Unlimited Run Hellboy Tooth Fairy (Dead or Alive)


Master Member
Update - I've switched over to a google order form to make it easier to order my kits. Simply click the link, fill out the form and send the PP. All information needed is available in the form:

theRPF Order Form for rgriesbeck

Now Selling!!

A single tooth fairy, either alive or dead = $75 USD + $15.00 shipping

2014-12-26.jpg2014-12-12 14.38.05.jpg2014-12-10 14.11.31.jpg2014-12-12 14.33.36.jpg
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Re: Hellboy Tooth Fairy (3D Printed Kit)

I'm interested.
(rest of hyperbole deleted out of respect and forum rules).

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Re: Hellboy Tooth Fairy (3D Printed Kit)

Yes please :)

Love these little fellas and love your work so far on all things Hellboy!
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Re: Hellboy Tooth Fairy (3D Printed Kit)

I'm in on the run :)

And guys as per rules... no complaining or anything about the price.. if rgriesbeck wants to charge $150 that's what they are... not an auction or a debate.. read the rules and be respectful please :)

would be interested when its under 100usd

I'm interested. I like Hellboy a lot, but I'm not sure I would go $150 on a tooth fairy model (a kit at that).
I think something iconic and chunky like the Hellboy comic gun, can garner a $150 price tag as a kit. The tooth fairy which was a cool minor enemy in the 2nd movie, I think you will find harder to sell at that price point. I think at $100+ I would try to make my own out of clay or commission an action-figure artist to make one for me (one that articulates in positions. Maybe a closed and open mouth interchangable head).
Gentle Giant did a Tooth Fairy Maquette which was limited to 250 manufactured, and those are pretty darn rare, but they occasionally pop-up on ebay for around $250-$350. But those are a numbered, limited-edition, licensed, official pieces; that are assembled and painted with a base (finished display pieces) and box. I wouldn't even go that high, if the person didn't have the box.

On the other hand, upon seeing a really cool prototype, I could very well eat my words.
Honestly, I collect the comic books even though I'm a fan of the Guillermo Del Toro movies, I'd probably be more interested in a comic book /MIgnola version. But I'll be watching with interest.
Re: Hellboy Tooth Fairy (3D Printed Kit)

Interested subject to the final design. Would be great if the body parts (head, wings, torso, legs and arms) were all printed as individual parts so the final fairy kits could then be constructed in a variety of different poses / positions.
Re: Hellboy Tooth Fairy (3D Printed Kit)

wow, was not my intention to start anything here.... so, lets say, I am in when I can pay it
Re: Hellboy Tooth Fairy (3D Printed Kit)

hey guys
i did this in zbrush last year, it may help to advertise;)... cheersHB-Fairy.jpg
Re: Hellboy Tooth Fairy (3D Printed Kit)

OMG! I just bought the Gentle Giant statue and I am still so in. I will buy one, for sure.
Re: Hellboy Tooth Fairy (3D Printed Kit)

Can you print the wings in clear plastic? I also vote for parting it out it in such a way as to maximize posability. This also gives it a leg up over the GG statue. Include some teeth, please!!!
Re: Hellboy Tooth Fairy (3D Printed Kit)

Can you print the wings in clear plastic? I also vote for parting it out it in such a way as to maximize posability. This also gives it a leg up over the GG statue. Include some teeth, please!!!

Ya, that was what I was thinking, clear plastic wings, definitely a tooth or two! I feel we could make the arms somewhat pose-able at the shoulders, not sure about the legs yet...
Re: Hellboy Tooth Fairy (3D Printed Kit)

Modelling starts today! Planning on making the arms posable, the legs will probably be fairly static so the little guy can stand up. Will update with some renders soon
Re: Hellboy Tooth Fairy (3D Printed Kit)

Interested, anything Hellboy I'm in. Just was playing around the other day sketching one of these.