Is there a Buck Rogers TV Suit

I'm in the same boat for a helmet. On the pilot suit though I'm going to contact a seamstress I've used in the past to see if she's up for tackling this project for the summer. If things work out I'll share the details / info.
Okay folks, I am way husky, but, if such a thing could be doable, it might be a motivator for me to pull it together and get fit for Starfighter flight duty.

What's the status? Where could we start?
Hey Guys - just checking in as I seem to have missed the initial conversation "boat" on this - I think ' Gee2' actually had a uniform made which looks damn good but I also think he's gone inactive as all attempts to contact him have yielded no response; anybody else manage to get this uniform made ? Its been a while since I've had the financial 'where-with-all' to start pursuing this hobby again and I'm really trying not to re-invent the wheel where ever possible. Would love to hear all the success stories (like, where you got the pattern . .. . ) thanks !
I have 2 original screen-used suit and pants (both man and woman).... there's a pic of my female Starfighter tunic here in this forum somewhere.

last summer, I hired a very talented local seamstress to replicate 3 copies for me and my family.
But it's been almost a year with no progress so I'm thinking about getting it back and finding another seamstress for the job.

I was not in a big hurry to get the costume since I need to lose about 10 pounds before I would even wear something like this in public... And they do fit very tight all over! :lol


Houston Robocop, are you still around? Do you still have the original Buck Rogers' suits? I'm north of you in Fort Worth and building a full scale Star Fighter and will need some suits to wear when it is done. Please reply back if you have any info.
A supposedly authentic Starfighter Uniform is up for auction at Hakes auction house. Only one day left to bid.

I was the opening bid at $500 but was out bid and don't want to chase it any higher since it is really questionable as to who wore the shirt on the show. I almost guarantee that it was not one of Erin Grey's assigned shirts. Take a look at it and see if you agree, that the stitching is wrong. On the women's shirts, the chest area body of the shirts had a form fitting taper seam that ran vertically from the breast down to the waist line, ending under the belt. This allowed the shirt to be more form fitting for women. The men's shirts had a similar taper seam, but ran horizontally from the nipples outwards to the arm pits. I'm no expert, but the one for sale on Hakes strikes me as a man's shirt. Not a woman's. And no size is given. Also for auction is a pair of white spandex leisure pants from the show, but they are not the ribbed starfighter uniform pants. Also for auction is a pair of mens white boots. Look at how tall the boost heels are. Who was the shorty that wore those size 11s.

Comments? If anyone ends up buying this shirt at auction I'd like to go in on it with you to analyze how it was made so we can, as a group start making our own costumes. I recently bought a nice spandex long sleeve, V neck, high collar shirt that will make a great foundation for the uniform. All it needs is the ribbing up the sleeves and add the secondary shoulder cowl.