WonderCon 2014 Anaheim California

Really considering going to the next WonderCon. If I do go, I'll try to go in my TFA outfit as Cap TWS is coming out a few weeks prior to the con.
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I'm in for sure!

2 days worth of different costumes: My neverending Cerby Armor project (and possibly a basic FemShep for the wife if time allows) Saturday and I'll be sewing up a Dash Rendar for Sunday.
If I go on Friday afternoon, I'll have my RPF shirt on.
I might go Saturday depending on ticket price and what's going on in life a little closer to the date.
TDK is on hold....... Hopefully my Grey Fox build will be completed by then. Working on so many other projects that I had taken on....
Its a LOT cheaper that Comic Con and though it is smaller, it is pretty similar. I've been pretty impressed with it the last two years. It reminds me a lot of what Comic Con was ten to fifteen years ago (Did I really just make that old man statement?).
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