I’m curious how you smooth up the textured finish? Does it sand smooth, or do you use filler primer? I’ve noticed the same textured surface to parts you’ve printed in the past for various projects, and the final product always looks great.
Thanks bud. Honestly it truly doesn’t take much. Couple coats of primer, sand with 400/600 sandpaper… and that’s it. Rinse and repeat if needed but it definitely comes out smooth pretty quickly. It’s actually much smoother than the pictures show it off to be. My only concern with this specific model is the “lettering and numbering” that’s been added to the design itself.
Usually when I work with a part that has those details (this Hero’s scope wheel for example - two posts above you can see a resin print along side a MJF print) I’ll use a resin print to capture said details. Truth is I’m not so sure some of those details will survive the primer/sanding on MJF to be honest. Not even sure I’ll sand most of this print and if I do it will be delicately with high grain of sandpaper.
If interested go to the first page on this thread as I have a bunch of links to previous builds being painted. Might be helpful.
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