Another Gizmo on the way... Update.

Re: Another Gizmo on the way...

I love this build, the fur looks incredible can't believe its just off the shelf faux fur.
You must have a lot of natural talent if this is your first prop build

Thanks heaps. Really appreciate it.
Still a little work to go, but fingers crossed it turns out how I'd hoped.
Re: Another Gizmo on the way...

This should look fantastic when finished. It's looking suberb as it stands now !
Re: Another Gizmo on the way...


Just got mine in the mail, compared it to your image, and threw it into a box in the corner of the room. Not even a comparison.
Re: Another Gizmo on the way...

I just want to say that you are a natural in the world of prop sculpting. If you can somehow get a mold of this, you could even do a run, you could make a lot of money! I'm so jealous! :p

Well done!!

Re: Another Gizmo on the way...

This is looking amazing!! can't believe this is your first time doing it
Re: Another Gizmo on the way...

This should look fantastic when finished. It's looking suberb as it stands now !
Thank you very much!


Just got mine in the mail, compared it to your image, and threw it into a box in the corner of the room. Not even a comparison.
Sorry to hear about your Gizzy :( , but thank you so much for the kind words :D

Great one ;)
Cheers mate!

Bright Light.

I may have to get him some sunnies :cool

I just want to say that you are a natural in the world of prop sculpting. If you can somehow get a mold of this, you could even do a run, you could make a lot of money! I'm so jealous! :p

Well done!!

I'm lost for words. Thank you.

This is looking amazing!! can't believe this is your first time doing it
Thank you so very much!
Re: Another Gizmo on the way...

Small update:

I finally got around to finishing all the templates for his fur which I've now cut and fixed in place with pins again to make sure that everything fits just nicely.
I'm still waiting on my new eyes to arrive, so the only thing left to make is the eye lids once his new eyes come in. I'm pretty happy with everything else for now I guess, so I'll try to get started on getting some molds sorted out so I can finally cast this guy, paint him up and have a complete model! I'll probably start with a hard cast of resin, but I also wouldn't mind trying a posable foam model too. Depending how all that goes, I'd also be interested in having a go at attempting some kind of animatronic model. I've never done anything of the sort before, but it could be a very fun experiment. Heck, I've never even sculpted before this, but it turned out to be quite enjoyable. Hard work, tired late nights after work, but I'd like to think that it was all worth it.
I'm reasonably pleased with the fur I've managed to find, the white is a little too long, but hopefully it shouldn't be too much trouble sourcing out some alternatives.
Anyhow, here's some photos I've just taken showing the new fur. Hope you like it.

*Also*: To all those that has been so overwhelmingly supportive, I cannot put into words how grateful I am for all of your generous support! You have been amazing, not to mention welcoming for a first time sculpter and newly signed up member! You've all been more than happy to help out with any questions I've had along the way. Thank you! (y)thumbsup:thumbsup








Re: Another Gizmo on the way...

WOW! He looks fantastic and with such perfect detail. Amazing work.
Re: Another Gizmo on the way...

Looks great!

Question, is he poseable? I didn't realize that his head can turn. Can his arms also?
Re: Another Gizmo on the way...

It really is turning out great! I wish I had access to better materials around here. I'd love to try this..
Thanks mate! The furs aren't exactly perfect, but they'll do ok for now. I'll probably try to source out something closer to prop spec when I get around to it.
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Re: Another Gizmo on the way...

Looks great!

Question, is he poseable? I didn't realize that his head can turn. Can his arms also?

At the moment, his head and body are separate, but once I'm up to casting, I wouldn't mind having his limbs posable also. Speaking of which, would anybody happen to know the best way of having the shoulders and hips on some kind of a pivot? Ball and cup kind of thing maybe? I'll have to be honest and say I haven't researched this part yet... :lol
Re: Another Gizmo on the way...

So, I FINALLY received some eyes today. I was actually hoping that they were the fully round type, but I guess I didn't read the specs properly. Anyhow, for the moment, it's given me a chance to see how he's starting to shape up with some decent eyes.
I look forward to any feedback you may have.
Cheers! - Chris





Re: Another Gizmo on the way...

For those interested, here's a comparison with a can of drink to show his size.
Re: Another Gizmo on the way...

Very nice! He doesn't look quite so "surprised" anymore. What size eyes did you decide on?

Haha. He does appear a little more relaxed now.
The eyes are 30mm, which I'm happy with, but I'd prefer a fully rounded eye so I could then pose his eyes also. The problem being though that I don't want to pay $80 for a pair, so I'm still trying to find something cheaper.
Re: Another Gizmo on the way...

There's something "off" with the eyes, but I'm not entirely sure what it is. I think maybe there's not enough white showing, or that the eyeballs are too circular, but I can't really tell. Check google images, and you'll see what I mean.

I think you're needing the eyes to be a bit more sideways ovals, than full circles.