Captain Marvel (Post-release)

What did you think of Captain Marvel?

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Is it the hair?
I would say the hair and the eyes.
I noticed right away and that was it, i just couldn't un-see it.
My wife and daughter wanted to kill me lol.
I really wish they gone with a different hairstyle, i wouldn't have made the connection.
You paid to see it again after not being super impressed the first time?
I’d like to say I was being noble by giving it a second chance, but the truth is I have a ritual with my family regarding the MCU, Star Wars etc. The first Friday I watch the movie with my wife alone then watch it with the kids on the weekend.
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Well, an interesting set of figures from Box Office Mojo.

CM managed a huge opening of $153 million in the US, $455 million around the world and scored an average "A" with the crowds. According to them the split was 55/45 % male/female as opposed to the 48/52 % for "Wonder Woman".

Which just goes to prove, at least to me now, that the much vaunted "boycott" agenda as has been heavily pushed over the last few weeks, had little to no noticeable effect on its popularity, and even the supposed alternative support for "Alita" which dropped a further -56% on last week, didn't happen.

Certain social media /youtubers are going to have to face the fact their influence is fairly minor when it comes to the box office showing with general audience. CM has been generally well recieved with a few commonalities ih the negative feedback, most people expecting a good MCU movie got exactly that and had great time.

So ,as regards Disney/MCU, then - no worries. No worries at all.

As regards Disney/Lucasfilm- I'd be a little more concerned that "Solo's" poor showing is more a reflection on what people felt after seeing "TLJ" and how and what they do with the saga stories going forward.
I’d like to say I was being noble by giving it a second chance, but the truth is I have a ritual with my family regarding the MCU, Star Wars etc. The first Friday I watch the movie with my wife alone then watch it with the kids on the weekend.

So you threw away good money after bad. Sure.
I’d like to say I was being noble by giving it a second chance, but the truth is I have a ritual with my family regarding the MCU, Star Wars etc. The first Friday I watch the movie with my wife alone then watch it with the kids on the weekend.
That sounds like a good ritual! With the new baby we can't get out quite as often but we're managing to get to the genre releases we find important (Marvel and Star Wars and some DC).
That sounds like a good ritual! With the new baby we can't get out quite as often but we're managing to get to the genre releases we find important (Marvel and Star Wars and some DC).
When they get older it sure takes the edge off of “Dad, who is that guy?” and bathroom breaks.
Second viewing had me liking it a whole lot more... a few more questions about plot and continuity kinda stuff, but not unlike most other Marvel movies.
Just watched a second time.

I wonder if the directors even care about superhero films at all. There was not an ounce of personality in this movie. I can't think of anything about the narrative that stands out. I can't think of a moment I want to see again. Maybe the directors were so intimidated by the resources at their disposal they were afraid of taking any chances.

Each MCU director at least has something personal they want to infuse into the movie - even if it's outlandish. Even Ang Lee's Hulk wanted to say something about fathers and sons and had that actors' stage moment between Nolte and Bana. Captain Marvel had nothing.

I don't think anyone in the production to want to own any of the action sequences either. The fights were forgettable and edited badly so you couldn't even tell what was going on at times. You know when the Kree in disguise had Fury at gunpoint? Fury executed probably the slowest, most telegraphed gun disarm ever filmed. The sad thing is I know SLJ can do a better disarm. Remember Snakes on a Plane?

As critical as I am about Brie’s performance she had glimpses of potential - and they were brief. I’m talking about those two instances where she shows joy and surprise with her powers. The first time is when she blasted those blocks off and clapped her hands like an excited kid. The second time was in a fight toward the end where she was knocked down and for a split second she smiled with her eyes darting about with glee.

Another perfect line perfectly delivered was how she proved to Fury she wasn't a Skrull. She photon blasted the jukebox and said, "That's a photon blast.... Kree can't do that." I don't know why but I love that line and Brie did it just right.

Brie's hero pose is a 45 degree stance with both fists at her side and arms slightly bent. She looks impressive in that stance. But they have her doing it waaay too often and sometimes for no reason at all when she should be relaxed.

Others have said the '90s theme was a little too forced and I agree. Nine Inch Nails and Heart shirts were just shouting for attention. James Gunn sold us on nostalgia by selecting slightly more obscure great music from the 70's and 80's. Music from the top of the charts get overplayed and tend to lose the power to recall the era from which they came. That's why music from Suicide Squad and Captain Marvel fail and the music in GotG and GotG 2 shine.

The flattest scene was the meta/cringe banter at the end over "Mar-Vell" vs. "Marvel" that also went on way too long.

Effects were “ho-hum.” I’ve taken my 8 year daughter to sci-fi and fantasy movies since she was little and, when CM was flying about in full power, she leaned over to me and for the first time said, "Daddy. She looks fake.”

After the utter exhaustion of fighting with people over TLJ it's been my New Year's resolution to not argue with other people about movies, but I feel pretty much the exact opposite of you on all these points!

Generally speaking I liked it-- it had a lot of the same issues that all Marvel movies had, namely that they never drift too far from the same formula... but they are good at said formula, and it's fun.

Of the few problems I had with the movie, Larson/Carol definitely wasn't one of them. As a long time Danvers/Warbird/Binary/Ms. Marvel/ Captain Marvel fan, I thought justice was done to the character and her base story. If anything, the move wasn't as good as she was.

My only real problem was that the de-aging on Sam Jackson was so perfect I could NOT wrap my head around. I don't even know what's real anymore! I wonder how well those effects would work on somebody who doesn't have a 20 year history on film. Jackson in this, Russell in GOTG2, Douglas in Antman, even going back to Bridges in Tron-- these guys all have countless movies and footage that can be referenced to get the look right.. I wonder if they can do this to anyone now.

More than anything, I'm just happy that the aggro fanboy contingent that thinks their angry youtube videos can torpedo a movie are being proven wrong. Solo was NOT the case-sample, this was.
Of the few problems I had with the movie, Larson/Carol definitely wasn't one of them. As a long time Danvers/Warbird/Binary/Ms. Marvel/ Captain Marvel fan, I thought justice was done to the character and her base story. If anything, the move wasn't as good as she was.
While it didn't hurt the movie for me - Mar Vell's death way back in 1983(?) was a pretty monumental moment. Mar Vell in the film never got near who he was in the comics. It's unfortunate we skipped that... but, you can't cover everything in this series.
After the utter exhaustion of fighting with people over TLJ it's been my New Year's resolution to not argue with other people about movies, but I feel pretty much the exact opposite of you on all these points!

Generally speaking I liked it-- it had a lot of the same issues that all Marvel movies had, namely that they never drift too far from the same formula... but they are good at said formula, and it's fun.

Of the few problems I had with the movie, Larson/Carol definitely wasn't one of them. As a long time Danvers/Warbird/Binary/Ms. Marvel/ Captain Marvel fan, I thought justice was done to the character and her base story. If anything, the move wasn't as good as she was.

My only real problem was that the de-aging on Sam Jackson was so perfect I could NOT wrap my head around. I don't even know what's real anymore! I wonder how well those effects would work on somebody who doesn't have a 20 year history on film. Jackson in this, Russell in GOTG2, Douglas in Antman, even going back to Bridges in Tron-- these guys all have countless movies and footage that can be referenced to get the look right.. I wonder if they can do this to anyone now.

More than anything, I'm just happy that the aggro fanboy contingent that thinks their angry youtube videos can torpedo a movie are being proven wrong. Solo was NOT the case-sample, this was.

Funny, the Jackson de-aging CGI was indeed so good, that I immediately forgot it was done. But that also led to the issue, in a few scenes where it stood out as being digital, because it was so good, those few not so perfect spots stood right out, making me feel like I was watching a video game scene. But very brief and very far in between.

I wonder if darker skin makes it more manageable? Coulson seemed to be too stone faced in his few scenes, and is it lighter skin tones that require more detail because it stands out in lit scenes more?

Regardless, it is remarkable how well the industry is getting along with doing things like this. One day this will be so seamless, people won't remark how cool it is.
Someone, perhaps, that knows how to stand back up, after getting knocked down?

Something tells me that may be a major theme to endgame. They'll have two Captains, both known for "getting back up" ;)

Cap was down. Just beat like never before. Sometimes even the best need some help getting back up.

I'm sure End Game isn't going to be the Capt Marvel sing along. It's going to be a strong performance by all players.
Agreed. I'm just thinking cap marvel will be more of a rally point for the good guys. I still think Steve is the one that will ultimately undo what what done.
I am glad that I have been under a rock for the past few months and missed all the non-sense preceding Captain Marvel's release. (That is directed to both sides of the conflict.)

I was ecstatic, just happened to be in a place and able to see it opening night. In Imax even.

Was the experience the same as Winter Soldier. No.

Could the movie have been a better fit in the MCU. Yes.

After the excellent character development of Erik Killmonger in Black Panther.
I had hoped for some depth into why the Skulls are bad.

Too much of a video game feel at points. Yes.

The best part really had nothing to with the movie itself.
It was a family that was leaving the theater.
Their little girl went to the movie dressed in a flight suit. She was so elated.

Just from my observation of that family. Looks like a win for Marvel and the Air Force.
OK, so I've actually got a few minutes to sit at my keyboard now so here we go.

Things I really really liked:

Seeing Coulson again on the big screen. It gives me a lot of good vibes when the film and tv stuff crosses over and back again. The de-aging is getting better with each movie, though a couple times he did look a little plasticky.

Fury and Danvers had great back and forth and were a joy to watch together. Fury had a lot more screen time than some of the rumors suggested, which also made me happy.

Watching Carol figure out the extent of her powers and then beat the **** out of her foes in the last 20 minutes or so. Like, she went full Supes and nothing could touch her and it was pretty ******* awesome after spending most of the film hamstrung.

Talos was more fun and had a lot more personality than I expected. I was thinking we'd get another mostly cookie cutter alien villain and got a nice surprise from Ben Mendelsohn. I like that guy, put him in more stuff.

Things that were fine:

Soundtrack. Lot's of very on the nose 90's tunes. I prefer the GotG soundtracks personally, largely because of their diegetic nature, but this got the job done.

Things that weren't my favorite:

The film was pretty predictable. I've never read a Captain Marvel book (though I have read a **** TON of Marvel and picked up a lot through osmosis) and I had the basics of the Kree manipulating her down in the first ten minutes. The Skrulls not being the baddies was a nice surprise though.

Besides Minerva and Yon Rogg and Korath I couldn't tell you the names of the other guys on the Kree super team. I'm sure they got mentioned, but I couldn't pull them up now if you held a gun to my head.

The Torfa scene came across to me as a pretty bad/cheap set. I dunno. My least favorite sequence to actually watch.

All in all, pretty thrilled with the movie. Would watch in a theater again if the chance came up, but with Shazam and Endgame on the near horizon I don't expect we'll shell out for a sitter again for a double viewing. The 4k disc will be out soon enough I'm sure.
I wonder if darker skin makes it more manageable? Coulson seemed to be too stone faced in his few scenes, and is it lighter skin tones that require more detail because it stands out in lit scenes more?

I think that was just Clark Gregg, he's a bit stone faced in Agents of SHIELD a lot of the time. Looking at various pictures of him, it seems that he's not a naturally expressive person to begin with, a lot of his pictures seem to show him with kind of a stiff smile.
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