Earthworm Jim and Earthworm Kim Costumes (Complete 10/22/12)

Re: Earthworm Jim and Earthworm Kim Costumes (8/5/12)

Big update here, We finished up and painted Earthworm Kim’s Head. I guess you could say we were inspired by her hair. We stuck pretty close to the original design with just a few extra added touches. We added the eyeshadow above her eyes. We also could not resist adding her eyelashes earrings and bow, is’nt she beautiful? the Muscle chest is coming along we are reinforcing the muscles, and adding the closure to the back. We are also finishing up the hands and feet, pics to follow very soon. we are also finishing up the muscle sculpt up for Earthworm Kim’s body. That’s right, she gets her own sculpt. So stay tuned & check out a full 360 degree view of Kim's Mask.
As always thanks for checking in and following along

Re: Earthworm Jim and Earthworm Kim Costumes (8/20/12)

Great work, looking forward to seeing the end result !
Re: Earthworm Jim and Earthworm Kim Costumes (8/20/12)

Thanks Guys! Im pretty sure Jim will be painted up this weekend but we have a pretty busy schedule. I will keep you all posted
Re: Earthworm Jim and Earthworm Kim Costumes (8/20/12)

Thanks :)
we got Jim painted this weekend but I still need to get pics. Im hoping to update tonight.
Re: Earthworm Jim and Earthworm Kim Costumes (8/20/12)

Jeremy, What kind of arm mobility are you able to achieve with the body cast? It looks like the arm position is fixed in one pose from the pics.
Re: Earthworm Jim and Earthworm Kim Costumes (8/20/12)

Ya, it kinda is, thats the one bad thing about the latex muscle suit is lack of mobility. We are filling our the void in the muscle area with upolstery foam instead of expanding foam.
Im hoping that will give the wearer more mobility.
Re: Earthworm Jim and Earthworm Kim Costumes (8/20/12)

Cool, can't wait to see how the build moves forward.
Re: Earthworm Jim and Earthworm Kim Costumes (8/29/12)

Ok its update time, We finally have an Earthworm Jim Mask to go with our Earthworm Kim mask, Now she wont be lonely. I think we should have realsed Earthworm Jim's Mask first as he lacks the flash of his female counterpart. He has some nice tone to his paint and he has the additional back part to his head but thats about it. Anyway check out the full 360 View of EWJ's Mug.



Thanks for Checking in
Re: Earthworm Jim and Earthworm Kim Costumes (8/29/12)

This is too funny! Have you thought about putting a little highlight with air brush to give it more of a pop? Eyes espc.
Re: Earthworm Jim and Earthworm Kim Costumes (8/29/12)

Thanks so much guys, no major update this week, we are winding down the build however and getting it ready to be shipped off to its new owner. They are suppose to provide me with full suited up pictures.
I will have a few more small updated but its is coming to an end
Re: Earthworm Jim and Earthworm Kim Costumes (8/29/12)

I'm sorry, I missed something. Someone ordered this? Sweet! How much was it if you don't mind?

Thanks so much guys, no major update this week, we are winding down the build however and getting it ready to be shipped off to its new owner. They are suppose to provide me with full suited up pictures.
I will have a few more small updated but its is coming to an end