1:1 Millennium Falcon Cockpit Replica - Group Build

Re: 1:1 Millennium Falcon Console Replica

It looks great Sofa King. Your cockpit has finally gotten the exposure it deserves. I would have loved to drive up from Birmingham to see it in person but I had to go to the Shoals as my Father passed away. He would have just shook his head as he never would have understood my "slight" obsession with Star Wars. All your hard work looks great in the sun light, congratulations!.
Re: 1:1 Millennium Falcon Console Replica

Hi Gang,

As you can tell... I did ABSOLUTELY nothing yesterday. While my body laid still on the couch, my mind was racing with ideas and new directions... I've got something cooking that I think you'll like... It will require a vacuformer (sp) - Chris I will call on your expertise... This particular part shows up in a couple of places... :)

Apart from this new direction, I'm still reworking the console instrument panels (which will receive the new rocker switches and a new throttle housing), the Slider Bases on Chewie's side and I'm hoping to get a 3D print of the Mitchell Matte Box... there is still lots to do and MUCH more to come before the GMX show. I'm hoping for a HUGE unveiling - the key word is "hoping".

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Jolly good show, Sofa!

Thank you, Sir! It was a lot of fun
Re: 1:1 Millennium Falcon Console Replica

Holy crap man, that is absolutely too cool. Such a HUGE congrats to you brother. A ton of hard work and a relentless pursuit! I hope you guys had a blast!!
Re: 1:1 Millennium Falcon Console Replica

Holy crap man, that is absolutely too cool. Such a HUGE congrats to you brother. A ton of hard work and a relentless pursuit! I hope you guys had a blast!!

Hey Hey! Thank you, my friend! It was so much fun... Everything came together... from the weather to the panels fitting together... it was a perfect day. I wish all you guys/gals could have been there. We should have some vids coming very soon... :)

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I would love to be there, it looks awesome!

Hey Kev,

You would have had a blast - especially with all the R2 builders there. I talked you up BIG TIME! Have you joined the R2 builders club? If not... check it out:

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Re: 1:1 Millennium Falcon Console Replica

Awesome work, both on the falcon parts and on the monumental task of moving and setting that monster up!
Good Show!
Re: 1:1 Millennium Falcon Console Replica

Hi Gang,

I've decided I'd like to finish off the back of the "pit"... But nobody knows what it looks like. So I'm opening up this area to all of you (I'll include myself) to design what you think the back panel(s) might look like. Would love to see your ideas!
Re: 1:1 Millennium Falcon Console Replica

Awesome work, both on the falcon parts and on the monumental task of moving and setting that monster up!
Good Show!

Hi P,

It was a beast to haul! Luckily I had help both with hauling and setup. This led to a conversation with Chris about a metal sub-frame... but that's a little ways off... :)

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Just adding my congrats :)

Should have the pit completed for Star Wars VII press!

Thanks much! Who knows... maybe we can bring it to the premiere! :) Or better yet... watch the premiere FROM the "pit"!
Re: 1:1 Millennium Falcon Console Replica

The Makers Faire looks like it was a lot of fun and the pictures are awesome. So impressed that you got everything there and set up so well. Hopefully I can see it in person some time. Great job! Makes me want to go build something.
Re: 1:1 Millennium Falcon Console Replica

Hi Gang,

Here's a quick design of the backside where you would enter the pit... Still a work in progress but I hope this gives you an idea of what I'm thinking and in what direction. Would love to see your ideas!

Re: 1:1 Millennium Falcon Console Replica

Nice and simple SK. Looks like it's right out of the original Star Wars. I think it looks great.
Re: 1:1 Millennium Falcon Console Replica

Has Starkiller done any sort of mockup?
EDIT: Just checked out his "Walkthrough" video. It was just a plain gray wall. Needless to say, your version is far superior. Maybe add in a sort of "smack" button to open the door? (either electronically or just for fun)
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Re: 1:1 Millennium Falcon Console Replica

Hi Gang,

If anybody is interested in helping design the "pit" entrance - here are the images I created using the two main colors. :)


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Re: 1:1 Millennium Falcon Console Replica

Nice and simple SK. Looks like it's right out of the original Star Wars. I think it looks great.

Thanks, C! I'm still working a few different layouts - looking at various screen shots hoping to find that perfect balance... :)