Question you can use this online form email error

Where specifically is the "you can use this online form" link that you are referring to?
when you get an email from a member via the rpf- it goes to the outside email ie yahoo, it then has a link back to the rpf to reply to it.."you can use this online form" link (Send a message via Email)
you click it and you can make an email on the rpf to reply to the message. I composed the email and then sent the message and got the error
I get notifications through yahoo and have never got that message. Mine always says Again, please do not reply to this email. You must go to the following page to reply to this personal message:
Megatron is referring to contacting a member via email not the notification that is sent when you have received a pm.

Megatron... I just tested it going out to a Gmail account and the link worked. I will set up a yahoo account and run a test with that. It's possible that yahoo is doing something with the link that is messing it up.
Just tested it with a email address and the error shows up, just as you posted, but the email does get delivered properly. So the error is not causing any problems, but we will try and figure out why it's showing up.
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