1/24 X-Wing near 100% from scratch

Hello BrundelFly , SofaKing01 , Weezer, Scratchy , Hackcore , Teddz , stonky , Jim and Andre .
Thank you very much for your kind comments .:)

Phenomenal work! I like your solution to making the small grid.

Weezer , yes, the pattern to make small grid works really well. During the process of carving the aluminum template is very easy to control what will be the result testing it with a piece of plasticine. ;)

Very clean. Will those two cylinders work if the canopy is opened?

Scratchy, I have plans to make the canopy operational, but it seems not difficult to make the pistons work for someone with skills and knowledge of micro -mechanic, which is not my case. Just would have to use a metal shaft in each cylinder and place a small servo to pull or push them to close or open the canopy. Easy to say, but ... :rolleyes

Dude, you're an animal ! You are also an inspiration. I have just begun making an x from scratch myself and your work has in no small way been instrumental in motivating me. I have been following this thread since Day 1...MAD PROPS PROP MAN. Jim.

Jim, I 'm very glad that my work will inspire you. I wish you many hours of fun with your project. :thumbsup

I love this thread...absolutely stunning work!

Andre, my project is very small and insignificant compared to your amazing work. I also follow your thread with great interest ... and a bit of envy. :$
A 5 foot Millennium Falcon ... Woa ! that's a dream. Keep up your great work. (y)thumbsup:thumbsup

Thank you very much to all for following my thread.:)
Rafa, having kept track of this thread as well as cross-referencing it to virtually every thread in the one stop x-wing thread; Ihave to ask ; have you considered producing a comprehensive set of blueprints ? Considering the accuracy of all your measurements and painstaking attention to detail; as well as the overall approval of some of the best and most talented builders on the planet... just sayin' s'all... I would purchase a set. Up to this point no one has disputed or criticized your build... and that my friend is sayin' something. Sorry to gush, but I am a fan- Jim
Rafa, having kept track of this thread as well as cross-referencing it to virtually every thread in the one stop x-wing thread; Ihave to ask ; have you considered producing a comprehensive set of blueprints ? Considering the accuracy of all your measurements and painstaking attention to detail; as well as the overall approval of some of the best and most talented builders on the planet... just sayin' s'all... I would purchase a set. Up to this point no one has disputed or criticized your build... and that my friend is sayin' something. Sorry to gush, but I am a fan- Jim

Hi Jim.

Well, in my previous models, I've always done a dossier documenting all important steps in the construction process. This includes detailed blueprints, for example, the TIE Bomber blueprints which I shared for free on this forum: http://www.x2creativos.com/pdf/tie_bomber.pdf
Probably I'll do the same with my X-WING, but this will be when the model is completed and, as you know, I work slowly and my time to modeling has been greatly reduced, so we still have to wait quite a while until I can get working on it.

Best regards. :)
Bump? :)

Have been sat down at the table today, making a start on the drawings and templates for my own X-Wing effort. This incredible build of yours, Rafa, is one of the main reasons why a now very old ambition has been yanked out of the closet and dusted off. Look forward to seeing more of this beauty. ;)
Just been reading through the thread from start to finish, I think every time I see a build thread I can't be amazed at the skill and dedication of individuals on this board anymore or make me feel like I shouldn't even bother to get back into building any more :( , but in the same breath seeing such unbelievable accurate scratch building like yours is inspiring too, can't wait to see the final model!!

Out of interest how are you generally getting your measurements especially in relation to working from photos?

Keep up the excellent work!! :)
Hello friends and Happy New Year.

I apologize for these months of silence and no updates.

The story is that in the middle of last May, I was asked to participate in an scale models exhibition. As I was assured that exhibition would be important, serious and well organized, finally they convinced me to participate with the maximum number of models that I could contribute. I made an inventory of all my built models and decided I could carry 12 of them:

- X-Wing Fighter (MPC+Scratch)
- Boba Fett's Slave-1 (MPC+Scratch)
- A-Wing Fighter (MPC+Scratch)
- Darth Vader's TIE Fighter (MPC+Scratch)
- Speeder Bike (MPC+Scratch)
- Millennium Falcon (MPC+Falcon Kits side panels)
- TIE Fighter (Scratch built using several parts from MPC TIE Interceptor)
- TIE Interceptor (MPC+Scratch)
- TIE Bomber (Scratch StudioScale)
- Y-Wing Fighter (Scratch)
- X-Wing Fighter 1/24 (Several important parts of my scratch Studio Scale model)

Four of these models urgently needed restoration because in the past and during several years were exposed to a smokers environment, and the smoke had spoiled the original paint finish. So I spent the months of June to September to repair these models, since exhibition began in early October.

First I restored my MPC AT-AT model, and used it as a guinea pig to test what procedures could I try to clean the paint. Unfortunately, I found no any technique that would allow me to return the painting to its original state and I had no choice but almost completely repaint the model.
The same operation was also performed on my X-Wing (MPC), Millennium Falcon and Y-Wing models. During the application the new paint finish I was careful not to completely hide the original finish. Thus I got a much richer final appearance in nuances and now my models are even better than before repair. The exhibition served me as an appropriate excuse for to restore my most deteriorated models and now I feel very happy to have my entire collection again in good condition.

During the two months that remained open the exhibition could not continue my project because several important parts of my 1/24 X-Wing were part of the exhibits. So I decided to take that period of time to also restore my old MPC Snowspeeder, which was the most deteriorated model. From the beginning I discarded to include it in the exhibition because I already knew that I would not give time. Anyway, what began as a restoration project, has ended up being a process of almost complete transformation, and the only part that I will rescue from the old model is the inside of the cockpit and both pilots. Everything else will be pieces made to scratch, except the two halves of the fuselage, which come from a new kit, and which I sanded completely to delete all the details and carved again all the panel lines and place all the raised details necessary to make it as close as possible to the IL&M models.


(I apologize for posting these images in this forum. I just want you to see that I haven't been idle.)

In short, my 1/24 X-Wing project is still paused until I finish restoring my Snowspeeder. The truth is that after several years focused on it, I needed to disconnect and relax a little, with the peace of mind that is almost finished and only rest to build some details of the cockpit in his "real" version.

Thank you very much to everyone for following this thread and I hope to return to it within a few months.

Best wishes.:)







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¡Qué increible trabajo! Su talento es verdaderamente extraordinario. ¡Espero ver mucho más de su obra!

Translation: "Righteous work, dude!" :p
Thank you very much for your support, friends. :love
Don't know why but I'm not getting in my mail the notices of your comments :confused
Fantastic. keep up the good work, Sir. Very motivational.These images will help me modify an X-Wing I have. Thank you very much. Look forward to the next installment.
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Hi, I'm still here.
The situation of my X-Wing model has not changed. It's on pause where I left, but I'm determined to finish it when the right time comes.

During this time, I have distracted myself by building other models like AMT's Snowspeeder and AT-AT, and I'm currently working on AMT's first Star Trek Reliant model. My attention was drawn to the work of internal lighting and the exterior painting finish, with the aztec pattern and the use of iridescent paints. These are two new challenges for me and that has motivated me to start this new project. :popcorn

My free time is very short and my projects progress too slowly. And, to make matters worse, now I'm painting my house ... :facepalm

Best regards, Rafa
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