Captain Cold - CW The Flash

Here's what I managed to do for my cold gun
IMAG0338.jpgIMAG0342.jpgcold gun 5.jpgIMAG0358.jpgIMAG0359.jpgIMAG0357.jpg
Took a Nerf Cyclone and painted it.. Obviously..... then took some hard foam board and cut it to the shapes I needed and painted those. Took some clear plastic tube and put a pipe cleaner in it to give it a glow look, since the LEDs I wanted were WAY to big and the batteries weren't able to fit inside the gun. Then painted the darts and glued them in place. All in all took me maybe 12 work hours not counting dry time and ran me $30 to $35.


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Never could take a good selfie
Found out that you can use hairspray to get the right look of the ruff on the jacket.
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This thread has been pretty much a lifesaver in aiding me start to put together my costume.
For the coat I ended up getting the Only & Sons Full Zip Parka Coat and then some black buttons to replace what was on it and replace the others to make it uniform *hood maybe added too as well from my LARPing supplies. Though the goggles aren't quite it I still like them and feel they do the job.


However having problems with trousers and gloves still?
Huge thanks to everyone who put this thread together, especially Revanna for finding the cheaper parka alternative!

I'm going to be working on a 3D printed cold gun in the next couple weeks and I'll try to update my progress here when I can.
Hey everyone!
I'm going to be cosplaying Cold at London MCM this coming Saturday and I've finally completed my Cold Gun! It's modeled on the NERF Cyclone but heavily modified - I removed the barrel entirely and dremelled out quite a lot of the body to get the right shape. The panels with the energy bar, as well as the pointy bits/firing mechanisms on the end of the gun are all 3D printed, but the rest is foam.
The energy bar itself is EL tape which has been wired inside the body of the gun (the battery pack is hiding in a removable slot on the base), and the side bits of the goggles were made with milliput! If you want me to upload my progress photos (if that would be helpful to anyone) I'd be happy to, but here's the finished piece!

(it's the first prop I've actually ever made :S)
2016-05-22 21.24.22.jpg2016-05-22 21.26.24.jpg2016-05-22 21.31.00.jpg
Yikes, at $268 on Amazon, I'm happy being a little bit inaccurate on the outfit when it comes to the pants!

Anywho, this is what I've got so far after some hours in SolidWorks:

Hopefully I'll have some more time to work on things. I'm making it hollow to allow for the variety of electronics I'll be fitting in there, as well as one effect that folks will absolutely love if I can get it to work right.
Yikes, at $268 on Amazon, I'm happy being a little bit inaccurate on the outfit when it comes to the pants!

Funnily enough, when I found them they were only $78 dollars and I thought it was a bit steep then. I think the seller is a little insane. Pretty much any moto jeans will do considering the distinct bit is the zippered pockets and they're covered when you wear the coat. I'm going to attempt making them from scratch, but I figure worse comes to worse, I'll buy a pair of $30 moto jeans and sew extra zippers on them.

These pics give a better view of the whole design.


Your design for the Cold Gun is awesome, btw.
Yeah, I just ordered some more generic motorcycle pants instead when I ordered the rest of the stuff last week. For those living in the States, the UK seller for the cheaper parka has insanely fast shipping times; I got mine in only 4 business days!

Thanks for the cold gun compliments. :) I am super excited to work on this project with what I have planned for what the gun will do. :D
Gotta say, having both a toddler and month-old infant at home sure does cut down on the amount of time one gets to work on anything...

In any case, I did get a bit of time to work on the model. The original barrel shape I had was totally wrong, so I redid it. Also did a lot of the greebles and such.
:D That's awesome, good to see international shipping didn't mess anything up

- - - Updated - - -

In terms of the Pants I just found some normal trousers in Primark with the same basic detailing on the knee area, these ones below in black *though photo wise you can only see the detail on the grey ones*. Which they do in Male and female sizes :) *Though they attract every bit of fluff for miles it feels like*.
Nice find! Hopefully I can find something similar soon here.

Having pinched a nerve in my back yesterday and trying to take it easy, I got plenty of time to work on the model even further.




All that's left are the inserts for the power switch (the cross-shaped hole in the side), the clear power indicator on the sides (long line hole in the middle) and the front nozzles. I've got some special plans for the latter. :)
Got the chance to work on it a bit more tonight and finish up the front details.

I also modified the main shell so I can print the arched parts separately from the rest of the body, since they're smoothed out and look like one piece rather than two halves. This way, I can have two main sub-assemblies that can easily be put together or taken apart to access the electronics and such.
The cones and domes on the front are separate pieces to make painting much easier.

I swear, I haven't been slacking and I haven't disappeared!

Got a few pieces of the gun printed at this point. Had a bit of a scaling issue:


Yikes, way too big! Let's scale that down a bit...


MUCH better! Also had a second piece done by then and attached it to the handle.


Another shot, sans hand.


This is the part where I started giggling maniacally a bit. This is turning out beautifully!

The next piece is about an hour away from finishing being printed. After that, there's two more pieces and this half of the shell is done!