Beware big recaster alert!!!!!!!!! NOT OVER YET!!!!!

Re: Beware big recaster alert!!!!!!!!!

My fight is far from over. I was notified on this one:

Bellow is a terible cast of our helmet. Its identical with our TMP Version 3. (Battledamaged)



Apperently some other auctions as well. Someone help me identify this.






Any got info on these without getting to close..... If your a sculptor, be aware!!!

According to what i am discovering this is leading back to a certain point.... Need some more details.
Apperently these are the same pieces (Not same photos) of the one in the big photo bucket.
If anyone got details of these people please share.
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Re: Beware big recaster alert!!!!!!!!!

wow John...this sucks. Okay- question: the battel damage on that helmet is pretty specific. Did you sell one with those marks, or did they mark it all up themselves?
Re: Beware big recaster alert!!!!!!!!!

Well, You wont win a fight unless you try. But i hope they stick to their promise and dont use our parts or Russels helmet. However Russel how is that going. I understood you have been in dialog with Michelle...?

Nope no dialog. She contacted me on The DentedHelmet, left a number to call. I didn't bother calling cause I knew the conversation would be the same as what you got. But I did respond back with a PM, giving her my views on the subject and asked her directly where she got the helmet. No response as of yet.
Like others have said, I commend you on your efforts, unfortunately it seems that you will never persuade these people into believing what they are doing is wrong. As far as her mysterious sculptor is? It is very convient to lay blame to a third party, when you know full well that Michelle knows what's going on and how they do business. Like I told Michelle in my PM to her, she would do better to create partnerships with the originator of the props, but sounds like she's burned many bridges.
Keep lifting those rocks TMP:thumbsup. Soon there will be no place for them to hide.
darn - soz I missed this thread
been stuck in bed with "evil humours"

anyways - glad some1 finally has stopped em in their tracks. Unfortunately I cant see the pic's anymore; but arent these the guys I sent u pics abt a few months ago Russ? She posts the same pic's on multiple forums, usually 2-3 shots of herself working at a coffee table - making it look like a sculpt, but u can literally see the original neck sticking out the bottom? And thats usually the total amt of WIP u ever get. Shes even posted on TDH.

RECASTERS - there must be a better way of erradicating this kinda vermin
I have been battling these scums (recasters) for awhile now and you got the "Im the victim I didnt know" response.Trust me this Michelle woman knew exactly what she was doing......
I sent you a PM I belong to a watchdog group run by prop makers about 25 of us so far.We basically look out for other prop makers whether they make competing items or not.It basically an info share board.
I hate loser with no talent that take others work and skip to the end and make molds of others hard work.
I have been battling these scums (recasters) for awhile now and you got the "Im the victim I didnt know" response.Trust me this Michelle woman knew exactly what she was doing......
I sent you a PM I belong to a watchdog group run by prop makers about 25 of us so far.We basically look out for other prop makers whether they make competing items or not.It basically an info share board.
I hate loser with no talent that take others work and skip to the end and make molds of others hard work.

Your board sounds like a great idea Skygunbro, if you are willing it would be a good place to be made public for people to go and see as these scum are always slipping through the net and changing there names.
This e-bay links where the ones i mentioned TMP so i will be posting a warning on the RPB as well ,thanks for all the info guys :thumbsup
Just started a thread on this over on the RPB-

I am an admin there so i will post up any info you have ,names etc so please PM with anything that we can use there please. Its a UK mostly forum so we might get some new info too.
I heard from a friend yesterday information saying that he knew Lee Moore and that he is a well known recaster.
I am going to start a permanent sticky with a list of known recasters there too so again all names greatfully received:thumbsup
i havent caught up on this in awhile. It really gets me mad knowing that they are going to continue doing this.. These scum really need to get whats coming to them..
The sad truth is they won't ever stop and they can't be stopped.
These kind of threads serve one purpose and that's to warn those of us who collect stuff and those of us that make stuff who not to deal with.
They will carry on though because they will make money, even if everyone in the world knows they are recasters there will still be plenty of people willing to buy stuff from them.

That Judge Dred/ABC robot head looks like the one once sold by Chris Adrian/Golden Armor in Colorado.

But if I remember correctly, his was/were recasts, which would be funny as hell...the recaster getting recast.:lol
I will wait to se whats on the senders address on the box. I have a bad feeling.
Just filed a dispute with these folks.
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Re: Beware big recaster alert!!!!!!!!!

The sculptor had said to her that since he had altered it so much he did not se the problem, nor did really she either.

Wow. As if that magically makes it okay to take the work. Wierd how the mind of a recaster works.