Captain America Costume from The First Avenger Movie

not a big fan of the super nazis on motorcylces...but the 1st gen costume and red skull looks pretty cool...hopefully, this movie will do well
If anyone can find fabric with the proper herringbone pattern width for the later costume, my hat's off to you. I've been searching for months for something similar (In a cream color) for my Doctor Horrible costume, and everything I've found is WAY too wide.

If anyone makes any discoveries in that regard, please post them up!


Hey bros, this guy:
What Price Glory - US HBT Trousers
Does tons of reenactment stuff (looks like he did Flags of Our Fathers), and he does a lot of WWII USMC HBT.
He's a bit of an irascible old bugger, but he certainly has a source for the fabric, whether or not he could help you get some before the OD dying, I don't know.
But he's as OCD for detail as everyone here (and yes, I mean that in the very best way possible;)), so he might well be approachable for project stuff.
Don't think this has been posted yet...

Hmmm... he doesn't look like Johnny Storm, but in that last shot there he doesn't look like Steve Rogers to me. And the soldiers in the background look kind of silly. I geuss those might be the capekiller armor they're wearing? Shield agents perhaps?
Hmmm... he doesn't look like Johnny Storm, but in that last shot there he doesn't look like Steve Rogers to me. And the soldiers in the background look kind of silly. I geuss those might be the capekiller armor they're wearing? Shield agents perhaps?

I was looking at the soldiers in the background also. The silver armor pieces on the chest/shoulders remind me of War Machine. It has me hoping that this is a shot from the Avengers or the end of First Avenger (setting up for the Avengers)....

plus, Capt's suit looks to modern to sell it was made for WWII.
The soldiers in the back ground are Hydra soldiers. As to the suit looking too modern, it's based off of a WWII airman's jumpsuit, so it's for the most part period accurate.
Well doesn't Iron mans suit look "too modern" for todays technology? It was created by one of that time periods greatest minds..Howard Stark (Tony's dad). Thats reason it looks modern.. Its ahead of its time like all cutting edge technologies of their day.

I think it looks great and can't wait to see Cap kicking butt!
everything hydra uses looks too modern....

the motorcycles, subs, hydra soldiers.....look at the machine hugos using ...nothing looks WWII at all....

ill be honest, im worried for this one, mostly due to the choice of director.
jurrasic park3 was just derivative of the 2nd...wolfman was a huge mess of a film,

he hasnt made a good film in 10+ years, so why they chose him to helm this pic is beyond me.
His WWII leather jacket looks pretty sick - no doubt Magnoli will be looking to offer one of those in the future.
I really dig the classic look and I hope we see some vendors come out with some impressive items to sell for this costume.
I have some high hopes for this movie, but it takes a back seat to Green Lantern for me - GO DC!!!
does anyone have an idea of what kind of material is used for caps suit? i think i looks like canvas in some places but others im not so sure
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