Re: Buildup AT-ST ROTJ (Finished!)

These are popping up all over the place, what a great looking piece!!! :thumbsup
Re: Buildup AT-ST ROTJ (Finished!)

Here's some movie magic for you Steve.

You and the others involved should be very proud of this model.
Re: Buildup AT-ST ROTJ (Finished!)

Echoleader, Hi how far out do you think the instructions are for this? THANKS!
Re: Buildup AT-ST ROTJ (Finished!)

Nice work with that photo RKW, that looks like an HD screengrab!

Re: Buildup AT-ST ROTJ (Finished!)

Paint & weathering look amazeing.This will be my first SS build so instructions would be great.Can you tell us when you'll have some instructions out.Thanks
Re: Buildup AT-ST ROTJ (Finished!)

I'm working on the instructions as I type this. I'm up to page 18 and I'm working on trying to finish it up by this evening. As soon as they're done I'll post a link where they can be either viewed or downloaded from.
Re: Buildup AT-ST ROTJ (Finished!)

I'm working on the instructions as I type this. I'm up to page 18 and I'm working on trying to finish it up by this evening. As soon as they're done I'll post a link where they can be either viewed or downloaded from.

Thanks for all the hard work you and everyone else have done on this project.
Re: Buildup AT-ST ROTJ (Finished!)

Cool Rolando !!! Can't wait !

I have to say that the whole project is really professional this time (minus the missing parts story).

The kits are accurate as hell. I have never seen such flawless castings before (and i saw many :)). Delivery was very fast after the release of the kit. The price is fair too.
And you get a super-detailed instruction which is not common in the garage-kit domain. Ignoring the missing parts problem (which has taken care of now) the whole deal is perfect !

Big thanks to the makers that made this possible: Steve, Ro, Mike and other helpers !

Very straight forward and comprehensive. :thumbsup

Just leaves me with 2 questions:

The small and medium disks included in the leg bag. Would those be
for the pivot points?

And, what color do we like for this Sweet Monstrosity?
It's impossible to tell how true to life my monitor is portraying colors.
Very straight forward and comprehensive. :thumbsup

Just leaves me with 2 questions:

The small and medium disks included in the leg bag. Would those be
for the pivot points?

And, what color do we like for this Sweet Monstrosity?
It's impossible to tell how true to life my monitor is portraying colors.

I couldn't find reference for these small caps, maybe I just missed these but most likely that's what they're for.

As for color, I can only go by the many pictures that have been posted online and depending on the lighting these were taken the actual color can vary. I painted mine an inital base color of a blue/gray and then gave it second light misting of just the gray. Then I just went to town with weathering which in turn will change the color even more.

I would say go with what reference color your eyes see and paint it whatever color makes you happy.
OK, I just got back from vacation and found my ROTJ AT-ST waiting for me. It's hard to do a part survey with the pictures in the on-line PDF. Does anyone have a better picture of the parts?

Also, I noticed that the instructions suggest brass rod and bolts and stuff. What do we need? What gauge rod? Has anyone made a list of all the extras needed?

Brass tube, 1/16, 1/8, 7/32 K&S. your LHS should carry it.
Not sure on the neck tube, I haven't got that far yet.
There may be more stuff. But again, I'm not there yet.

Also, on the Hex bolts. Do we know the specs? And where to get 'em?
Looks like I'll need to replace a couple due to casting flaws.
Many thanks for the instructions!

I am having a problem with the head connector though. The construction is to fragile to make the head moveable. I don't want to glue the head into a static pose. Has anybody ideas what could be used to replace the resin joints?


This may sound NUTS, but on my scratchbuilt ROTJ head, i used a uni joint from.....LEGO bionicle LOL. It works a treat and the head is fully articulated in any position and very strong.
Trust me, it works lol.


This may sound NUTS, but on my scratchbuilt ROTJ head, i used a uni joint from.....LEGO bionicle LOL. It works a treat and the head is fully articulated in any position and very strong.
Trust me, it works lol.


That looks actually pretty strong! Do you have a picture of the joint?

This is about the best i have right now buddy, the white cowl you see has been removed now, so i could try take a better pic when i can dig it back out!

