I happened upon a Handspring version that I should have in a few days, thinking that was the right one...JediLip, can you point out the specifics in that screencap that shows the Palm one as being the correct model? Not an argumentative question at all, I'm genuinely curious so I can get the right thing. :)

Originally posted by Kaylee@Jan 24 2006, 12:11 AM
And looking at those photos again,it looks like the Palm Type'N'Go is the correct model -- note how the recess for the PDA widens at the base a touch.

Darn, I got the wrong one. Bother. :p
Wait, what is it that makes you think it's the Palm model as opposed to the other?

Using the screen cap Judgedredd provided and the product images from JediLip, I think it's pretty clear that the prop uses the Palm version. The silver device on the prop ends at roughly the QWERT line of keys just as the Palm version does, as indicated by the red lines in the pic above.
DOH. I was just about to reply with an "Oh, I see it now." revelation. :lol

Yes indeed, it certainly does look like the Palm V/VX version is the correct one.
just a quick thought on the "PDA" object itself... has anyone thought it might be some kind of lcd touchscreen remote control? just a thought.
Originally posted by darcjedi@Jan 23 2006, 11:17 PM
just a quick thought on the "PDA" object itself... has anyone thought it might be some kind of lcd touchscreen remote control?  just a thought.

Haven't thought of that, but I'll see what I can google up on it. ;) At least it'll give me a break from searching through hundreds of PDA's, MP4 players, stand-alone LCD screens, and PVP's. :confused

I'm trying to figure out the purpose of the notch at the top center of the device (the half-moon cutout). At first, I thought it was an IR transmitter, but then, looking at the larger screen caps, it looks like you can see the Type 'N Go below it.

The only button on the device looks like the one right below the screen. It looks to me to have the universal symbol for "Power on/off" on it. With that lonely button on there, it lead me to look at the stand-alone LCD screens with the possible inputs in the top of the device. They make devices like that where you can stick in memory cards from your camera and view the pictures you took.

I didn't think it was a touch-screen remote because it's so small. PDA's have small touch-screens, but they normally have more than just one button on the front.

My head hurts. :cry
Originally posted by JediLip@Jan 24 2006, 12:12 AM
I'm trying to figure out the purpose of the notch at the top center of the device (the half-moon cutout). At first, I thought it was an IR transmitter, but then, looking at the larger screen caps, it looks like you can see the Type 'N Go below it.

What if that curved cutout is actually supposed to go around the power button? Of course, that would mean the curvature of the bottom of that rubber grip is 180 degrees off from the curvature of the bottom of the device.

Check out Birdie's picture...HERE.

Could it be possible that they took the rubber grip that's supposed to be on the bottom and moved it to the top for some weird reason?

Cosmetically, that rubber looking grip at the top of the device looks weird there.

Now take a look at the cutout in synasp's picture...HERE. Can you see that tiny spec of silver at the bottom of that cutout? Could that be the top of the device?
The silver screen thing with the power button underneath is really familiar and I'm currently racking my brains trying to think from where. I keep wanting to say it's the Motorola RAZR, but it's not at all. I've got an inkling it's a cellphone of some kind.
Maybe it's something like this, an organiser with the USB cradle attached.

Would everyone agree its not CGI ? over a blank screen i agree with birdie if you think back a few years ago when it was made there was very little around which would perform like on the show?i am sure its something we can find.

Originally posted by JediLip+Jan 24 2006, 05:35 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(JediLip @ Jan 24 2006, 05:35 AM)</div>
@Jan 23 2006, 07:11 PM
And looking at those photos again,it looks like the Palm Type'N'Go is the correct model -- note how the recess for the PDA widens at the base a touch.

Darn, I got the wrong one. Bother. :p

Yeah, you can clearly see in synasp's screencap HERE, that the Palm version is the correct one. And I wouldn't sweat having to buy the Palm version. I just bought mine from ebay for $3.99 plus shipping. :D

And now to find the screen device...

*Edit* If it helps, the Palm M500 was 4.48" X 3.11". Whatever device was on the left side should roughly be the same size...just thicker.
I think it's CG. Making up a functioning video screen would be way too much hassle when it can be edited in in post in five minutes. Doesn't mean the original doesn't have a screen, though.

The on/off button is computer-like to me. Reminds me of a laptop with that symbol.
Originally posted by judgedredd@Jan 24 2006, 11:17 AM
Would everyone agree its not CGI ? over a blank screen i agree with birdie if you think back a few years ago when it was made there was very little around which would perform like on the show?i am sure its something we can find.

I think it's pretty definitely CGI, if you look at the edges of the screen you can see that the lip that meets the screen is not even all the way around.

Also when looking for PDAs and such for this keep in mind that we are talking 2001 here, cell phones were not nearly as fancy, colour screens on them were pretty limited and small if they even had colour. MP4 players didn't exist and MP3 players didn't have colour screens. Not that having a colour screen matters since it is CGI, but the sizes of screens on things at the time was generally smallish. A PDA is probably the best bet. Then again I am certainly no expert.
Being this was the pilot episode of Firefly, does anyone know when this was actually filmed?

I keep having to remind myself of the technology available in 2001/2002.

I see what you're saying about the screen edges not looking right and how the screen is CG, but I was just hoping to locate a found part to make it easier instead of scratch-building it. :)

Now if we throw away the idea that the device itself generated the graphic and that it was in fact CG, that opens the door to more options of what it could be. Suggestions?
The thing that kinda throws me is the lack of button other than the on/of switch.
i think we are letting ourselfs be influenced by todays technology this could be anything off the shelf i just cant think what it looks familiar somehow?

Originally posted by Birdie@Jan 24 2006, 06:03 PM
The thing that kinda throws me is the lack of button other than the on/of switch.
It could also be something that was never on the shelves. It could be a prototype that the prop dept just happened to get their hands on...unlikely, but a possibility I suppose.
The silver piece surrounding the screen looks painted. As for the black rubber thing at the top holding it in place, it looks almost like one of the rubber pieces from the outside of the case.

As for the screen could it be something like this:


Using Synasp's image here for reference.