Costumes at cons, more acceptable?

I agree with Risu.

For me personally if I don't look the part i wont act the part. If I were 400 pounds i wouldn't be caught dead in a Spidey suit , but I'm not going to discriminate against people that have the balls to do so.

Btw Arafinwe I love the idea of a Big Storm Trooper! You could go with a group of other people that are not the "right Trooper size" and be the rogue garrison!

see now that's an idea i think is pretty awesome,
an "Omega" stormtrooper company!

reminds me alittle of the robert asprin books, "phule's company" which if you fancy a "terry pratchett in space" vibe, i would highly recommend
People just have no !@#$ manners any more, and I'm just sick of it.

The last con I went to, I went with a group of friends, and we all costumed. I had a very, nice costume in the works, but with only a couple of weeks to go, I saw that I wasn't going tol get into, in time for the con (by a long shot) so I decided to do a different costume. I managed to get the second costume done in time. Was it perfect? NO. Was it all that I wanted it to be? No. But it was supposed to be about the fun.

Well, at one point I was setting with my friends, and this guy walks up with his little kid. THE PARENT, walked up to each of my friends in tern and looked them up and down, like they were pieces of meat, and said some sort of kind things. Then he went out of his way to look at me, and say "Yours is the worst of the groop, if not the worst at the con, why did you even bother." :( (in front of his kid, so his kid will sind up being as big as a jerk as he is, on day, and they guy didn't even have a costume on.)

Later I was ASKED to be on stage with the rest of my group, and others. Afterward, another guy walks right up to me, and say "did they tell you, you belonged up there, I think you were mistaken, because you didn't"

I'm sick of jerks thinking that someone thinks, that anyone asked them for there loud moth opinions.

What ever happened to if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all.

Most of us, do the best that our abilities will allow. (or as much as our bank accounts will allow. ) Everyone should be allowed to enjoy them selves. If your a 300 pount slave leia, don't expect every one to want there picture taken of you, but you shouldn't be treated poorly either.

A few years ago, I was on the city bus. (Hey I'm to blind to drive.) The bus pulls up to a stop, and two friends were standing there. One girls was "hot" by most peoples standers, and the other girl was very, very, plus sized, by most peoples standers. They both were wearing tight jeans, and black tube tops (or what ever they call them these days.) The driver looked the "hot" one up and down and flirted with here as she got on the bus. When her friend went to get on the bus, the drive said "you can't get on thiis bus dressed like that". He closed the door in here face, and drove off. :( They were wearing the same dam thing. I am so sick of this kind of thing.

Not everyone is the same color, Size, shape, height, etc. GET OVER IT, AND GROW THE HELL UP!

couldn't agree more. Went to a con earlier this year in costume, had a similar experience, wont mention specifics...just takes the fun out of it all
I'm an over weight Stormtrooper, and the funny/unfortunate thing is I didn't realize how "bad" I looked in the armor until after I saw pictures of myself in my suit. My first 501st troop was a blast, and I had a great time. But once I saw candid photos of my taken at the event by event goers I realized how fat I looked in costume.

I have to admit I kind of wish someone said in one of my build threads, with honnest and constructive criticism "Hey, no offense bud, but I think you are a little big for a stormtrooper. Maybe theres another costume out there better suited for you?"

I'm not even sure what I am trying to say here, I'm kind of divided. I had a great time at the troop, but now I am aware of how I look and I am kind of embarrassed. I put a lot of work into making a screen accurate costume, but forgot to make sure I have a screen accurate body. At least its motivated me to work on getting in better shape, and so far so good.

Do what ever makes you happy, but for me I'm not happy knowing I don't look like a stormtrooper, I look like a fat stormtrooper

Bam! There it is right there. This gentleman discovered his limitations and owned up to it. Good for you, bro. I like the above comment, though. It can still work for you from a comedic aspect. Maybe a retired garrison type of deal! That would be great! :lol
I just remember a time, when opinions were something you had to ask for. (witch yes, this thread did.)

If I walked up to someone, and said, "does this costume look aweful?" Or "Cheep" or "does this make me look fat?" then I deserve whatever I get. If I enter a contest, and folks don't vote for me, fine. However, just to be at a con, having a good time, and for people to be !#$% and walk around putting there opinions in others faces, and expecting other to conform to there idea of what looks "right", will never be ok with me. EVER! It's just rood, cruel, and unnecessary.

Yes, if your plus size (like me) it would be nice if you dressed the part. But some fellow fat guys, when they put on X-wing gear, they want to be Wedge, not Porkins, or Vot. They should have that right. It's their body, their time, money, nad hard work, and it's not hurting you, and if it is, then don't look at them.

I may not like looking at fat slave leia's but I'm not going to walk up to them and say, put something on, no-one wants to see that. They have the right to have the same fun as everyone else. They want to dress up like a character the enjoy, or wear a costume they like, and feel good about them self, and that shouldn't be reserved for the every grown minority, of "beautiful people".

I agree that black face is out, but if you want to be a fat white, Blade, more power to you. (I like his coat, and vest, and wouldn't mind having one of each. :))

I love the hillbilly Bickers, I used to see as a kid, they where all different shapes, and sizes, and some where ugly as hell. The wore what they wanted, did what they wanted, dated who they wanted, and no-one, ever dared to day a word to them. If you had walked up to a fat ugly bicker, and said "you look awful in the at" "shave, get a hair cut, and get a job" You would have probably wound up missing. :lol

It's pretty bad, when we need the Bickers of old to teach Americans values and manners.

If I go into (fake) battle, I want a fat stormtrooper. If I'm on his side, he draws fire, and makes a great shield. If I'm on the other side, he makes an easy target. I like the idea of a retired stormy, but in the end I have no problem with just an over weight regular one. (though you could be Vot, or Porkins under cover. :) )

I'm trying to loose weight myself, but that's for me, and no-one else. I was a fat Mal from firefly a few years ago, and I was fine with it. (and yes Mal, not Monty, or some other brown coat. I was MAL.)
But some fellow fat guys, when they put on X-wing gear, they want to be Wedge, not Porkins, or Vot. They should have that right. It's their body, their time, money, nad hard work, and it's not hurting you, and if it is, then don't look at them.

I may not like looking at fat slave leia's but I'm not going to walk up to them and say, put something on, no-one wants to see that. They have the right to have the same fun as everyone else. They want to dress up like a character the enjoy, or wear a costume they like, and feel good about them self, and that shouldn't be reserved for the every grown minority, of "beautiful people".

I so wanna buy you a beer after reading that, dude!!
I think that costuming at cons has gotten bigger. Here in Denver, random people asked me if I was going to Starfest (our only freaking con of any kind, that combined everything... stupid Denver) and dressing up. Afterward, they'd all tell me what they were dressing up as.

It's kind of like Halloween. As the late gen X'ers got older, they brought the tradition of dressing up for Halloween with them. What used to be something strictly for kids, started to become more acceptable for adults. Well, gen Y'er's got into that. Now they're adults. Since we enjoyed it so much for Halloween, we can use cons as another excuse to dress up.

I suspect it's a trend that we will see increase.
That's actually how I see it - another chance to dress up in costume and have a good time. And that's all it should be to people attending; a good time. I can't believe people would come up and critique\insult someone the don't even know about their costume. Sometimes it's about the resources a particular person may have. If they don't have thousands to spend but want to dress up, they do the best they can. It's all about having fun. I mean really - this stuff is all pretend, I guess some people lose sight of that.

For example, I'll be going to the New York Comic Con dressed up as TOS Kirk. Is my outfit screen accurate? Nope - but it's close. I spent $400 for everything head to toe and that's more than I'll admit to my wife (Havok looks behind his shoulder slowly, checking for the wife). However to really get it where it needs to be I would have had to spend about $1,200. Too much in my opinion. I'd rather take that extra money and spend it on toys!

So, if you come up to me and insult my costume, here's how I will handle it:

How to handle a man insulting you

And if you happen to be an attractive girl:

How to handle a woman insulting you
I'd really like to see a bit more focus on the quality of work rather than the body inside- from the costuming community at least. But then I am apparently a freak or just jealous of the pretty women. Yeah. that's what it is.

As for more acceptance- yeah. But the flip side is there is more demand for novelty and less respect. We are seen as a service and all that implies in terms of entitlement from the public ;)
So since the thread is off track anyway...

If you're not the right proportions, you can't dress up as most characters.

If you're not rich enough to afford a perfect costume, you can't dress up.

I guess you have to be a member of this elitist group to not be considered the scum of the earth. Well I guess even nerds and geeks have their bullies among them
So since the thread is off track anyway...

If you're not the right proportions, you can't dress up as most characters.

If you're not rich enough to afford a perfect costume, you can't dress up.

I guess you have to be a member of this elitist group to not be considered the scum of the earth. Well I guess even nerds and geeks have their bullies among them

Nobody is telling anyone what they can and can't do. Some are simply saying "if you DO dress certain ways with certain body types, don't complain when the Internet gets ahold of your picture and says nasty things".

I personally think people SHOULD dress however they want, as long as they are confortable with whatever the outcome may be. 200lb Aayla Secura? Go for it. Just don't be surprised when people make jabs at you, and don't complain, either.

The way I see it, as far as the weight issue goes, I'm in a similar boat. I'm not overweight, but I'm not as well muscled as the character I'm working on. Guess what? I'm working out before I dress up like him, to get at least a little more muscle to fill the costume out. If you're massively overweight, as in busting out of your Stormtrooper armor plates or your Slave Leia bikini, go the extra mile and lose the freakin' weight. Not even out of respect for the character, but respect for yourself.

Sure, I'm happy for you if you're overweight but comfortable costuming as whoever you are. High self-esteem is a great thing. But I respect even MORE the person who goes out and loses the weight in order to fit better into the costume. Not because it makes it easier for me to look at them, or some other childish reason like that, but because they went out and DID SOMETHING that made them a stronger, HEALTHIER person.

Body weight, no matter what anyone tells you, is ALWAYS able to be controlled. Some people need stricter control than others, but that's where personal discipline comes in.

Ok, I'm getting off of my soapbox now.
I don't costume, but for any costumer to naysay about another costumer, based on race, weight or gender, is pretty stupid. You have to realize that, even if you spent months in the gym and doing P90X and spent hundreds of dollars making the perfect leather underpants, all so you can dress up as a soldier from 300; to the normal outsider, you're all a bunch of nerdy, dateless dorks. They don't care how much time or money you've invested. They just see a grown adult, playing dress-up and make believe.

For the 30 people that cheer you on when you show up at the bar, dressed as whoever, those same 30 people bad mouth you as soon as you're out of ear shot. They want a picture with you so they can go home and show their friends "see this loser, he spent $1200 on this stupid plastic armor".

Costumers have enough enemies on the outside, do they really need them on the inside, too?

As for the fat stormtrooper, get together with other fat troopers and tell people you're an Imperial Reserves garrison. "Imperial Reservists - Killing Rebel Scum, 1 Weekend a Month and 2 Weeks a year".

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As for the fat stormtrooper, get together with other fat troopers and tell people you're an Imperial Reserves garrison. "Imperial Reservists - Killing Rebel Scum, 1 Weekend a Month and 2 Weeks a year"

Or you could be Peter and Chris Griffin from Blue Harvest!
Or you could be Peter and Chris Griffin from Blue Harvest!

I was gonna say the same thing. No-one ever has to worry about being a fat trooper again because there will always be a Family Guy fan around to give you a thumbs up :)
as to op question over here in P.R it has become more acceptable back in 2000 you would see 5 max people in costume 1 oe 2 sci-fi and the rest anime convention wise ther would be 3 small ones and every 2 years a realy big ,now there is a whole convention for costumes 1 full day for anime and 1 full day scifi and a yearly big one with a costume contest and 5 yearly as for costuming in general i see a variaty of people big small skinny black white etc in costume but most of them have costume groups and the few who say any bad things end up costuming the next time in my opinion costuming help promote the event and it helps attendance there's always going to be a fan of the character your representing and most flyers they hand out they always mention the costumes
Cool - do you have any info on the PR conventions? I visit almost every year and would love to time a visit with a con...
Costuming at cons in general is a double or triple edged sword. In my 5 yrs of going to cons my costumes get better but the emotion behind it has changed. My first costume was nothing special, just something i made overnight with a 14 dollar sewing machine and some sporting goods.

This i know is not impressive and kinda fail but i still keep it as a reminder to my first true hobby.

I feel as others discover the joys of costuming the more relevant it will become. But there is a time and place for it at cons. While i predominately costume at and around the convention. I will take a step back just to witness what others do. I feel everyone who costume is a person and we whether in costume or not should reciprocate the same decency and respect as we would like to receive. We must also realize we throw ourselves at the mercy of the court of public opinion and must accept and acknowledge any judgement that is rendered.