...Try to explain (if you can) why it is not.
As a kid it was not the greatest to me because at 10 you can't end a movie with a cliffhanger with my favorite character frozen and ask me to wait 3 years ( a little less then 1/3 of my whole life so far) to find out what happens.
just plain mean, and made it difficult to play with the action figures, having to not use the Han, and not have him flying around on the toy Falcon.
It was a horrible ending to a kid. Hated that it was all losing and down.
10 year olds do not care about story arcs or long term plans.
Even as an adult I can't say the movie is the greatest because of that fact, It was my least favorite as a kid, and now I like them all equal, with a slight extra love for the first, just because it was the first.
Not the greatest, just one of the SIX I love.:cool
BUT regardless - Happy Anniv. ESB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!