Beware big recaster alert!!!!!!!!! NOT OVER YET!!!!!

i've dealt with these people "the-master-replicas" on ebay, i bought an iron man helmet (sorry! this was a while ago, i didnt know they were recasters!). they were a nightmare to deal with, took me ages to finally get it (after the first one being lost in the post, apparently that was my fault! took me literally months of arguing to get them to send me another). first i was told Chris had been in a car accident, and that my helmet would be sent asap, then after that i was told i was lying and took me a good 6 months of arguing with the guy to get him to send me another. definitely the same people, i've been emailed by "Michelle Stuart" and "Chris Moore"

not sure if you've been misinformed though, from what you've all said it sounds like you think this is a big company, and she is the manager, and Chris is the scupltor or something... Do you realise that Michelle is Chris' girlfriend? i think its just a 1 man band. If anyone needs their contact details (email addresses) i have them
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i've dealt with these people "the-master-replicas" on ebay, i bought an iron man helmet (sorry! this was a while ago, i didnt know they were recasters!). they were a nightmare to deal with, took me ages to finally get it (after the first one being lost in the post, apparently that was my fault! took me literally months of arguing to get them to send me another). first i was told Chris had been in a car accident, and that my helmet would be sent asap, then after that i was told i was lying and took me a good 6 months of arguing with the guy to get him to send me another. definitely the same people, i've been emailed by "Michelle Stuart" and "Chris Moore"

not sure if you've been misinformed though, from what you've all said it sounds like you think this is a big company, and she is the manager, and Chris is the scupltor or something... Do you realise that Michelle is Chris' girlfriend? i think its just a 1 man band. If anyone needs their contact details (email addresses) i have them

Thanks for sharing your experience, if you get the time it would be a great addition for the propsafe forum, its a site dedicated to outing recasters and bad sellers, you can find it here-
I cant belive these people. They are still active in their recast.
They used some of our parts and modified them but most of the IM is recast of the licenced statue that they in fact got licence to sell.

How cool is that. The licence holder gives them a licence for them to sell the IM figure statue, then they recast the halo and the ironman to cut the licence holder out. Directly cast of.

Michelle & Lee are know now on many forums for their recasts. This just allows them to get more stuff from licence holders to recast it more. Sad sad sad so sad.
Well, it takes us hours, weeks, month and tons of hours and to create. It takes a recaster an hour to recast and replicate.

To place me in the same category is placeing all the sculptors here in same possition.

I think most of the people here does se the big difference and understand.
I understand completely and that's part of the problem with recasters. They find ways to justify it by making it sound no different than what you do. As you put, rather well up above, there's a big difference between making it from scratch and making a knock off.

I regret that there's an admitted recaster who lives a few blocks from me. I'm not friends with the guy, I just know of the guy and he's admitted to recasting on numerous occasions. In fact he left me a death threat on my cellphone and I kept it as a souvenir; he's a real piece of work. I've heard him talk about how he thinks what he's doing is right because ( his words, not mine ) "Everything is recasting right from the moment someone else decides to make their own stormtrooper helmet by sculpting it from a clay form."

Um,... No. That's not recasting. That's building it by scratch. Jerks like this will always try to find a way to justify what they do. Beats having talent.
And what licensing fee did you pay to sell Iron Man parts and castings?

Ouch indeed ! If there was licensing fees then no-one would get this and any other costume to wear frankly as they would be far to expensive as the garage makers who supply this stuff we all enjoy would never be able to afford it. The studios dont want to make them to this standard but just sell us laughable copies at an inflated price. Recasters are just parasites and thieves and will say anything to justify their actions. In the end we will all suffer as the decent producers will not sell to the general populace for fear of recasters stealing their work.
Sorry to hear that but there's nothing anyone will can ever do to stop recasting. for example: were all jewel thieves, we carry out an extremely elaborate plan and in the end we get those jewels, then when get back to the hide out, one of our crew members ran off with the jewels after we went through all the trouble to get it. but in the end were all thieves. Know what I mean? :lol