Honestly, your best bet is probably just picking up some regular lamp oil and trying it in a zippo. If that works, then your safe picking up some of the green burning oil.
"Ronsonol brand fuel for Zippo lighters: These are all chemically the same (plus or minus a few trace additives that donÂ’t seem to affect the burn any). TheyÂ’re all fast fuels, and have characteristics that are nearly the same as white gas. Kerosene and lamp oil have the kind of long duration you want in a fuel, but theyÂ’re a screaming hassle to light. White gas lights up beautifully, but then itÂ’s all gone, just when youÂ’re really hitting the top of your stride. 50-50 mixtures of kerosene and white gas, or of lamp oil and white gas, are quite popular in firedancing circles. (If we were listing them in the popularity-order ranking above, instead of giving them their own section here, theyÂ’d come out somewhere between kerosene and white gas. Quite popular stuff.) Some folks also like to do 2-to-1 mixtures, or varying other proportions (leaning in either direction)."
so, sounds like i could mix lighter fluid for an easy spark and the lamp oil for color, hopefully the color would still come through?
ok, since we've all decided that copper burns green, here's an idea. Go to radio shack and buy a spool of 18 or 22 gauge wire. It's all copper under the plastic sheath. Get a new zippo wick. Strip the plastic off the copper and intertwine it (the copper) with the new wick and run it through the zippo as normal. The wick should still absorb and hold the lighter fluid and the copper strands should burn green.
But before you go through all that work, take some of the stripped wire and hold it in an open flame and see if it burns green or not. If it doesn't, it doesn't pay to do all that work.
that sounds like the cheapest, and most effective way to do it, ill give it a try.From what ive researched, its actually copper sulfate that burns green, but ill try thr wire, no clue what copper sulfate is or where.
I have a lighter at home that burns with a green flame.
Tonight, I'll see if there's any obvious reason (i.e., visible copper), & if not, I may be able to at least give you a manufacturer name or something...
OK, for some reason I was unable to get to the RPF from home last night.
I couldn't get a clear enough picture up-close, but suspended over the "emitter" is a thin wire, with a blob of something in the middle that looks very "copperish". (see diagram):
When the lighter first ignites, the flame is normal (orange-ish?), once the blob heats up (it's quick, maybe .5 seconds) the flame turns green. I took a photo with the flash, & one without flash (or lights):
Kylash, I'm PM'ing you a link for the lighter. It's pretty cheaply-priced, so if it didn't work out you wouldn't be out much money...
yeah ive seen those inserts, the style of the emitter and button is different than a normal zippo, theres a pic of one above that is more accurate. So hmm...im wondering if the little dot makes it green, not the fuel, always thought it was special butane colored stuff...interesting
This kind of lighter aren't zippos, usually they are cheap lighter, and the little thing in the middle of the flame make the flame green... Probably it's a copper... Thing. :confused
Maybe a zippo isn't "hot" enough to burn the material in these "cells"...
Why don't you try mixing copper sulfate powder with zippo lighter fluid and give it a try (or maybe a very dark green food colorant...)
In the meantime, I'm searching more info for you...
now this is lamp OIL, will this still work in a zippo, i would obviously get a new inside soaked piece for this, but theoretically could it work just like lighter fluid?
I'm gonna say that this lamp oil will probably work just fine in your zippo as far as the burn. The question is whether the flint roller will ignite it. I've only ever lit oil lamps with an open flame. Maybe someone who has a zippo in their house as well as an oil lamp can do the experiment for you and run the striker of an empty zippo near an oil lamp and see if it ignites.
If it does, I see no reason why the oil lamp fuel that burns green won't work perfectly in your zippo.
Why not try to use what was done to the Deep Sleep pistols on Logan's Run movie ? They added a soldering product to in the mixture to have a green flame...if I'm correct...Jet Glo Flux, no ?