i would hope they make a few extras, in case people need to return a non-working or defective pack. And if they do make extras for this purpose, say they all work. What happens to the existing inventory? Raffle?
I want a better PKE meter. :D

I'm doing a special mod on a Walmart exclusive (so says eBay listing) PKE meter, but a more accurate one would be awesome.
i would hope they make a few extras, in case people need to return a non-working or defective pack. And if they do make extras for this purpose, say they all work. What happens to the existing inventory? Raffle?
Hasbro has been doing these crowdfunded, HasLab exclusives for years, beginning with a Jabba's Sail Barge. They've done MARVEL & Transformers products as well, all for items that would take too much shelf space at retail, & be at a much higher price point than most would spend on an impulse buy.

I say that to say this... They've NEVER had any 'extras' in any of these campaigns, as that would go against the entire process of the crowdfunding. I get why people would think it would be a good idea or a possibility to get some later, but that just isn't how this works, & is just that- wishful thinking.

I'm not trying to be a know-it-all, but I just hate to see anyone miss out because of what they 'think' would happen.
If there are any extras, they’re going to Hasbro employees, not the public.
Hasbro has been doing these crowdfunded, HasLab exclusives for years, beginning with a Jabba's Sail Barge. They've done MARVEL & Transformers products as well, all for items that would take too much shelf space at retail, & be at a much higher price point than most would spend on an impulse buy.

I say that to say this... They've NEVER had any 'extras' in any of these campaigns, as that would go against the entire process of the crowdfunding. I get why people would think it would be a good idea or a possibility to get some later, but that just isn't how this works, & is just that- wishful thinking.

I'm not trying to be a know-it-all, but I just hate to see anyone miss out because of what they 'think' would happen.
Hasbro did giveaway a few Barges many months after the Haslab window closed and after the item shipped to customers in raffle contests and Star Wars Day events.

Still i realize the time to get one is now and not later.
Yup! My guess is they will try again in a few years. It wasn't tooled yet from what I understand, so they are only out the internal R&D costs. The proton pack on the other hand has been in development for a long time. It was initially going to be launched when Afterlife was originally set to be released in 2020. So I would guess that it is already much farther along in its development and tooling.
The poor 6 inch scale Rancor is an interesting story that someone will probably make a documentary about some day.

It actually premiered at SDCC 2019 in Hasbro’s Star Wars Diorama. At least half of Hasbro’s Star Wars panel that year at SDCC was dedicated to the development of the Rancor and the people that made it.

Rumor has been for years that the HasLab for the Rancor was supposed to launch at SDCC in 2019, but someone got cold feet because of sluggish interest On some previous HasLabs. Two years later the Rancor finally made it to HasLab and unfortunately didn’t do well...even with the last minute Rancor Keeper add-in.

I kind of feel for the team that did the work on this and then it kept being delayed and died. On the other hand, I didn’t have any interest in backing it.

I’m still contemplating picking up a second Proton pack. That way I can have a stock Afterlife and a converted 84. I’m trying to justify it by saying the second pack is for my 9 year old son lol
Two methods the wand could sync to the pack:


The wand speaker can’t be silenced. The wand already has the pack bootup sound when you hit “Activate”. When the pack main red “afterlife” switch is flipped, you hear the cyclotron startup sound through the pack speaker and deep hum… now you switch on the wand, you get the same sound again through the little speaker in the wand.. did it start up twice? The sounds are also playing through each other. You don’t want this. It’s messy and feels cheap.


The pack measures power draw in amps through the powerunit inserted into the wand To understand what the wand is doing.

Cyclotron startup sound effect started by wand switch (GB2 courtroom / Egon GB1 elevator exit)

The pack would need to know the wand is connected (maybe plunger switch on the hose screwcap) but switched off.
The moment you hit the “afterlife switch” on the pack, it should -not- play the startup sound through the pack speaker. Because it will play the sound through the pack speaker when the switches are triggered on the wand (GB2 courtroom Do-Ray-Egon scene / GB1 Egon elevator exit).

Cyclotron sound effect started by pack switch (GB1 inside elevator)

But if the wand is connected and the switches on the wand ARE on, the moment the “afterlife” switch is flipped on the pack then it -would- need to play the startup sound through the pack speaker (GB1 elevator startup scene).

In both Good: examples above the pack would need to play the sound without a delay of more than 0.1s because the wand speaker can’t be silenced.

0.1s delay is doable because there are ammeter chips out there with a response time of 0.01s
Looking at the price and the 2 pin connection i'm pretty sure the connector hose will only power the wand and not add any functionality, it simply replaces the Batteries
The numbers are looking good. I'm optimistic we're gonna hit 15,000.
Noticed that myself! I was pleasantly surprised. And since it's being constantly served to me as a sponsored ad on FB & IG, I've just been clicking on it every few days.
I already know i'm getting one at the last second, just cuz I hate spending money LOL.

Do I need it? NO, no I don't. Will I get one out of FOMO? Yes, yes I am lol
OK I understand.But they will do so much of them...over 13 000 pieces with open end...I ask me: is it really need to pay it now?
As I understand it. In the past they did enough over the final count to cover estimated replacements for "Broken Shipments" "DOA's" "broken/missing parts" etc. Then they do give away promotions and after that period any complete units go on their ebay store at the backer price. So far any time that has happened it's sold out in minutes.
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