Anyone have a shot of the bottom of the proclamations? I missed the ones that Zeeky had up here, and I'd like to see how close they are to the originals I have...
Thanks in advance!
Hey ... today is 27th of june...
Please , can I get this proclamations???
@zeeky5678: it's passed the 27 are you going to put them back up?
Why does it say Ahlablablah bal/blah and so on at the bottom of each proclomation; i thought it was supposed to end where it says '& subject to improval by Very Important Memebers of section M.I.Trx? Thanks anyway for the great paper prop.
Awesome, so much detail! Funny the little important things you find:lol
I wonder if the Prophets ACTUALLY say anything real in the fine print? Probably not. For the inside Quibbler pages im actually writing articles and stuff but for the stuff i know less about i think i should just put random letters:lol
On the extras of HP6 Bonnie Wright goes through the Art dep. and Flicks through the real quibbler. Im basing most of my pages on what i can see when i pause and play that video OVER & OVER again. Its funny hearing them pause and rewind. Eduardo Lima is the BEST. I wish i had his office, its totally packed with HP graphics; it's hard to realy see the writing in the quibbler when i look through the vid, because i still have a standard dvd player, if you have high res. reference pics that would make it so much easier.