
Thanks guys! The head top should be finished and primered tonight. I'll take pics when done and post them. After that I start the wheel. Almost there!

Ok, it looks like I'm done with the head top for the most part. Once primered, I'm sure I'll spot some imperfections that I'll need to smooth out. I'm pretty happy, though...



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Ok, here is the start of the wheel. It was hard coming to a conclusion on the dimensions for it. The official art, in-game model and YouTube video model all differ slightly. I did my best. The rib frames were stuck together back-to-back and will now be filled with foam, sanded down, sealed, and then the treads will be individually added last.

FYI, the wheel will be a part of the stand so you will not be able to see what's holding it up so easily or at all.



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Holy crap I can't wait to see this finished and hopefully get my hands on one. I want to make a base that is hooked up with a button that plays sound clips of him...possibly attached to a motion sensor.

I bet if you gifted Gearbox with one of these, there is a good chance they'd ask to license it and sell it in their online store.
Thanks, man! Yeah, I have a friend who knows two guys who work at GB. He's kind of planted that in my ear as well....sending them a finished copy. We'll see, I guess.

Yeah, I originally hoped to offer a voice chip of some kind but I decided on offering a few different CT versions punk, boxing gloves and skull shield. Also, I think people are going to like the base I have planned. I'll wait until later to announce details but it's straight from the game. And like the roto-cast CT, it'll have compartments for electronics as well. Man, I really hope I get enough interest once I officially announce the finished kit!

I haven't even played the game and I'm familiar with the character. Really enjoying this build so far, and really hoping that you offer up kits when you're done, as I'd love to do a custom one!
Some updates...

...head top plate and body 99% done. All that is left is some light sanding and minor filling.
(Pics 1-3)

Start of my V2 wheel. First one was off in dimensions...
(Pic 4)

...filling with foam...
(Pic 5)

...more foam...
(Pic 6)

...shaved down foam, now filling with Aves...
(Pic 7)

...wheel done, starting on treads...
(Pic 8)

...where I am at currently. I had to take off some treads due to miscalculating the spacing. The game model has 21 treads, I could have added another for 22 to easily correct my spacing but I decided to keep it accurate.
(Pic 9)



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Another update. Everything is done except for the arms and wheel strut. I originally ordered the wrong tubing so I have to wait for the right ones to arrive. Aside from that, I just need to do some minor cleanup here and there.

Please, let me know what you think. Thanks!



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Thanks for asking. Well, I'm waiting on a reply from the caster and also waiting on supplies for the arm and wheel strut. I'll start an official interest thread in the JK here soon. I'm shooting for Feb-Mar to start casting...hopefully sooner.

Just thought I'd post this quick size reference shot. The tubing came in yesterday so I'll be finishing up the arms and struts this week!



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I had a three day weekend and I spent most of that time working on finishing this master. I have to admit, I'm pretty proud of it!

I added last minute details to the top head plate. I re-did the "shoulder" joint....the one in the arm-pit recess.

I finally jumped into the arm work! Man, it was a lot of work! I spent a lot of time trying to figure out the best way to master the arm while allowing the builder to pose it the way they want to. Which is why it is broken up in several pieces. I think it's better this way instead of a generic static in-kit pose. The arm consists of the upper arm, elbow, three forearm parts, the wrist and 2 flappers of a hand. As you can tell, there are a few more detail pieces left to add but nothing major. Also, by breaking up the arm into pieces, I tried to minimize the amount of thin weak resin areas once casts are made. So, I will include metal tubing, wire and hoses. The metal tubing will eliminate the need for reinforced resin, the thickness will stay in-scale and it will be strong enough once assembled.

Also, I finished the wheel struts and how they attach to the figure.

All parts in the pics are held with tack glue. Please let me know what you think.

Interest thread coming soon to the Junkyard.



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This is amazing work! Great job!

How do you plan to keep it balanced on the wheel? Keep him on a stand?