Harry Potter Props and costumes

It also plays into POA a lot too; I'll have to watch it again to see if there's any clear shots of it as he's putting it on.
I've just recieved Snape's wand from the noble collection. Awesome piece, only, when I didn't pay attention, I made a small move with it, and it snapped of at the handle! It seems there is a metal bar in it, that runs all the way down the wand..until it stops an inch of the end. Just where it end.. it snapped.


Anyone a suggestion to fix it ? Superglue didn't do the trick .. :wacko
Here is my version of the train ticket I made a while bacik.


And my version of the acceptance letter.

Nice work Juno and Ramsey, but Juno, I do think your one looks a litte bit to high, if you know what i mean, it should ne shorter in terms of height, and that it'll be good^^
That one does look good...I was thinking the same thing, though...just a bit too tall..but then, I think mine turned out a bit too wide. Plus, Juno's detail is more accurate...I made mine before I had a good, clear DVD screenshot...just went by what little I could find online. Plus, I didnt' yet have Photoshop and Illustrator..made mine entirely on MS Paint. *lol*
Henriko, that's just the angle of the photo:

Ramsey, I actually made the same mistake you did: I made my first ticket using the premiere gift ticket as reference.
:confused MSPaint? That's incredible. You've got some talent. It's hard enough to do that quality of work in Photoshop.

Thanks! But I wasn't entirely accurate on that statement...I did the gold border on MS Paint...the design in the middle was done using my old LivePix 2.0 program. There's no way I would have even attempted to do the whole thing on Paint. :eek
I've just recieved Snape's wand from the noble collection. Awesome piece, only, when I didn't pay attention, I made a small move with it, and it snapped of at the handle! It seems there is a metal bar in it, that runs all the way down the wand..until it stops an inch of the end. Just where it end.. it snapped.


Anyone a suggestion to fix it ? Superglue didn't do the trick .. :wacko

I'd say contact the noble customer service and tell them it broke, they might be able to replace it. I just ordered a snape wand myself, hopefully mine doesn't do that.
This is for Juno and Ramsey, although i think juno already knows this...You people disgust me! No one should be that talented! I can't even comprehend how you guys (and girls) pull this stuff off. But i'm always more than happy to throw my money at you folks! ;) Keep up the beautiful work!
It was just a screenshot of Harry holding the ticket...a decent close-up shot, but still not a very clear one. I just made out what I could of the details, and got alot of help from other forum members here.

I find that odd -- since your ticket matches almost exactly the promo ticket that was given out. (Which is nothing like the real ticket.) I redrew the promo ticket until I realized it wasn't the same as the screenshot.
I find that odd -- since your ticket matches almost exactly the promo ticket that was given out. (Which is nothing like the real ticket.) I redrew the promo ticket until I realized it wasn't the same as the screenshot.

Hmmmm....maybe the people that designed the promo ticket made the same mistakes I made. *lol*
So can you tell me, briefly, how you accomplish the foil work? Beautiful!

I printed it on Avery Metallic Print cardstock. On that card stock, everything that is in color will print out metallic and shiney, so I made all the gold metallic parts bright yellow so that it would print out gold. I wish I had the means to actually put gold print onto parchment paper instead of cardstock, but so far that is the best I can manage.