Harry Potter Props and costumes

With the next movie only a little over a week away I thought I would bring this to the forefront again!!

What new fun HP baubles has everyone been working on??

EDIT: Oh and for some reason some of my early posts in this thread seem to have gone missing.... not sure what's going on there....
Just had a new robe made up, as I left my old one on the other coast; kinda glad, because this new one is much better. Having my girlfriend ship out her Gryffindor tie and patch, seeing as most of the shops that sell them are already out due to the premiere. Just need to find me a wand, and then have a friend dye my hair black (I'm going as harry) as we get closer to the release. Getting excited now!
I don't know about what people are working on, but I really want one of the new Death Eater masks! :love



There's a MUCH cooler/nicer version on one of the new posters, but I can't find any pictures of it online....
Has anyone gotten one of the Light Up wands from the Nobel Collection? I'm wondering if they're any good or cheap looking... Please reply!

-- Tim
I have Harry's light up. It's pretty bright and the motion activation is pretty cool. But it's oversized compared to the other prop wands. The size and plastic look make it appear and feel more like a toy than the other props.

I like it, but it hasn't inspired me to pick up Hermione's light-up as well. And I have all the other prop wands from Noble.
I am not a fan of the new death eater masks... I like the old skull verison much better. Some of these look like Dr. Doom mask rejects.
anyone have good pictures of snapes wand from noble? I mostly just wanna see the design in the grip.

Even though I'm not sure it was shown I hope noble brings out Tonks's wand out of the new characters in the movie hers would be most interesting to see.

EDIT: Also While I'm asking anyone have the sirus black wanted poster? Wanna be able to print it out and put it with some of my stuff.
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Figured I'd toss this in here... I made a couple non-canon wands, the top one's mine, the other is a gift. They're both shaped by hand with just a couple files and a sanding sponge.

Not overly complicated or all that accurate to any specific movie wands, but fun to make and I like the result. :)
I know it's not a screen used prop or anything, but here's my friend and I waiting in line for the midnight release:

I know it's not a screen used prop or anything, but here's my friend and I waiting in line for the midnight release:


I was the only one to go to the movie in a costume. I was definately suprised... guess our town has little spirit. Well, I'm glad someone else did it too! :lol
Hey you and your friend look great! And as long as your enjoying yourself thats all that matters!
Does she normally read books upside down? LOL!
If you weren't trying to be sarcastic, (hard to tell in writing) Luna Lovegood reads them upside down.
No sarcasim intended about the costumes and havin fun. But maybe alittle with the upside down book reading. I didn't know Luna read books like that,i haven't read the HP books. So that was new news for me. I just know what i see in the films. BUT! i am now reading the 1st book to my daughters at bedtime and we love it.I can't believe how much great stuff is left out of the films. We plan to read the rest.:thumbsup
No sarcasim intended about the costumes and havin fun. But maybe alittle with the upside down book reading. I didn't know Luna read books like that,i haven't read the HP books. So that was new news for me. I just know what i see in the films. BUT! i am now reading the 1st book to my daughters at bedtime and we love it.I can't believe how much great stuff is left out of the films. We plan to read the rest.:thumbsup

In the movie her magazine was upside down, too. :angel