Deprecated FOTK First Order Stormtrooper armor for sale (BANNED)

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Re: FOTK First Order Stormtrooper armor for sale- next place open in March

Looks great man, thanks for taking the time to put these up:cool
Re: FOTK First Order Stormtrooper armor for sale- next place open in March

No problem. I did forget to mention I'm waiting on leggings and some of the arm pieces. I'm not even worried if it doesn't get here on time for Comic Con. I have great cosplay ideas no matter. This will just make on the day of cosplay that much better! :)
Re: FOTK First Order Stormtrooper armor for sale- next place open in March

No problem. I did forget to mention I'm waiting on leggings and some of the arm pieces. I'm not even worried if it doesn't get here on time for Comic Con. I have great cosplay ideas no matter. This will just make on the day of cosplay that much better! :)
Find a Phasma and do this!

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Re: FOTK First Order Stormtrooper armor for sale- next place open in March

Hello everyone,

i received MIMIC‘s parcel today and i have to say i‘m absolutely amazed how talented MIMIC is.
The effort he put into creating this armor and its details is priceless and im glad i chose his Service.

So here are some pictures as promised.

















Re: FOTK First Order Stormtrooper armor for sale- next place open in March

Gorgeous! Can’t wait to compare with the Anovos prototype.

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Re: FOTK First Order Stormtrooper armor for sale- next place open in March

Can’t get over how sharp these kits are, Again great job Mimic and thanks for posting Sikes, who’s next ?
Re: FOTK First Order Stormtrooper armor for sale- next place open in March

Omg this is amazing work! DAMN YOU FREELANCE CHECK, where are you?!?!

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Re: FOTK First Order Stormtrooper armor for sale- next place open in March

Fantastic pics, making me anxious to get mine too lol

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Re: FOTK First Order Stormtrooper armor for sale- next place open in March

This is some very nice work here mimic, great detail and work done here.
i can see why this has taken extra time to get just right.
thank you sikes for post these pics, great work, I'll look forward to seeing yours and everyone else's build coming closer to completion.
Re: FOTK First Order Stormtrooper armor for sale- next place open in March

Wow the inside looks smooth enough to rub my cheeks on! Very nice!

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Re: FOTK First Order Stormtrooper armor for sale- next place open in March

Thank you everyone for the positive comments and great photos!!!

Sorry the ab plate update took so long. But on a positive note two members who have received the first wave of armor have inquired already about ordering a second set! Which is very flattering, I can promise I am working on completing this run absolutely as soon as possible for you all but without jeopardising quality.

Thank you again
Re: FOTK First Order Stormtrooper armor for sale- next place open in March

I'm tempted to order another aswell.

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Re: FOTK First Order Stormtrooper armor for sale- next place open in March

Thank you everyone for the positive comments and great photos!!!

Sorry the ab plate update took so long. But on a positive note two members who have received the first wave of armor have inquired already about ordering a second set! Which is very flattering, I can promise I am working on completing this run absolutely as soon as possible for you all but without jeopardising quality.

Thank you again
Ya I'm absolutely loving the work you have done with this MIMIC. I may decide on selling my other lower half that I have and just go with the rest of the kit from you. Gonna depend on how well everything will fit when I get the new boots and lifts.

Keep up the fantastic work and can't wait to get my hands on this beautiful armor you have made

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Re: FOTK First Order Stormtrooper armor for sale- next place open in March

Looking great. Can't wait to get mine.

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Re: FOTK First Order Stormtrooper armor for sale- next place open in March

Mimic, can you give an estimate on the second half of the armor?

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Re: FOTK First Order Stormtrooper armor for sale- next place open in March

Ok, thanks!

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Re: FOTK First Order Stormtrooper armor for sale- next place open in March

Sounds great to me man! I know the quality of what I have. I can't wait to get the rest and with that date. I'll make it an RCCC debut and be a little trimmer as well :) This works perfectly for me. I now have time to finish my Scout Trooper, weapons and have friends join in on the fun with me!!! Whenever if ever the 2nd run happens. Count on me jumping on board! Also are you okay with me telling a few folks that I know? If they would be interested in purchasing a set? I figured if you're doing another run. The more the merrier right? I know a few very serious people that would be throwing money at you before you could even say yes! or no! Crap...did they send monies already??
Re: FOTK First Order Stormtrooper armor for sale- next place open in March

looks like heartstopper and myself are up next! Mimic?
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