Limited Run Hand-Schaub's 2014 Bronze Cast fertility idol run - Indianna Jones


Sr Member
Hello all,

It is with great pleasure that I have been able to supply many prop fans with a quality bronze cast fertility idols. I already started a run at Indygear (COW) but waited a bit for the RPF. If you wish to view the thread at COW here it is :
Club Obi Wan - Indiana Jones Discussion Forum, Fedora, Jacket, Whips, Gear ? Login

I really thank Tundrarider for the great pictures and review seen here:
Club Obi Wan - Indiana Jones Discussion Forum, Fedora, Jacket, Whips, Gear ? Login
I think the pictures really represent what the idol is.

Here is another comparisons that may help

The pedigree if the sculpt is unknown. I was told that it was off a screen used piece but at the time I didn't really care too much - I just wanted an idol. I molded the piece then did some clean up. SInce then each piece that comes from the mold undergoes a good deal of 're-mastering' so to say the idol is 100% accurate is 100% false. Is it 100% awesome? ... yes. I will add a few images as time goes on but I wanted to get the info out to anybody interested now.

So here is the meat of the sale:

Time line to make these pieces largely depends on the foundry’s work load. For my part, I cast the wax and need to ‘clean’ it. This is often the most important part as it determines the quality of the metal casting. When the wax is brought to the foundry it goes into the process which includes gating the piece, putting the investment mold over it and finally casting the bronze. Cleaning the metal is tedious work and the foundry does a good job with the general clean up. This process may take up to 6 to 8 weeks. I receive the piece and do final clean up and finally the buffing. Total time for a finished piece may take up to 8 or more weeks. I plan to bring wax casting in the summer around late June.

Total price is $525 plus shipping ($20US and $60International) This includes insurance. Prices of metal have finally caught up with bronze. I’m sorry but this is the first significant increase I had to deal with and that is with the assumption that I get a run of 10 or more this year.

I ask for a deposit of $200 to begin the process. Paypal can be sent to or if you prefer I will gladly accept check or money order sent snail mail (I’ll be honest, I prefer anything over paying Paypal fees which can be avoided if paying as a gift). Please contact me for mailing address.

*edit* I had good results on getting them clear coated. It's a $45 option and it protects the luster. In addition to that there is an option to get it chrome painted for a more yellow shine. I kind of think that it defeats the purpose of high polish bronze but to each his own right? I do not have a price on this as I would need to meet with the chrome painter on this

It has been brought up that people would like Brass cast. Bronze is mostly Brass but casting things in pure brass is not done very much in the US. Something about the dangers of casting pure brass. Regardless, the foundries here wont do it. Perhaps an overseas foundry will.

Now, I have had my idol sitting by my desk for about a year and a half and I never polished it and it looks great. My friend has one on a shelf and it dulled down a lot so I think it has something to do with the metal quality. As far as up keep some metal polish (like Mother's brand) and a bit of elbow grease will keep it looking good. And if anybody ever wants it re-shined then I'll do it for free minus shipping of course. At this point I never had anybody take me up on it though.

I'm happy to answer questions either on board or in PM or e-mail

Thanks again and I look forward to you receiving this piece!

OH!... I do trades too!!

Confirmed list:
2. ckraut
3Robi - paid - shipped
4.Mogaert - paid/shipped
5.Jbar -
6.El Diablo - paid - shipped
7.ride - full - message sent
8.skyhawker - paid/shipped
9.m66 - paid/shipped
10. m mutant -paid /shipped


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I'm looking to bring waxes to the foundry in a week. Contact me even if "interested". Perhaps we can make arrangements so I can make the 10 unit goal
awesome! deposit incoming :)
I've been wanting to get one of these for ages and with this possibly being one of the last runs I didn't want to miss out :)
Fellow adventurers,
I'm sure some of you are anxious for the casting of the idols. There have been a few unforeseeable snags. The first was for my original target foundry date. The local foundry that has cast all my other idols is moving so they were not taking any new jobs. They are remaining local but will not be up and running until October. Therefore I had to change my game plan and seek another foundry. I hoped to go to a larger foundry in the California bay area (in Berkeley). I very recently got a meeting with them. They seemed a bit confused when I explained that these are "based" of a movie sculpture. I tried to word it legally but in the end they did not feel comfortable casting this "image" as this is the foundry which works for the powers that be on casting their monuments (if anybody has been to the offices and took a photo of the Yoda sculpture you have seen their work).
So, currently I am at a slow down. I do have one more foundry option which honestly I want to avoid.
SO... Here are my choices;
I can see about going to the other local foundry which I would rather not
OR with the kind permission of the patiently waiting idol enthusiasts, wait until October to have them cast by the usual foundry.
My guarantee is that these WILL be cast and this last batch of idols will be delivered as promised... just not as fast as I would like. If any buyers has any questions or input, by all means please ask. I would understand the possibility of some wanting a refund but as I said earlier, these will be complete - only much later than I want.
Please input or e-mail.
If there is anybody else who wishes to get on board then this might be a happy complication as it will allow for new orders up until October.
I'm happy to wait Brian, tbh I'd rather you use your usual foundry so you know what quality you'll be getting. A few more months in the grand scheme of things won't make any difference, I'm just pleased your keeping us in the loop :thumbsup

I'd take one please :)

I do need International shipping (in the UK) , I could pay the deposit Thursday (need to wait for payday to arrive :))
I'm happy to wait Brian, tbh I'd rather you use your usual foundry so you know what quality you'll be getting. A few more months in the grand scheme of things won't make any difference, I'm just pleased your keeping us in the loop :thumbsup

No problem. I was getting worried because even though I had been working on the project it was going no where. At least we know where we stand with them. This will give me the chance to refine the waxes a bit more too so they will be the best group yet!!

- - - Updated - - -

See - it worked out for more of us. :) I'll be happy to help.


I'd take one please :)

I do need International shipping (in the UK) , I could pay the deposit Thursday (need to wait for payday to arrive :))
I'm ok with the wait. I agree with El Diablo that you should wait for the foundry that you've worked with before, and who's quality you can trust.
sent the foundry an e-mail to see when I can bring the waxes in. Hopefully they
respond soon so I can get this going again.

Thanks all for your patience
thanks for the update, don't worry if they can't start them yet though. I'm in no rush, whenever they can start them is cool with me :cool
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