robo3687's Iron Man Pep Files - SD War Machine links page 73

Re: robo3687's Pep Files -Imperial Commando helmet finished ready to unfold pg 55 - 2

thanks for the pics unheard...that ones a bit stubby at the fron though i think....

good news everyone...i've unfolded the imperial commando helmet and am working through unfolding the republic commando helmet as well....once they're both done I'll be posting them up....

and since i just ordered 300 sheets of cardstock I might even be able to start building something again....
Re: robo3687's Pep Files -Imperial Commando helmet finished ready to unfold pg 55 - 2

Also remember to go back on your Ezio gear when you have the chance... ;)
Re: robo3687's Pep Files -Imperial Commando helmet finished ready to unfold pg 55 - 2

So this evening I took all my parts over to my folks place, since I haven't been able to get anyone over to help for taking a few pics of me in full gear...

What a hell of a time trying to get things put on right...can't blame mom and dad for not knowing how and where things go, and me not being able to move to fix it...
I think it took darn near an hour... and after all that the pics didn't turn out that good. (We used tape for this trial run to hold things together which wasn't very effective.)

The collar peices was giving us grief, so before I snapped, I had them yanked off, and by the time everything else was on, I said screw it for the foot flaps.
Also of note, I'm not using the toes/heels of the boots, they're not solid yet. I decided to test the paint color on my 1st helmet (2nd one is still in the works.), so the helmet isn't smoothed out (and dad went a little crazy with taping the peices of it together...)

So here's a very shrunk down pic from tonight.
Re: robo3687's Pep Files -Imperial Commando helmet finished ready to unfold pg 55 - 2

Also remember to go back on your Ezio gear when you have the chance... ;)

unfortunately it would seem a lack of funds and available time has put a hidden blade in that for
Re: robo3687's Pep Files - Republic Commando progress on page 52



i think i just peed my shorts off....time to change them. awesome work amigo!:cool
Re: robo3687's Pep Files -Imperial Commando helmet finished ready to unfold pg 55 - 2

@stryken great to see someone wearing a full resined suit. Were only slightly behind you in terms of progress. We tried a dress rehearsal too and it p*ssed me off so much trying to get all the parts to stay on we just gave up and lay them out on the floor in the end. Our progress has been slightly hindered recently as my pep guy has decided to venture off and assemble the mk5 suitcase file we found somewhere. For the record its a fairly acurate pep, but an absolute **** to assemble, so many seperate parts.
Re: robo3687's Pep Files -Imperial Commando helmet finished ready to unfold pg 55 - 2

hey guys just letting you know i'll be posting the imperial commando helmet up in a few hours, the republic commando is delayed a little bit because i've got a few things i want to change.....

oh and today i've started my build of the imperial commando helmet, so I'll have some pics of that as well.....
Re: robo3687's Pep Files -Imperial Commando helmet finished ready to unfold pg 55 - 2

Hey just a small update, loving everbodys hard work!
Re: robo3687's Pep Files -Imperial Commando helmet posted! 25/9/10

imperial commando helmet is up....will update this post in a sec with pics of my build so far....

EDIT: here we go....i have it resting against one of my iron man helmets...

Re: robo3687's Pep Files -Imperial Commando helmet posted! 25/9/10

Because that is a feature that pops in and out of existence based on which helmet you're looking at. I believe that only the CGI model, and not the practical suit, has that feature.

Re: robo3687's Pep Files -Imperial Commando helmet posted! 25/9/10

Ah thanks. I spend a lot of time on the piece and then i noticed it was absent from most of these..
Re: robo3687's Pep Files -Imperial Commando helmet posted! 25/9/10

How come it seems nobody's helmets have this part?

View attachment 34804

Ah thanks. I spend a lot of time on the piece and then i noticed it was absent from most of these..

Most people don't pep all the eye details as well… if you intend to wear the helmet, those get in the way. Since I'm only interested in a display piece for a collection, I pepped every little detail available
Re: robo3687's Pep Files -Imperial Commando helmet posted! 25/9/10

imperial commando helmet is up....will update this post in a sec with pics of my build so far....

EDIT: here we go....i have it resting against one of my iron man helmets...


that actually looks pretty kool there robo, maybe one could in theory build up something in between to have it go together
Re: robo3687's Pep Files -Imperial Commando helmet posted! 25/9/10

hey guys here's a look at the hi-res version of the imperial commando....for a personal project still a few more things to add/tweak but it's getting there...

i guess this also serves as a reference for what a finished (ie resined, bondo'd etc) one of these should look like

Re: robo3687's Pep Files -Imperial Commando helmet posted! 25/9/10

Most people don't pep all the eye details as well… if you intend to wear the helmet, those get in the way. Since I'm only interested in a display piece for a collection, I pepped every little detail available

Alright, im going to be wearing mine, but i did that little piece anyway. I might cut it off depending on my future thoughts.
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