ANOVOS issues (ANOVOS ONLY discussion)

Based on their website, at least for hard goods and not soft goods, they claim to use 3D scanning of actual archived helmets and armor (such as the royal guard and snowtrooper).

Most likely, do the clean up and the send to a local or owned printer.
Based on their website, at least for hard goods and not soft goods, they claim to use 3D scanning of actual archived helmets and armor (such as the royal guard and snowtrooper).

Most likely, do the clean up and the send to a local or owned printer.

Not all of them. Sometimes they simply say "Helmet is created from visual reference of the original prop" which most likely mean screen grabs and/or other reference images.
I have to say, I have a few of their helmets and I love them, especially the Kylo and Death Trooper helmets.

I wish they would have been more transparent earlier instead of waiting until the dumpster fire that they have now. I also don't appreciate the outright lies that they told me when I was going to cancel my pre-order twice.

"We are almost shipping, the shipment is almost here."
"The boat is literally on the ocean as we speak!"
"The costumes have finished production and are en route to our fulfillment center."

I am going to be optimistic though. Hopefully this is a turning point for them and they finally figure it out.

I will never preorder from them again.
I have to say, I have a few of their helmets and I love them, especially the Kylo and Death Trooper helmets.

I wish they would have been more transparent earlier instead of waiting until the dumpster fire that they have now. I also don't appreciate the outright lies that they told me when I was going to cancel my pre-order twice.

"We are almost shipping, the shipment is almost here."
"The boat is literally on the ocean as we speak!"
"The costumes have finished production and are en route to our fulfillment center."

I am going to be optimistic though. Hopefully this is a turning point for them and they finally figure it out.

I will never preorder from them again.


First off, love your custom Kylo outfit alternative.

Second, and I am still just floored by this - there was literally NOT ONE KYLO ITEM ON THAT SHIP!!!! Different CS people said, and I quote, "all things Kylo" are on that ship and crossing the Pacific.

Meaning that after all this time, all those messages, nothing Kylo was ever in route.

The whole time.

First off, love your custom Kylo outfit alternative.

Second, and I am still just floored by this - there was literally NOT ONE KYLO ITEM ON THAT SHIP!!!! Different CS people said, and I quote, "all things Kylo" are on that ship and crossing the Pacific.

Meaning that after all this time, all those messages, nothing Kylo was ever in route.

The whole time.

Thank you! Really appreciate the positive feedback! Really upsets me that you still do not have yours!

I feel fortunate that I was able to get my situation turned around like I did. I know plenty of others, yourself included, that haven't been as lucky.

I hope for a speedy resolution to everything soon and I hope that you don't have to go through yet another Halloween without your Kylo.
I currently have the Merrick, Gold Leader, and Red 5 X-Wing helmet on order through Entertainment Earth. I think I may cancelling the Red 5 and Gold Leader. After seeing a lot of amazing merchandise being offered through Galaxy's Edge, there is just so much more I would rather spend my Prop/costume replica / collectables funds.
I will never preorder from them again.

Couldn't agree more on this...
And it is what will finally kill the company.

Anovos depends on pre-orders to fund the production of the items. Because they have created such animosity and lack of trust by their past action (or lack of) most will be hard-pressed to ever pre-order anything from this company again. If they had been upfront in the beginning and explained that they do not have money to fund the large scale production of items but that every purchase dollar is tied to the production of the item ordered I think people would have been less surprised - or at least more accepting - of delays. Understanding that the process of production is not unlike many of the small operation builders on this site would have saved them a lot of face.

If they had been upfront in the beginning
If Anovos had been upfront at the beginning that every project had an open ended delivery date that will go years; they would have died before they ever started.

Here's the contact info for Lucasfilm Licensing. Be sure to CC Anovos on your email and let them know how you feel about the Anovos no refund, no delivery process.
Christopher Holm
Ph: (415) 623-1938
If Anovos had been upfront at the beginning that every project had an open ended delivery date that will go years; they would have died before they ever started.

Here's the contact info for Lucasfilm Licensing. Be sure to CC Anovos on your email and let them know how you feel about the Anovos no refund, no delivery process.
Christopher Holm
Ph: (415) 623-1938

FWIW - I emailed Mr. Holm months ago re this issue. I never got a response. Has anyone else?
It's certainly possible a large number of e-mails might get noticed but a few here and there probably get ignored.
That said, this is more likely than not a public e-mail address that no one checks regularly. He probably has a completely different one used in-house for daily business.

FWIW - I emailed Mr. Holm months ago re this issue. I never got a response. Has anyone else?
It's certainly possible a large number of e-mails might get noticed but a few here and there probably get ignored.
That said, this is more likely than not a public e-mail address that no one checks regularly. He probably has a completely different one used in-house for daily business.

Or Lucasfilms doesn’t care how Anovos handles their own business, as long as they keep cutting the licensing fee checks to Lucasfilms. Lol.
Or Lucasfilms doesn’t care how Anovos handles their own business, as long as they keep cutting the licensing fee checks to Lucasfilms. Lol.

It's not Chris Holm's job to directly respond to customer complaints about a third-party vendor. That's solely vendor's job (Anovos).

And it's not that LFL doesn't care - it's because they have a lot more important issues to take care of. Anovos is not even a drop in the Disney bucket.
I don't think LFL/Disney will care as long as Anovos are honoring their contract. I don't mean that as a bad thing but like pepperbone said they have a lot of pokers in the fire and they can't go micromanaging all of them.
This is funny. From Anovos Facebook....


Are we ready???

How about.... Is Anovos ready? Ready when? Next year? Next decade?
It’s funny. Just before the celebration I was getting multiple responses on my September 2018 issued refund request. (a week prior to celebration) Now that the celebration is over no more contact and no refund. Left a message of concern and nothing but silence. Kiley was the rep.

I feel like I’m dealing with a junky, helping one out until they get what they want. IMO, In this case to calm the angry mob that may have developed at celebration. So, has anyone else got notified about refunds and then went silent now that Celebration has come and gone. I hope I’m wrong. But this is really pissing me off even more if this was their intention.
(Super Red Angry Face emoji):mad:
Everyone’s frustrated but let’s be realistic, if LFL “really” cared enough EFX wouldn’t still be around. As long as Disney/LFL get their license money they have bigger fish to fry
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This is funny. From Anovos Facebook....

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Are we ready???

How about.... Is Anovos ready? Ready when? Next year? Next decade?

It's things like this that are keeping them going. People see it and really want it so are willing to take a chance. Despite everything that has been said about them in this thread I'm sure there are still people willingly giving Anovos their money hoping they will eventually get their product. I'm so glad that they never went through with their plans for the Star Trek TNG props they announced back in 2015/2016 or I would probably be into them for a lot more money than I already am.
Well, So now that celebration is over, any bets on when we will get the next update from Anovos? All they have left is to update the shipping dates, tell us when we are getting our stuff.....I am betting it will be awhile.