Heir to the Empire Disney + first film

The thing is though, who and what defines crap? As mentioned previously, Star Wars different things to different people these days. For some, Star Wars is the OT and the OT only, others it's the OT and the old EU, then there's people for whom Star Wars is the PT, while for a lot of kids growing up now it's all about the ST. There's just no way that Disney is going to be able to satisfy everybody and if they all of sudden manage to figure out what makes things not crap for you it might wind up being like crap for others who had no problems with any of the new Star Wars.
Which is exactly why they need to stop always going for mass appeal in live action and make content targeted to specific audiences (my apologies for repeating myself). It would be lucrative for them and fans would get more of what they want. Pair that with loosening the death grip Lucasfilm has over new content and it would allow for better creative risks to be taken which inevitably leads to higher quality content.
The thing is though, who and what defines crap? As mentioned previously, Star Wars different things to different people these days. For some, Star Wars is the OT and the OT only, others it's the OT and the old EU, then there's people for whom Star Wars is the PT, while for a lot of kids growing up now it's all about the ST. There's just no way that Disney is going to be able to satisfy everybody and if they all of sudden manage to figure out what makes things not crap for you it might wind up being like crap for others who had no problems with any of the new Star Wars.
For myself, obviously me, just like everyone else. I'm not really concerned with what anyone else things, nor should you be.
The thing is though, who and what defines crap? As mentioned previously, Star Wars different things to different people these days. For some, Star Wars is the OT and the OT only, others it's the OT and the old EU, then there's people for whom Star Wars is the PT, while for a lot of kids growing up now it's all about the ST. There's just no way that Disney is going to be able to satisfy everybody and if they all of sudden manage to figure out what makes things not crap for you it might wind up being like crap for others who had no problems with any of the new Star Wars.
The Big Problem with this^^ is that a New Hope satisfied everybody! From the 5 year old to the 70 year old. It was Universal...period!
We're just trying to re-capture the magic of the first one. Impossible:oops:
The Big Problem with this^^ is that a New Hope satisfied everybody! From the 5 year old to the 70 year old. It was Universal...period!
We're just trying to re-capture the magic of the first one. Impossible:oops:
Except it shouldn't be impossible. New people find Star Wars every day and the first movie is still generally universal. It just works. Why can't they do that again?
It all comes down to writing. That first movie had numerous drafts written out. At least four to my understanding, probably more, but even then it was doctored by other writers and the actors who honed in some of the dialog. I know I harp on about it but everything hinges on that key factor. If we've learned anything in the last 40 years with this franchise is no amount of money, or production talent can save a bad script.
I’ve long accepted that, for me, the OT was a special sort of circumstances with the right people in place that enabled lightning to be captured in a bottle. As such, it just won’t happen again. People certainly have tried and will continue to, but I’m not expecting it to ever be repeated. There have been the occasional thing I’ve enjoyed (The Mandalorian, etc) but nothing has touched the OT, at least for me, and I’ll be surprised if anything ever does.
C'est la vie indeed...but as others have said; Disney will not leave it alone and milk every drop (and inventing other stories) to recoup their investment when they bought LFL. Period!
Wouldn't it be funny if it All went **** up for Disney and they offloaded it back to George for Peanuts..
I’ve long accepted that, for me, the OT was a special sort of circumstances with the right people in place that enabled lightning to be captured in a bottle. As such, it just won’t happen again. People certainly have tried and will continue to, but I’m not expecting it to ever be repeated. There have been the occasional thing I’ve enjoyed (The Mandalorian, etc) but nothing has touched the OT, at least for me, and I’ll be surprised if anything ever does.
Yeah you'll never repeat the experience in this day and age of sitting in a smokey old cinema with cranky ripped seats a dodgy jumpy 35 mil print which may or may not be synced right till someone taps the usher to get it fixed.. but I'm being flippant ish..
I loved those old picture houses and the Awesome screens and balcony seating, it all added to making that movie experience..
Thats why I love the OG SW print.. with all its imperfections in place.
Films these days are almost too pristine and turned out at an unbelievable time frame..
Rogue One felt like pure SW, the sets looked great and despite knowing the outcome you could still get involved in the characters.
I think if Mando used a John Williams score it could be perfect.
I can see in fifteen years changing the music like they did with the ending of ROTJ .. it won't date well IMO.
George doesn't want it.
Peanuts might..
I really like the Mando theme itself but yeah I think it was a huge mistake to move away from John Williams' themes and style for the music. Ludwig Goransson is talented but I think they should've kept him on a shorter leash. Favreau apparently told him to basically just do whatever he wanted and I think that was a mistake.
I really like the Mando theme itself but yeah I think it was a huge mistake to move away from John Williams' themes and style for the music. Ludwig Goransson is talented but I think they should've kept him on a shorter leash. Favreau apparently told him to basically just do whatever he wanted and I think that was a mistake.
Any time the score gets more orchestral, I like it. That and a few isolated instances where the “space western” riffs work. Otherwise, yes absolutely.
I really like the Mando theme itself but yeah I think it was a huge mistake to move away from John Williams' themes and style for the music. Ludwig Goransson is talented but I think they should've kept him on a shorter leash. Favreau apparently told him to basically just do whatever he wanted and I think that was a mistake.
Yeah might have been nice to sort of flow a bit more with JW score..
Having rewatched the first season last week it does sit better once used to it..
Except it shouldn't be impossible. New people find Star Wars every day and the first movie is still generally universal. It just works. Why can't they do that again?
Well, I remember a singer song writer who never listened to the radio, afraid that he would copied someone else's song/words...Which is not the case with GL.
Now, we can argue that he was influenced by a lot of movies/serials/writings (Joseph Campbell especially). From that influence base came SW.
The Universal came from the Greeks, then Campbell who took the same bases to explain the myths/legends, human story-telling that you could find in every Earth civilization. The reluctant unknown hero battling the forces of Evil...There's a certain innocence in SW. A child's imagination full of interesting scenario/adventures that touched our heart and core.
I hope that one can, once again, grasp that innocence and show us that it's possible to please everybody...I'm just looking for the next "Chosen One" I guess:unsure:
Well, I remember a singer song writer who never listened to the radio, afraid that he would copied someone else's song/words...Which is not the case with GL.
Now, we can argue that he was influenced by a lot of movies/serials/writings (Joseph Campbell especially). From that influence base came SW.
The Universal came from the Greeks, then Campbell who took the same bases to explain the myths/legends, human story-telling that you could find in every Earth civilization. The reluctant unknown hero battling the forces of Evil...There's a certain innocence in SW. A child's imagination full of interesting scenario/adventures that touched our heart and core.
I hope that one can, once again, grasp that innocence and show us that it's possible to please everybody...I'm just looking for the next "Chosen One" I guess:unsure:
He was influenced by a lot of things. The point was that he took the time to study the material, to learn how to write a compelling story and create interesting characters and run his ideas past a lot of talented people. That wasn't true later on in his career, but the original movie, he had years to work it out.

Modern movies are just churned out as fast as they can be, using the same kind of cookie-cutter template as every other. You will occasionally see an indy filmmaker who actually cares about the project, but mostly, they are counting on the CGI to cover the terrible story they are telling. The reason modern movies suck is because most modern filmmakers and modern movie studios just don't care. Star Wars appeals to most people, children and adults. I know lots of people who never saw it until they were adults and they had the same reaction.
Well, I remember a singer song writer who never listened to the radio, afraid that he would copied someone else's song/words...Which is not the case with GL.
Now, we can argue that he was influenced by a lot of movies/serials/writings (Joseph Campbell especially). From that influence base came SW.
The Universal came from the Greeks, then Campbell who took the same bases to explain the myths/legends, human story-telling that you could find in every Earth civilization. The reluctant unknown hero battling the forces of Evil...There's a certain innocence in SW. A child's imagination full of interesting scenario/adventures that touched our heart and core.
I hope that one can, once again, grasp that innocence and show us that it's possible to please everybody...I'm just looking for the next "Chosen One" I guess:unsure:
George is that you ?
I thought you were banned on the RPF :lol::lol:
He was influenced by a lot of things. The point was that he took the time to study the material, to learn how to write a compelling story and create interesting characters and run his ideas past a lot of talented people. That wasn't true later on in his career, but the original movie, he had years to work it out.

Modern movies are just churned out as fast as they can be, using the same kind of cookie-cutter template as every other. You will occasionally see an indy filmmaker who actually cares about the project, but mostly, they are counting on the CGI to cover the terrible story they are telling. The reason modern movies suck is because most modern filmmakers and modern movie studios just don't care. Star Wars appeals to most people, children and adults. I know lots of people who never saw it until they were adults and they had the same reaction.
I agree..Once upon a time it could take three five or more years to get a movie made..
You watch one these days and as you leave the multiplex/Sofa literally get a tap on the shoulder with five more!..
In someway we just have too much to watch which has the adverse effect in diluting said content Almost numbing the brain to it..
An example is Streaming.. I love it and will binge whole series in a night or too. Then you realise you can't remember half of what you just watched, we did it recently with The Umbrella Academy which was great but it sort of washed over us!
Back to the House of Mouse..
How many series are they throwing at us... Im just glad my kids have grown up...
The biggest difference between then and now is that the Hollywood system back then was run differently than it is now. It's always been a business and always will be but I think people use that as a blanket excuse to cover up the failures of the new studio heads to recognize talent. When Lucas was writing Star Wars he was operating within a system that employed studio heads that could recognize talent, if not potential. While the studio heads may not have been artists themselves they knew when something was a good idea. Now the current culture of a studio is made up of a corporate culture that doesn't recognize talent and openly tries to squander it, or to push whatever ideology the culture deems as relevant, not necessarily in telling a good story.

There's a world of difference between those two approaches to making a movie. It is possible to create a financially successful movie while retaining a sense of artistic integrity. It's rare anymore, but it is possible. Just look at the megacorporation structure of any major studio and you'll see that the size of these places and the need to keep them solvent alone is the driving force behind the choices they make, when the reality is that it should be a mix of what will sell and what will people like. Just because something sells doesn't mean it's good. Look at McDonald's.
I agree..Once upon a time it could take three five or more years to get a movie made..
You watch one these days and as you leave the multiplex/Sofa literally get a tap on the shoulder with five more!..
In someway we just have too much to watch which has the adverse effect in diluting said content Almost numbing the brain to it..
An example is Streaming.. I love it and will binge whole series in a night or too. Then you realise you can't remember half of what you just watched, we did it recently with The Umbrella Academy which was great but it sort of washed over us!
Back to the House of Mouse..
How many series are they throwing at us... Im just glad my kids have grown up...
I don't care that they're making a lot of movies but it's just too fast. Half of them have a release date set in stone before they're even done writing the stupid thing.
The biggest difference between then and now is that the Hollywood system back then was run differently than it is now. It's always been a business and always will be but I think people use that as a blanket excuse to cover up the failures of the new studio heads to recognize talent. When Lucas was writing Star Wars he was operating within a system that employed studio heads that could recognize talent, if not potential. While the studio heads may not have been artists themselves they knew when something was a good idea. Now the current culture of a studio is made up of a corporate culture that doesn't recognize talent and openly tries to squander it, or to push whatever ideology the culture deems as relevant, not necessarily in telling a good story.

There's a world of difference between those two approaches to making a movie. It is possible to create a financially successful movie while retaining a sense of artistic integrity. It's rare anymore, but it is possible. Just look at the megacorporation structure of any major studio and you'll see that the size of these places and the need to keep them solvent alone is the driving force behind the choices they make, when the reality is that it should be a mix of what will sell and what will people like. Just because something sells doesn't mean it's good. Look at McDonald's.
I'm a Carl's Jnr fan myself...

But yes I agree, perhaps when Taika David Cohen gets his hands on SW we may really see a different take on the Universe..
Look what he did with Thor Ragnoroc!.. a flagging franchise washed dressed and sent out All shiny and new into the real world..
He even made Loki the power house he deserved to be..