Customized RB Replicas Sonic Screwdriver

We are really at the mercy of the shipping people. A professional prop maker who is a member here offered to send me a bunch or really great stuff a few years back. He packaged it all up and sent off the box. I have not to this day ever received the package. It's a shame as there was a bunch of hard to get things, even a couple of unique irreplaceable things. Either it's just lost or someone has a whole lot of cool stuff.

And Russ is a stand-up guy to deal with. He has a good product at usually reasonable prices and will work with you. Customs here seized a batarang from Russ once. No amount of conversation with them would get them to release it. Someone probably has a nice machined metal batarang in his collection now. I have my doubts that all this seized stuff is destroyed.

Apparently the international shipping methods are very random. Sometimes if they are going out in smaller clusters, they are shipped overseas by plane. However if there is a great deal of things that need to be sent over that week, they use a freight-ship. So the post office says if the sonic came by ship, it would explain the lengthy delay....but they feel it should be here by now.