"Head Turn-Enabled" Batfleck Cowl Research Thread


Well-Known Member
So it's been said by the costume designer that the new Batsuit should allow the actor to turn his head. As seen in recent photos, this indeed seems to be the case. If you have any ideas of methods on how this was accomplished (i.e. specific types of rubber/urethane), please post in this thread.





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@ coofunkcurly:
What exactly do you mean by the term "Core?" I've been hearing some talk about this cowl from a few sources and this term has been mentioned more than once in regards to it's possible design. How does it work?

Much Appreciated!
@ coofunkcurly:
What exactly do you mean by the term "Core?" I've been hearing some talk about this cowl from a few sources and this term has been mentioned more than once in regards to it's possible design. How does it work?

Much Appreciated!

I assume it means there is a hard "shell" in the face/head part of the cowl that conforms to the actors face, and that is then skinned in foam latex when they add the neck.
So, the hard core in the face would help it keep it's shape, while the neck being soft foam latex would allow it some flexibility in the neck to enable the wearer to turn their head?
There are "bones" ran in the neck similar to a corset. The possibility of that being made into a fan made piece is minimal considering the cost difference in a movie suit vs fan made. $100,000 compared to $1000.
I'm starting to get an idea, but if anyone has pics or a rough mock-up of how this process works I'd love to see. it's amazing how far costume design has come in the last decade. Very impressive.

Thanks guys.
It's all in the fit, sculpt, and mold process...

(I was incorrect, there is indeed a skull cap in there. A certain cowl I was shown didn't have it.)
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Haha hopefully you didn't see my coment as being rude, I was just genuinely curious.

No worries.. didn't come across that way at all. :)

People are honestly over thinking the cowl. When the details come out I expect a lot of people to have an "OH! How didn't I think of that" reaction much like I did.
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Im gonna go ahead and guess that it's something that some mask makers have been doing for years. Silicone masks at least, that move with your face and allow for the neck to turn
Im gonna go ahead and guess that it's something that some mask makers have been doing for years. Silicone masks at least, that move with your face and allow for the neck to turn

Silicone has too many draw backs. It doesn't breath, so it would get incredibly hot underneath. This cowl is also very thin. Silicone would tear, and or lose it's shape. You have to remember the neck has to stretch all the way over the head, which is terrible for durability in silicone that thin. We're dealing with an "A-list" actor... it has to come of quickly between takes. (The cowl isn't glued down to Ben, but if they decided to glue it to a stunt actor, silicone is also harder to glue.)

It was briefly considered due to the failures in the "turn" of previous incarnations of the bat cowl, but now that they have a method that has been proven to work? Silicone doesn't stand a chance.
Is this speculation or do you have some info on its construction?

I do indeed know how it was constructed.

Something I'd like to mention is these guys are under NDAs for years.. not just for one film, but as the leaked pics spoiled, they've worked on two. I can't give away all the secrets of the magic trick, out of respect for them, their contracts, and the production... but I'll certainly help and dispel incorrect "rumors" when I can. :)
Silicone has too many draw backs. It doesn't breath, so it would get incredibly hot underneath. This cowl is also very thin. Silicone would tear, and or lose it's shape. You have to remember the neck has to stretch all the way over the head, which is terrible for durability in silicone that thin. We're dealing with an "A-list" actor... it has to come of quickly between takes. (The cowl isn't glued down to Ben, but if they decided to glue it to a stunt actor, silicone is also harder to glue.)

It was briefly considered due to the failures in the "turn" of previous incarnations of the bat cowl, but now that they have a method that has been proven to work? Silicone doesn't stand a chance.

This. Nice to see someone who knows what they're talking about haha I have a feeling the man behind this will give details if/when he can, he's a sharer in general. Watch out for future issues of Make Up Artist Magazine, people.
There are pics out there of the cowl and inside you can see something going on. The jawline appears to be somewhat separate from the rest of the cowl and some kind of material is in there.
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