Another Gizmo on the way... Update.

Re: Another Gizmo on the way...

There's something "off" with the eyes, but I'm not entirely sure what it is. I think maybe there's not enough white showing, or that the eyeballs are too circular, but I can't really tell. Check google images, and you'll see what I mean.

I think you're needing the eyes to be a bit more sideways ovals, than full circles.

Hmm... I'll have a look shortly.
Re: Another Gizmo on the way...

There's something "off" with the eyes, but I'm not entirely sure what it is. I think maybe there's not enough white showing, or that the eyeballs are too circular, but I can't really tell. Check google images, and you'll see what I mean.

I think you're needing the eyes to be a bit more sideways ovals, than full circles.

Is this what you were thinking?
Re: Another Gizmo on the way...


Actually meant it needs to be...more ovally, lengthwise, I guess. All the pictures I normally see of him has him looking off to a side, which makes it difficult to say how how much goes around his eyes, but I think the brown is a little too large on the eyeball, I guess is what I'm getting at.

Great work either way though :)

EDIT: Another photo.
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Re: Another Gizmo on the way...

Actually meant it needs to be...more ovally, lengthwise, I guess. All the pictures I normally see of him has him looking off to a side, which makes it difficult to say how how much goes around his eyes, but I think the brown is a little too large on the eyeball, I guess is what I'm getting at.

Great work either way though :)

EDIT: Another photo.
Yeah, I know what you mean. Great screen grab! I'll use this to help me out.
Over all, the eyes themselves aren't too bad, but because they're only a half eye, I can't shift them around at all like all the pictures show. I definitely need to work on the lids some more, but it's pretty awkward trying to get the eyes right when I can only get a dead straight stare. I'll just have to keep looking out for some other eyes. I've got some full round eyes on the way, but I could only find a style I liked in a max size of 26mm. I'm almost certain they will be too small, but the ability to pose them might prove me wrong. Ideally, I think I need at least a 30mm piece, but I'll just have to wait and see.

Otherwise, how hard is it to turn a ping pong ball into a convincing eye? I think the standard ball size is something like 34mm? This might be a cheaper alternative to my eye dilemma?
Here's what I'm thinking:
Paint ball white.
Print out an iris.
Glue iris to ball.
Numerous coats of clear...

Anyone ever done something like this?
Re: Another Gizmo on the way...

Interesting idea about the ping pong ball, never heard of printing the iris and gluing it on..
Well it's looking like it might be my only option. Any available similarly sized eyes I've seen are just too darn expensive. I'll try the ping pong ball thing tonight if I can get around to it.
Re: Another Gizmo on the way...

how you tried to make resin eyes yourself? all you need is a cheap plastic paint palette and some clear resin. Mix resin according to instructions, pour into the "mold" like you're making ice then let cure...pop em out and paint the flat side of the domes you just made. You get almost taxidermy grade eyes doing that OR you can print out the iris and glue it to the back
Re: Another Gizmo on the way...

I don't remember WHO but a member here is making resin eyes... belive he sells them as well.
Re: Another Gizmo on the way...

how you tried to make resin eyes yourself? all you need is a cheap plastic paint palette and some clear resin. Mix resin according to instructions, pour into the "mold" like you're making ice then let cure...pop em out and paint the flat side of the domes you just made. You get almost taxidermy grade eyes doing that OR you can print out the iris and glue it to the back
Thanks for the suggestion. However, I'm really hoping to do fully rounded eyes.
I bought some ping pong balls earlier, but, they're gonna be too big :(
So... I'm now hoping that the full round 26mm I've got on order might almost do the trick, but, I'll just have to wait for them to arrive before I'll know anything else...
Re: Another Gizmo on the way...

I don't remember WHO but a member here is making resin eyes... belive he sells them as well.
Thanks for that. Depending on how the 26mm eyes fit, it may be worth sussing out the forums for someone that might be able to make some?
Re: Another Gizmo on the way...

I honestly can't imagine it being glossy enough unfortunately, but maybe it would work if you did enough coats.

Both those photos are from Gremlins 2, one with the Rambo scene, the other appears to be from where they velcrod gizmo for torture :p When you try to figure out the pose Gizmo's making with his body in the second image, it's very akward, as his head seems really friggin weird :D

Overall though, if you can't get more of the iris black, then yours will still definately work, still an amazing piece.
Re: Another Gizmo on the way...

you can STILL make your own...Imma assume you're in the US so if you have a tap plastic store near you they sell full, clear acrylic globes from super tiny to I think about 2" in could still paint it...also you get the added effect of "follow me eyes" it's a really cool optical illusion where the curve of the faux eye eclipses the pupil to make the character appear to look at you from any angle you peer at it...if you've never heard of this effect try looking it up on youtube...warning...Furries use these in their fursuit heads but hey...tricks are tricks no matter whose tool box you pull it from right?
Re: Another Gizmo on the way...

I honestly can't imagine it being glossy enough unfortunately, but maybe it would work if you did enough coats.

Both those photos are from Gremlins 2, one with the Rambo scene, the other appears to be from where they velcrod gizmo for torture :p When you try to figure out the pose Gizmo's making with his body in the second image, it's very akward, as his head seems really friggin weird :D

Overall though, if you can't get more of the iris black, then yours will still definately work, still an amazing piece.

Thanks again, mate.
Re: Another Gizmo on the way...

you can STILL make your own...Imma assume you're in the US so if you have a tap plastic store near you they sell full, clear acrylic globes from super tiny to I think about 2" in could still paint it...also you get the added effect of "follow me eyes" it's a really cool optical illusion where the curve of the faux eye eclipses the pupil to make the character appear to look at you from any angle you peer at it...if you've never heard of this effect try looking it up on youtube...warning...Furries use these in their fursuit heads but hey...tricks are tricks no matter whose tool box you pull it from right?

Sorry to disappoint, but I'm from the land down under, Australia! Thus, I have no idea what a "tap plastic store" is :confused
Either way, sounds like you've got some interesting ideas. Thanks.
Re: Another Gizmo on the way...

I had a little play tonight with some eyes that I received today. Finally have some rounded eyes to mess with, so I had to work out how I was going to construct this so I could insert the eyes after casting. I ended up creating what will be a separate section of eyelids, which will be placed over the inserted eyes when putting everything together.
Anyhow, here's where he's at now. Hopefully you share my thoughts that the eyes are now good enough to leave alone. Hopefully :D
In the photo, the fur's only just sitting in place, not fixed down, so it appears a bit misaligned.
As always, I value your input.

Cheers - Chris
