Sr Member
Thanks, I was looking for that phonebook page so long... You are my hero, now... :lol Feel free to post more "unposted" paper props... lol
I just tried printing the images at 11x14 (that looks to be the frame size in the film) and they are pretty rough, especially Einstein. The pixilation isn't noticeable from accross the room, but they still don't have that "Christmas Gift for Dad" quality I'd like. Its been suggested I try to find the books that these photos actually came from, but I wouldn't know where to start on that.
@mrsmartypants I look forward to what your able to pull together!
Thanks, Brad.
What about Brown Mansion destroyed? And the Biff Wins & Luckiest Newspaper?
held on these long enough, too? :love
Has anyone tried making a hi-res version of that sign? If not, I might taking a stab at it
Has anyone tried making a hi-res version of that sign? If not, I might taking a stab at it
I will see if I can find a good HD screencap of it.