Heir to the Empire Disney + first film

Maybe we are looking at a trial balloon for Disney's plans.

Like, they leaked the idea that they were gonna make the Zahn story because they are planning on making their own version of it.
I'm sure Thrawn will show up at some point in live action. The thing is that so much of what made Heir to the Empire stand out was the way Timothy Zahn plotted the story out so that each element fit in his specific story. While people may find the EU a bit dated in some respects I think anyone whose read the Thrawn trilogy can agree that there's not too much filler. It's really well plotted out and very little excess. It's not like you can lift characters, locations, or other elements like creatures/ aliens and expect to even remotely resemble the novel when they are dropped in randomly to a new story. This has been a problem with the Disney+ material that too often it feels like cameo of the week and pulls the focus from the lead characters. I know the MCU does this kind of thing all the time, but comics are a totally different medium and with 80 years of variants on the same story it sort of lends itself to a similar translation into the films. Star Wars is a different type of story.

By rerouting Thrawn into Rebels and then the idea that he can be placed all over the timeline and then having to explain away his absence during major conflicts of the Rebellion/ Empire conflict can be a problem. You can't just put all these elements into a new story and call it Heir to the Empire. I mean anything can be done but it doesn't mean it's going to work. If this article has any merit as to Disney's plans it's evident that they're just trying things to see what sticks rather than understanding what makes these things work. I honestly think this article is just a fan wish/ speculation. I'm sure some of the ideas from Zahn's work will be worked in but a straight adaptation is highly unlikely.
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I’m just wondering if it is true, I figured ahsoka series was going to be the closet thing we got to a thrawn trilogy
That’s what I think. I think the idea of a capstone movie is too much, but I think we’ll see some of the HotE stuff recycled for the Ahsoka series. Obviously they can’t have Mara Jade or a lot of the other characters, but they can make some crossover.
Well I thought we had heard some of the shows were building up to an “event”, although with Rangers of The New Republic cancelled or in limbo, I guess all bets are off. Minimally, I expect Thrawn will make his liveaction debut in the Ahsoka show, even if it’s little more than a cameo.
If I'm being blunt I really think the Obi-Wan series is going to be the real clincher in a lot of respects. A lot is riding on that show being successful.
I dont think Ewan would be very happy either..in the odd interview I've seen he's seemed pretty pleased with it (I hope he didn't say same about Dr Sleep! )
I'm sure Thrawn will show up at some point in live action. The thing is that so much of what made Heir to the Empire stand out was the way Timothy Zahn plotted the story out so that each element fit in his specific story. While people may find the EU a bit dated in some respects I think anyone whose read the Thrawn trilogy can agree that there's not too much filler. It's really well plotted out and very little excess. It's not like you can lift characters, locations, or other elements like creatures/ aliens and expect to even remotely resemble the novel when they are dropped in randomly to a new story. This has been a problem with the Disney+ material that too often it feels like cameo of the week and pulls the focus from the lead characters. I know the MCU does this kind of thing all the time, but comics are a totally different medium and with 80 years of variants on the same story it sort of lends itself to a similar translation into the films. Star Wars is a different type of story.

By rerouting Thrawn into Rebels and then the idea that he can be placed all over the timeline and then having to explain away his absence during major conflicts of the Rebellion/ Empire conflict can be a problem. You can't just put all these elements into a new story and call it Heir to the Empire. I mean anything can be done but it doesn't mean it's going to work. If this article has any merit as to Disney's plans it's evident that they're just trying things to see what sticks rather than understanding what makes these things work. I honestly think this article is just a fan wish/ speculation. I'm sure some of the ideas from Zahn's work will be worked in but a straight adaptation is highly unlikely.
Didn't Zahn write the he was out on the outskirts of things when the OT happened? It's been 20+ years since I read it, but he said he wasn't part of it, so that part is resolved. I thought it said scouting the unknown regions or something like that which is where the whales sent him - supposedly. Coming back with Ahsoka series, could very well jibe with where the story picks up with the book. Personally, i don't see it happening as it doesn't seem to fit with anything else they've done short of -possibly- ahsoka, which has yet to air.

If they go that route, i just hope they do a 'world between worlds' bit and they don't have to eliminate the ST, but just branch it in a new direction to follow instead of that wasteland. They can be there forever in the Johnson Timeline. :)
Reusing Thrawn, or Noghri, or Tantiss, in a new story is not the same thing as making a live action adaptation of Heir to the Empire. That book and trilogy takes place five years after ROTJ and so much of what happens in the book is centered around the fragile hold that the New Republic has on maintaining order in the power vaccuum after the civil war. I supposed it's hinted at in the Disney+ material but they would have to change so many things to even call it an adaptation. Otherwise it's just rectonning Thrawn into the timeline like they did with Rebels which is a totally different thing.
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I have serious reservations too but I do think they have a lot to lose if the show doesn't take off.
Obi-Wan is going to be a tough one, in a way, a lot tougher than BoBF. While both are established characters, Obi-Wan is a far more established character than Boba Fett and we've seen and know a whole lot more about Obi-Wan than we ever did Boba Fett so a lot more people are going to go into the show with pre-conceived notions about Obi-Wan.

On top of all of that, there's the matter that he's supposed to be on Tattooine to watch over Luke and to keep him safe. The writers are going to have walk a pretty thin line between staying true to that idea while still giving him enough adventures to make the show interesting.
I wonder if any of this Heir to the Empire stuff is seriously being considered? The thing is in order for it to work it would be "inspired by" and not "based on" because so much will have to be changed/ shifted to fit within the existing material rather than being a faithful adaptation of the novel. The other thing is if they are doing some sort of infusion of that storyline, will they do the whole trilogy?

Jeremy Irons as CBoath....

I wonder if any of this Heir to the Empire stuff is seriously being considered? The thing is in order for it to work it would be "inspired by" and not "based on" because so much will have to be changed/ shifted to fit within the existing material rather than being a faithful adaptation of the novel. The other thing is if they are doing some sort of infusion of that storyline, will they do the whole trilogy?

Jeremy Irons as CBoath....

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I kind of hope they don’t mirror heir to the empire.. they really can’t now. Well maybe I guess.. idk..

I much rather see thrawn in the ahsoka series and ezra play the role of cboath

And have ahsoka try and bring ezra back to the light