2001: food tray


New Member
Hi I am looking to re-create the food tray from the Pan Am shuttle does anybody have source material information of the images?
Also high razz image would be grate of the instructions text.


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I'll be recreating the food packets in the tray sometime soon. The logo on the bottom left of each packet is the Seabrook Farms logo.

The packets should be easy to make out of glossy paper and plastic straws. Now how to recreate the plastic tray itself, I wonder?

Here's an image of the full prop, unobscured by the actress' hand (in black and white, unfortunately):

Here are a few screencaps I just grabbed.


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I've looked all over online for food trays, TV dinner trays, airline trays, storage trays, and even ice cube trays and can't find any that look like that. Does anyone know how to find something like this?

And if it isn't a pre-existing item, can it be recreated somehow?

I can replicate the graphics and text of the prop fairly easily, and the food containers can be printed and folded, but I'm stumped about that blue tray.
As the packets, tray was made from scratch for the movie. You could do a wooden buck and vacu-form the top. It seems to me that with a fairly thick plastic sheet (Sintra or others) you could be able to cut the sides of the tray (the trapeze form at the bottom) and glue the whole thing together. From the pics, it looks like the depth of that tray is about 3" max.
I'd be willing to recreate the food packets if I can combine efforts with someone who is interested in recreating the plastic trays, as I have no experience with vacuforming.

Please let me know if anyone wants to work on this, I think this would be a really cool project.
Because of the trays design I'd say they're more likely to have been fabricated from Perspex than vacuum formed.
It's certainly possible that they were made out of Perspex but I'm not sure if each side was a separate piece joined together at the edges, as some of the edges look like they're a bit less sharp than they would be if they were made out of two flat joined pieces.

In any case, please let me know if anyone is interested in making a run of these. I'll start work on recreating the food packets sometime soon.
Pro-Mod, could be Perpex also (you never know with those crazy prop makers;)) Squidman, doesn't matter if your plastic sheet is sharp when putting the edges together; a good router will do the trick of rounding those edges in no time. Same with the top part, if your sheet of plastic is thick enough, you'll round the interior edges (part that touches the packets) as well as the outer one.
SquidMan, I'd like to work with you on this. I've a lot of experience in prototype modelmaking and have everything needed to produce the trays.
SquidMan, I'd like to work with you on this. I've a lot of experience in prototype modelmaking and have everything needed to produce the trays.

Great, thank you! I'll be starting to recreate the food packets and instructions text over the next week. I'm excited to replicate this together!

What would you say the dimensions of the tray are? I estimate 16" long x 7" wide x 2.5" tall, would you agree?
Pro-Mod, don`t forget that little "curl" for the handle part of the tray (visible in some screen caps);)
Thought I'd give you all a small peek at how replicating the prop is going on my end:


I'm currently making an extra large version so that it will fit whatever the dimensions of the tray should and will be. Pro Mod, any thoughts on sizing?
Yep, I know: it's been a while and was wondering if you were (SquidMan) still interested in producing that wonderful paper prop and the food packets.
Since I've just finished the other tray (Discovery set), I would like to tackle the other food tray;)
Yep, I know: it's been a while and was wondering if you were (SquidMan) still interested in producing that wonderful paper prop and the food packets.
Since I've just finished the other tray (Discovery set), I would like to tackle the other food tray;)

Hey joberg! Long time!

I would be interested in working on this again with you, although I'd need you to first produce the tray portion so that I know what dimensions the food packets need to be.
Thanks for the quick response SquidMan:) I'm still finalizing the measurements of the packets. Having looked at various pics/screen caps,etc, I believe that the packets are square at the top (minus the slanted part) 4"X4" seems to be the size coming again and again (average hand size of a 5' 6" woman). You'll just do the 4"X4" top part; I'll have to build the packets out of satin finish cardboard and then affix the labels.
As for the instructions and the PanAm label, I'll have to finalize that as well. The overall length of the tray should be 22" long.
Lots to do for sure!