Blade Runner SUSHI BAR + SLICE OF LIFE making of

Well, it doesn't look amateurish at all (production wise):cool Screens are the top, and attention to details (mag covers/cig packs) are a must and you're doing very well on all fronts;)
Eager to see the rest for sure!!
Thanks again for your compliments!!!

So Monday came and filming officially begun - even though we didn't actually film anything! :rolleyes Today we brought all equipment we could get to the studio and set it up. It took A LOT of time to set the lighting until we got what we wanted...

Oh Cameron, I like your idea about the steering wheel, but we probably won't do it.. Mostly because of practical reasons.. For example, there is one part in the script where the driver has to do a wild turn, and having only half of the wheel would make it really difficult.. Also, in our tests he rested his hands on the top of the wheel while driving, and it turned out beautifully framed in the cinemascope format, so we're hanging on to that. :) Thanks for your suggestion though!!

Anyway here's a couple of photos. First, two panoramas of our studio:



Back view and front view. You can see we did not spray the back of the car since we will never film from that side. There is a lot of things happening in the shots: monitors work, we move the lights, buildings..
Here is a simple rig to make a flickering light:


It's a slow "ventilator" made from and old servo motor, and some cardboard.. But it really makes the shot come alive...
At first I thought I will have to film it all against greenscreen, and I'll add the city in post, but today we tried to put miniature buildings behind the car and when it's out of focus it works great! That is also great because it means less work for me, and it's IN CAMERA which is always better.
We also put the buildings on the dolly and slowly pulled them with string, which makes the illusion that the car moves forward.


That is actually all I have for today!
In the next days I'll post some frames that we will film, so you'll finally see the cast and crew. :$

Oh, here is one more panorama of the inside of the car. That one is in bigger resolution so you can enjoy all those details! ;)


Over and out.
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That interior shot of the car looks great. I'm very interested to see how your flickering light rig works out.


In camera special effects (my favorite way of doing SFX!!) Great shots and simple tricks always work. I'm giddy with anticipation:p
It looks beautiful. The only thing I'm wondering: Will you block the reflection of the studio in the windscreen when filming the final shots? That is the only thing left in my eyes to make it 100% believeable.

Really, i'm loving this thread.


How was the first real day of shooting? Well, slow... :lol
We calculated we should do an average of 10 shots a day, and we will finish in about 6 days. Yesterday we filmed for 14 hours and did 9 shots.. I figure we will become more efficient in the next days - you get the hang of this and you solve problems faster.

OK, so here are a couple of frames we did. Introducing our leading man - Anton.


As it normally is in indie productions, he is also our screenwriter, model builder, set designer and cooks coffee sometimes. :lol


His character is a petty dealer who sucks at his job, and is trying to quit smoking. :lol A problem spoils his daily routine and things complicate.

Here's a pack-shot of Slice cigarettes on the dashboard..


Oh, Thorst, don't worry about reflections. When you do a setup for 2-3 hours you worry about that stuff. :)

Sorry, I don't have that much time to take pictures since we have a million things to do, but as soon as I catch a moment I will post something for you guys!
We are off to the studio! Bye!!! :cheers
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Love the shot of the cigarettes on the dashboard – reminds me of the opening shots of the consoles on the Nostromo in Alien.
