Blade Runner SUSHI BAR + SLICE OF LIFE making of

Yep, very BR feel and ambiance in the few pics posted:cool...we amateurs, we worry about the small details all the time (lighting, costumes, etc) Keep up the great work, it'll pay off!
Hey guys!

Here's a small update between takes!!! :)
It's 30 degrees celsius in Croatia, and in our studio it is closer to 45! We have around 6 reflectors turned on all the time, and our actor Anton has to sit in the car in the warm leather jacket, haha..

Cameron, if you look couple of pages back you will see COP Derringer replica I built, so yeah there will be guns! Movie without guns is no movie. :lol

Anyway, there's not much to post since things are moving very slowly. We do 7-8 shots a day. Only thing that is new is that we changed the back light from red to yellow.


WOW, right? :lol
Anyway, we are really happy with the look. Shots are really dense and lights are flickering all the time.


And if you have a smoking problem, take a gum :)


If you have any questions be sure to ask!!

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Hello people!

As promised here is a short production video we filmed yesterday!

In the last six days we filmed around 40 shots. Today we have a break, and then a few more days until we finish the car segment.
Hope you like the video! I'll be in touch!:thumbsup
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Awesome! Thanks for the video update. You guys look like you're having a lot of fun. I can't wait to see the movie!
