't spotted this in reference pics yet.

"canister thing that comes in two halves"

There are a couple of parts in the kit that could fit this description but I haven't nailed their location yet.

I've also found what might be the little cup-like cylinders behind the Hurricane oil pan:

Needless to say, the kettenkrad entry on the list will be revised. I don't have part numbers handy but will edit them in later.

The engine block half is on the side of the body, underneath the wing and even with the trailing edge. A little less than half has been cut off. If you look at the photo of the underside of the Y-wing in the SW Technical Journal, youÂ’ll see it plain as day (best viewed upside-down!). The most detailed half, in the above, left pic, was used on both sides, at least on the MoM model. Last time I visited the exhibit in November, I brought along a mini Maglight to light up the shadows while I shot some video, and there they were!

Still not sure about those cannister halves either.

</SPAN><TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD CLASS=$row_color>Quote:<HR></TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS=$row_color>A contributor volunteered that the part was from the Tamiya 1/20 sf3d (ma.k zbv 3000) JERRY heavy armored fighting suit,

</TD></TR><TR><TD><HR></TD></TR></TABLE><SPAN CLASS=$row_color>

Yup, and apparently was mistaken, but I appreciate his effort.

Or, if your "huh?" is asking what the heck kit is that, I haven't a clue. :)
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